Monday, December 15, 2014

WoW bug fading

I know this is temporary.
But the title pretty much says how I'm feeling right now. My WoW bug is fading a bit. How can this be!?!?!?!
WoW used to be my life... fo reals yo!!!
My drive to do anything besides Professions and Garrison stuff is gone. I'm not running dungeons or raids or even playing with friends. :-(
If I'm logged on most likely I'm just parked somewhere.
I got so bored I decided to get all my fishing achieves.
It's something that I enjoy doing. Maybe because it's something that I can do by myself... solo if you will. Leveling professions, Leveling Alts, Doing Achievements. I'm not saying that I don't LIKE doing anything with friends, just that there's so much to do on your own but I NEED to do it.
I was asked to elaborate on "why"...  Why am I feeling bored and in a WoW rut.
I had no specific answer. Cuz I still find things I enjoy doing,, but then I get bored quick.
And then after all the time I tell myself I'm getting bored... I find WoW is what's consuming most of my free time and keeping me up late. I will find some mundane thing to do in game to avoid going to sleep. Just to be logged in, flying around, sitting in one spot doing nothing, watching Hulu or Netflix at the same time is comfort for me. In a strange way it keeps me sane. Yes I have a crazy imagination with my WoW stories and just the dumb things I think about and the way my mind works.
$15 a month is what I will pay to be content for the time being. I don't know If I would ever stop my subscription even if I didn't log on every day. We shall see.

Amani Dragonhawk scam?

So this morning someone was spaming trade trying to sell this.
I would LOVE to have this mount. So much so that the 111k that it was going for on the Auction house, I would have been willing to pay.
BUT! how could I pass up spending 30k less from this random person in trade right?
Auction House buying is the safest way. I really never go anyother way no matter how much Blizzard makes it hard for people to get ripped off.
But I figured to take that chance.
First thing that got me leery was that this was a lvl 1 toon probably used for bank/trades OR 1 shady act and then the toon is deleted.
So I gave in said I'll buy it. Person invited me to party and told to meet him in VoH outside AH. I opened trade and put 85k in the box and waited. Yes I was feeling nice because that's just how I am. Stupid, one might say but to be fair, I watched this person try to sell it from 85k and slowly went down as the hours went by. And then he closes trade and tells me he needs like 10 minutes.
Um OK? first off this was a terrible seller. You don't spam in trade, invite and tell the person to come to YOU and you NOT have the product ready. You have that shit ready, especially if you're a Chinese gold farmer that does this on a regular basis! Stereotype intended :-P
In the end I knew I really wasn't gonna get scammed out of 80k. BUT! the fact that this seller was not up to my standards of what an "In-game seller" should be, you do not get my business my dear.
I log out...
2 hours later I log back in on my Mage and see the person still selling it. then I see the person ask in trade if I was still there. LOL. Aww you lost a good buyer pal.
Then about 3 hours later I log back in on Deadskully and get this whisper...
Bad desperate seller
I never responded.