Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Love (heartbreak) update

Another sad Love is in the Air event has passed and another thing to add to my heartbreak list.
First lets start with the positive report. Like the Lunar fest, I didn't have to run as much different toons as I thought I needed to to get all the tokens for the toys/pets/and mogs I still needed, I think I got them all in like 5 days running only 3 toons regularly with the dailies. So THAT part wasn't bad. 

I got an awesome toy, the Date Simulation Modifier, that changes the sky to four different ways. I love this so much! its sooo cool. I went to the places that I knew the sky does not change and set it down. The pic to the left is of Oribos. Sky never changes... but sure as shit does with this toy!!! Waaaay cool! I'm in the process of writing a story with this toy. If I actually finish it today or tomorrow, I'll put a link in here.

Two new achievements were added and I failed to get one of them. Feralas daily that you have to talk to people and give them gifts, I was not sure how to do them in the beginning and I should have read on it first. I really didn't think it was gonna be an RNG thing. Not only are the gifts you get random, but the Daily cycle for the quest are as well. and I think I missed one as I didn't check one day. I still needed to give 2 gifts to people at the end of the event. /sadness. Oh! and the achievement is not account bound so I HAD to do them all with my main.  Right is a pic of the Heartseeker Mana Ray you buy with 270 tokens. so yay I got that!

Bought two things in the Blizz store this month. The Twilight Pack.
Came with a Twilight Witch mog and the Twilight prowler. Both are the same models as the ones from the traders post this month, just purple versions. Also there was a murlock modifier toy. Makes you turn into a murlock... It was so funny! It sets out a monument and I believe others can click it as well. I might have to drop that in raids. 
Anywhos, for the Twilight pack, I originally saw it and thought nah I don't want it, but I bought one and sent it to a friend as a birthday gift and then thought fuck it! I need this too! I LOVE the color pink over purple, but I liked this mog better as it does have black in it. and I bought the matching staff in the traders post too so one of my toons will eventually be rockin this mog.... Just not my main. 

Alright NOW for the heartache...
No Love Armor Proto-Drake manuscript dropped for me.
18 toons
248 chances
= nothing
I saw 4 guildies get it and one of them got it twice (main and alt). The last day, I could have ran them all by 10am (the end of the event) but I really didn't feel like it. I felt so defeated by the end of this. Like always I will still try next year and hope for a drop, but until then I will stay salty as heck. Yeah yeah, I know I won't use it, but I'm a collector! I want EVERYTHING!
But really I hope this was not the case, but I was reading on Wowhead that people were saying that if you got the rocket already, it was bugged that the skin would not drop for you. I was trying to read if people had the rocket and still got the skin, but I got tired of scrolling. I really don't think this was an actual bug rather just people making up reasons for their shitty luck. Either way, I did not get it. Yet another person that religiously plays this game everyday, tries so hard and gets rewarded with disappointment and nothing to show for it. Such as life. Too bad, so sad.
Alright I'm done... I'm gonna go wipe away my tears. 
OK... ok bye!

Finished my story. Enjoy!
Love Event Adventures