Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Midsummer stuff!!!

Midsummer Fire Festival is here!!!
I am missing pretty much all the toys from this event. It's already a week into the event and I have enough to only buy 2 things. I'm only taking Alexstrasza Deadskully around to do these. I was gonna take her and main Deadskully to do them but I really haven't been logging on as much the past week. But I have another week to fly around to all the bonfires and collect the blossoms for my toys. I really want the Hearthstone and the Set of matches. The set of matches looks funny... you just set yourself on fire and start running. 
I read some comments that if you're stuck somewhere, instead of using a hearth, just use the matches and it will run you out of where ever you're stuck, that is helpful. Oh yeah and the other thing I want is the flaming ring. It shoots a big firework up into the air. So as much as I know if I grind, I can get more, I think I'll just shoot for those 3 things.
I'll need 1300 blossoms, I'm more then half way there. Maybe I'll have another toon get the 300 one. We'll see. Anyways, but yeah I like the description of the matches...
"Set yourself on fire! For reasons!" that was funny.
This is also a good time to level your alts...
just reading this, I thought it would give you increased experience when you do ANYTHING that gives you exp... however when you hover over the buff it says you get it when you kill stuff. What the frick! hmmm ok I guess I'm not getting extra from farming. And y'all know I DON'T read game notes/ blueposts/patch notes... so I really have no idea what this shit does LOL.
Alrightee, and finally! 
I went around to make sure this World event stayed FULLY completed. I think they should have put more bonfires around the isle for is to honor and extinguish, but that's just me.
Ok... ok bye!

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Poking around on the alliance

mkay, sooo... I might be playing on my alliance server more, and I miiight be making more toons. Now hang on, it wasn't another warlock! In fact, I actually deleted a warlock and made a hunter with the same name. The next patch is gonna bring warlocks to every race!... I'm so screwed, and it will also unlock all the allied races! I'm super excited for that considering I did not unlock the Kul Tiran and the Mechagnomes the normal way. I wrote a whole crybaby rant about the Kul Tiran race unlocking failed attempt.. bleh! 
but here's a link to that rant.
Ally Boost done and I'm annoyed!

But anyways! So yeah, I decided to make a hunter because for some reason my alliance server does not have one. I took her to 10, got on my yak for the transmog dude and I realized how much mog for mail I DO NOT have! Geez it was slim ass pickin!, I need to really go mog farming on my other hunter. I think I might do that this week. Take my Hyjal non cloth wearing toons in old dungeons and raids. I'm not gonna bother with looking for what I want, I'm just gonna go in there and just be surprised!...
This is gonna sound so sad, but I'm actually very excited to go do that... ahh such a sad old lady.
whatever!... ok... ok bye!

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Druid farming

Ahh the peacefulness of farming... 
listening to music, enjoying old world content that hasn't been visited since who knows how long, so much sparklyness, so much gold I'm going to make from these mats... Ding!
... Wtf! how did I level already?!?!?
... 3K EXP!?!?
... from mining one node?!?!
Let's rewind...
Why are you farming for old stuff and not in Dragonland farming the new stuff? Gold baby!! This is where the gold is at... Its been like this for a good while now and I have talking about this before, but I hate the fact that my guild bank has dipped below 1Mil and I havent been doing anything to bring it back up.
Someone told me a while back, that I should only be concerned with gold if I actually raided or ran dungeons. And yeah obviously they were right. I'm not playing my alts for a while now, and I'm raiding and running keys with the guild. Babyskully is my Gold Mule... she takes gold from the GB to the mailbox then to Deadskully's inbox.  And that's where the other professions come in... mining and herbing back in the day were the only ones that made you gold. I'm almost at my 1 mil mark and I'll shoot for 1.5 mil next.
Anyways so yeah! getting back to the 3K EXP!!!  
above written 6/21/23
Cripes! I stopped writing this for 3 days and I forgot what else I wanted to add... geez....
oh yeah ok, So when I was farming I was getting really nice exp. But I had to be rested and I only could farm in the expansion that I chose the Chromie Campaign. Rich nodes gave me a little more exp. It was great! and I levelled so quick. I was able to take one of my druids from 53 to 58 just from farming for a short time (I should have timed it). 
Ugh! I'm so tired and I'm actually over this one!
I need to really try and finish them as I think of them, cuz notes and screenshots help me remember, but I lose the mood in which these topics pop into my head. cuuuuz, there's several things I wanna write about more but when I start them and I get screenshots uploaded, I really don't wanna waste an entry. 
BUT!!! I'm not getting bored I swear! it's just my adhd I think... yeah, we'll blame it on that!
ok... ok bye!

