Sunday, October 23, 2022

Sunday Birthday mount Adventures!!!

Holy cripes!!! Happy Birthday to me for reals!!! Ok so maybe it's not a lot! but it's the ones I was really pushing for lately. Also, my birthday is tomorrow, but since I'm getting all these mounts myself, I ain't gonna wait one darn day just to legit call it birthday mounts! Ugh I'm so excited!
And this first screen shot is a spoiler of this entry.

Ok so, the previous post, I was whining about how High Reaver Damaris wasn't spawning. Well several days ago I logged on around 8:20am and he was dead on the ground already. The next 2 days me and a rouge are camping all day... yes I mean ALL day. We both were sitting on the same broken pillar, killing the other 2 rares that spawn at the same spot so many times. Last night I had enough, figuring I'd try at daily reset, I set my alarm for 7:45am, got my ass up, logged in and waited... OMG!!! 8:02am he starts to spawn!!! I was really hoping the rogue was gonna be there too, but no sign. I hope they got it last night after I logged. 
Nonetheless I was super excited for myself and my impending achieve pop.
YAY! Dune Dominance achieve! and now I just gotta farm Genesis motes for my protoform crafting... which shouldn't take me too long. I already crafted 3, just needed 2 more. Made me a snail pet and a spider mount and BOOOOOOMMMM!!! "From A to Zereth"!!! Come to mama my see-through jelly fish mount!!!! Cryptic Aurelid you are MINE!!!
I'm sure I've written about my Strange Goop woes before, but I figured what the heck... I got nothing else to do! I have over 3k previous attempts on this what's another 3k right? Weeeelllll, I don't have rarity anymore and I got my vendor yak out to sell stuff about a half hour in, cuz I forgot to empty my full bags before fishing so I didn't even know how much I fished till that point.
I'm super good at multitasking apparently... watching TV, playing a game on your phone, and clicking your fishing bobber. The drawback, you don't realize you actually fished up what you were looking for until about 50+ casts later. LOLS!! yeah I looked in my bag and was like WHAT THE HECK!!! I got the goop!!! How is that possible that you didn't even know you got it? I will tell you. You cast, put your cursor on the bobber, do whatever it is you're doing not even looking at the monitor, and when you hear the splash, you click... and repeat. Anyways, I was seriously debating on telling the people there at the lake that I'll be back with my lure to fish up Hirukon, but honestly, I didn't read up on how long it takes to get all the stuff that baroness lady needed. I mean cripes, if it took too long, there was possibility I wasn't gonna come back till hours and hours later.
Luckly, I'm a very self-sufficient person, and I look stuff up before I ask anyone. Wowhead always helps me, and I got everything in like 30 minutes. Would have taken shorter but let's be honest, I love dicking around and taking screenshots. So in my trek to collect items for my lure, found me in Vashj'ir. As I approached the portal in Org, It made me realize, I don't remember the last time I ever used this portal. Seriously, I could not for the life of me remember. But I blog about anything and I screenshot everything so it might be recorded somewhere, but I really can't remember. Anyways! lets go through this portal shall we. Oh boy! we're going swimming!
This is the only place that I see ever putting our swim speed mount to actual constant use. 
I wanted to find all the swimming mounts collection and bring them out. Sting ray guy, Catfish thing, Baby turtle, Seahorse fish thing. And I brought out my brand spankin new jelly fish but I already put a pic of him earlier so I left it out. But yeah, it was nice to see them in their natural environment. lols. 
But I made a mistake thinking the panda turtles were water turtles. When I brought him out, I realized he is a land turtle when I didn't see a swim speed buff. I quickly put him away as I didn't want him to drown, he even looked like he was struggling. 
Yikes this is getting long, let me hurry up with my story...
SO!, lure right! got my item from Vashj'ir.
Next, I gotta go Coilfang reservoir in Zangarmarsh and fish up some weird fish...
Then, to Nazjatar and fish up some other weird ass fish!
Finally, take it back to Baroness Vashj and she gave me the lure to fish up Hirukon. All I could think about was that I wanted the fishing pole she was holding. It was ugly and not amazing in the least, but I like to collect them. If I just snatched it and took off, would she have demanded my head? but I had bigger things to accomplish!
So when I was going back to Zereth Mortis to fish up my jellyfish thing, I was actually getting nervous. Like I know I have to announce the pull prior in chat so people come to help, but how do I know where to fish? how long do they stay up? how long does the lure last? what if it goes away, is that it? gotta wait a week? I worked myself up too much. Just screw it, wing in and if you mess up oh wells there's always next week... NO! I need this mount now!
I gave everyone 2 mins....
I popped my lure....
I saw the pool to fish in....
Hirukon got so mad and wanted to kill me so he came out of his underwater cave...
And when he surfaced, everyone blasted him to bits. That was prolly one of the few times that I didn't focus on killing the rare. I knew I was getting my mount so I just soaked it in.
The fact that everyone was there because I told them I was fishing him up, made Queen Skully come out for a hot minute, like the damsel in distress. saying "save me!" kill the big bad monster that's trying to attack me!
And then reality set in real quick, I was just a big ole nerd that just wanted her second birthday jelly fish mount of the day. No one was there to save you, they just wanted their rare kill, and loots and a chance to get the Aurelid as well. A girl can dream right.
Poops, at this point I was several mounts short from my 350. There are a few on the blizz store that have yet to get, but I didn't want to have to spend RL money just yet... oh trust me, I've done it in the past for a mount achievement and I'm not above doing it again. Also, I knew there were more easy mounts that I have not gotten.... so I went to find them and thanks to the ingame mount list and wowhead to find the vendor locations I finally got my awesome (but non-flying) Frostshard Infernal from the 350 mount achievement! I'm so happy!!!
It took me a little over 4 months to go from 300 to 350 mounts.
With clinicals and the rest of the school being about 6 more months, I think I will not be hitting my 400 mount achievement anytime soon. I'll still try to farm when I can. But especially since Dragonflight is coming out in a month I think most of my WoW time will be focused on that and not so much my mount collecting. I'm sorry Frenzied Feltalon... you will have to wait.
Oh geez, I dragged this one on way too long, but this was about mounts that I really wanted, and was so excited to get... and so excited I actually GOT! I do want to fish up the pond nettle next, I spend about 2 hours there earlier today. maybe ill fish more tomorrow.
And finally the 350 Mount Achievement reward... My awesome Frostshard Infernal. 

