Tuesday, April 11, 2023

April Update

Alright, we'll just call a spade a spade. I'm not keeping up with this as much as I want/said I would
Soooo once a month is what I'm gonna shoot for, but if I get more out in between, that would good too. Cuz I forgot majority of what I was gonna be writing about.
So lets just get to what I remember!
FIRST! AOTC baby!!!
This wasn't really a huge deal if I never got this. BUT we got it as a guild. Super proud of my boys. Very satisfying to get it as a guild and not find a pug for this.

We started in on Mythic the next week. Our guild progression on that is only 2/8 so far, but we're chugging along. Most likely not gonna push hard on Mythic, which is fine with us to be honest. New people we invited recently are making it challenging to have fun with our original crew, but! I guess if we wanna progress, we have to give it some time... we'll see tho.
I might not be interested in trying to do more Mythic raid runs tho to be honest. It wasn't super fun with the new people, but mainly my damage isn't where it should be for it. I'm mixing up my wording, I say "im trying a new build" when really, Im trying to get my rotation down. I don't think I'll ever fully understand how to actually play my lock lol. BUT I've come to terms with it, I do decent damage in my keys and I'm ok with it. But I still know im shit. Meh

Alright! Next is my Character plate! 415 IL and I broke 2400 rating baby!!!!
My boys carried my ass to this and I get to reap the full gear upgrade benefits! Super excited!
I had farmed so much valor ready for this. I actually still had 6k valor left over lols. I wonder what the conversion to gold will be for it come season 2. I hope alot. Actually they might not even do anything with it!... ugh! they better. I think I read somewhere what they did prior was 10 silver per point. Which if they do that this time, will put me at only about 600 gold so far!?!?!? WTF!!! Rip off central seriously!!!
Whatever... I'm done with this entry.
 Here's a couple pics.
First one is of a new mog I was trying out, but ended up going back to the original... It just didn't feel like Deadskully.

And then this one is of Farmer Chris. He really likes this mog, and I liked this screenie :-)