Monday, February 16, 2015

Love is in the Air and WoW update

So Love is in the Air Holiday Event came and went.
Sadly, I made no effort to push this year. Last few years I really really made the effort to run every possible toon through the daily holiday boss. I only have one 100 toon so only one was able to go. however, I didn't even run it every day. I think I only ran it about 5 or 6 times. Last years attempt and not getting my Pink Rocket put a sour taste in my mouth about my chances of EVER getting it. So I never made the effort to get more toons to level 100 to be able to run the holiday boss.
My passion for this game did dwindle a bit in the past several months. Life got in the way I guess. haha. Which is usually the case for a lot of people who veer away from their once beloved games/habits/routines. But unless Blizzard says "No more WoW" I will keep playing, keep pooting around Azeroth and keep making stories.