Friday, October 21, 2022

Busy WoW'in it up!!!

Oh no, its been waaaay too long since an update and so much stuff has been done. Sooo depending on how much I include I might have to cut this entry in parts as I do not want to make it too lengthy. And when I write an update, its all over the place cuz I usually write as I remember stuff.
Alright here we go!
first off!!! this shit happened!

296IL and M+1747!!!!
This will most likely be my cap. However, I've said that in every update entry and I keep getting greedy. But for reals this time, I believe it to be true as the only thing I have motivation to get is my KSM mount with a 2000 rating, BUT I'd need to do higher keys and I really don't want to do them. I slowly inched my IL this high by doing one 15 a week to get my 304 vault piece and low keys for valor farm to upgrade my current gear. I can't upgrade anymore from valor unless I hit 2000 rating(because they all 11/12), or do at least 1 15 key a week for my 304 piece... soooo poops this will not happen. I'm ok with not upgrading as in a month this gear will be worthless (completely expected), but this season's KSM mount... /cry. My low key valor farm was a small attempt to put on my big girl pants and actually find a group myself. I was always too chicken shit to do a key without my buddy. But I can see why I needed a geared friend as I noticed even in low keys people don't accept you with crap gear and a low rating. Kinda sad tbh... its fuckin 2s! just invite! they need gear and rating! ugh! but I digress.

Anywhos, We shall talk about my mount grind now. I am 7 away from my 350 mount achieve which rewards a badass Frostshard Core ground mount. I was disappointed with the 300 mount reward.. a friggen blue glowey panda serpent! WTH! it was such a blah reward, not good at all. Since last post I've gotten all the Dragon Soul mounts! frick yes! Was only concerned with Experiment 12-B as I knew my struggles with spine made me rage quit many times so the attempt for Blazing Drake and Life-Binder's Handmaiden were sadly avoided. Until Elo sent me a video to watch that made it look super ass easy... and what do you know, it was! I didn't take all my toons in there, but lucky for me, I didn't need to, all of them dropped in like a week from eachother, including the Pureblood Fire Hawk from Firelands! the 2 boss skip for that one made my decision to farm that one again real easy! I had Flametalon of Alysrazor since Cata but the Fire Hawk always eluded me, even when I was doing a full run. Fuck off Dragon Soul and Firelands!!!!! I hate you both and will never be back! and because the countless runs on all my toons in each raid, my mog sets are done as well. oh yeah and the Blazing drake was the last one I needed for my "Awake the Drakes" achieve which gave me my Emerald Drake as reward.. so doubly yay! on that one.

Experiment 12-B and Blazing Drakes

Life-Binder and Emerald Drake

Got my first Mawrat from Torghast! I want more and I do enjoy doing Torghast, but I hate going all the way over there. seems so far when you're camping a damn rare in Zereth Mortis (which I'm currently doing as I write this) I've accepted the fact that I won't be fishing up the Strange goop to make my lure to fish up Hirukon so I'll get a jelly fish mount another way... from the achievement "From A to Zereth" its turning out to be a pain in the ass... I've got 2 more achievements to go... farming for the genesis motes to make my protoform mount or pets is gonna be easy but I thought waiting for High Reaver Damaris would be easier... I was sorely mistaken. Shares a spawn point with 2 other rares and it doesn't even cycle evenly, Im sure the other people parked here are waiting for the same one... I will not cry.

On a nicer note, I do appreciate the ones that have the Hirukon lure and once a week they go and fish it up to give people a chance to get the mount, its not 100% for others but it's nice they use the lure. It gives everyone a rare mount kill and Enlightened rep so yay for that... If I ever get the lure, I'd do the same thing. 

Deepstar Aurelid - Hirukon mount drop
Ugh, I want it so much!

Well look at that, I think I fit everything I wanted to in one entry. I'm sure it seemed like I wanted to talk about stuff more in greater detail, but I'd just be rambling and it would be boring. Maybe I'll make another one on my newest mounts... we'll see... don't quote me on that tho :-)
Ok... Ok bye! <3