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

No Hyjal day

Ok not a complete "No Hyjal day", I did log on and check auctions and I remembered I hadn't done my Antorus runs for my dog mount so I went ahead and knocked those three runs out. I still wanted to play but just wasn't feeling my main. There's a bunch of stuff I wanna do on her too, like old achievements and world pet battles but I just have no motivation to. Before I logged I changed her mog to something that is a bit more suiting my mood at the moment. I didn't want colorful and I wanted skulls and bones. The picture on the right is perfect! I'm sure I'll get out of this mood soon and change it back to the pink but this one will do for now. I spent the rest of the day on Alexstrasza getting that Deadskully to 70. I took her from 60 to 70. Thank goodness for Timewalking dungeons! because it made leveling go by so much faster... Oh Snap! I forgot to turn in my quest for the 500 Badges on Hyjal Deadskully... welp! looks like im loggin back on to Hyjal after this.
But anyways... so yeah I just wished Alexstrasza wasn't such a dead server... I saw no more then 5 times someone typing in chat. And one of the comments was about how dead and forgotten the server was. lols. I only say I wish it was poppin a bit more cuz I'm cleaning out the guild bank and trying to sell old mats... it ain't looking so good. I mean on the plus side, it's quiet. And speaking of auctions, I'm doing the same with my Hyjal guild bank and I'm slowly getting my gold back to where it was. I went farming with my druids last week. I miss just flying around doing that shit, but I think I'll save that topic for my next entry, maybe I'll make it tomorrow...
I'm tired, ok... ok bye!

Monday, June 19, 2023

Is it starting?

 ...and by "It" I mean my diminishing love of this game.

Ok, maybe diminishing is too strong of a word to describe my current feelings at the moment. For the past week, I have not had the desire to play. Maybe it's because everyone I normally played with are not really playing anymore. Makes me sad because that was never my issue. I never had a problem playing by myself. I actually enjoyed it very much. You didn't have to worry about anyone else holding you up. You didn't have to worry about typing in chat. And I am someone who is aware of other people and when they ask a question in guild chat and no one responds, I know it's dumb, but I feel bad. What's point of being in a guild if no one is gonna respond and there's a bunch of people on. So I've been mainly keeping quiet and not really engaging until asked something specific... what's the point.
But who am I to talk about how people socialize ingame right?
I'm famous for playing hidden and not engaging with people on my friends list. I play how I like, and I know people are just giving me shit but it does make me feel some type of way when I get asked more times then anything "another lock?" I know I shouldn't let it bother me, but it does. You get the ones that say "it's your money, play how you want" So I do. I play hidden so people don't make comments on how much of a loser I am that I only like to play locks.  Alright so they might not even think that way about my choice, but that's how it makes me feel, and it makes me not want to talk to anyone no matter if they are the ones who made comments or not. I always say, I'm a creature of habit, almost to a detriment. Because yes, I'm not branching out and trying to learn to play something different and who knows maybe I'd be a good tank, or healer... yeah I laughed too right there... but anyways, then that goes back to where I say I pay to play what I like, don't give a shit what other people tell you.
When I think about it, It wasn't until I started to regularly play with people that I actually gave a shit about this crap. I'm like, shit just get over it, it's not that serious... and yeah it ain't but I think that's what makes me... well me. I give a shit where I shouldn't. I think about other people, when really I should only be caring about myself and how I feel.
OK then. I'll get better at not caring, and not letting minor ass things get to me. I'm not saying I'm gonna be a bitch, just not gonna have a conniption fit the next time someone says something to me that would have otherwise send me into emo mode. Although I say all of this, I have a really bad feeling that it won't last very long. I would haaate to go back and re-read something only to find that I tried the same thing, but apparently failed miserably. Ah well... that's just me I guess.
But aside from all that socializing crybaby shit, I am finding it hard to stay online for hours at time like I normally can. I usually have a bunch of screenshots lined up for the screen-shot-a-day (yes they usually are not taken THAT day) but I have very little to post. I usually was getting only the ones in raid. Which brings me to my other dilemma. I've been logging off after I start to feel a major headache coming on. It might be the fact that I've been staring at a computer screen every damn day for the past 4 months. General Ed zoom classes, essays, research and powerpoint presentations, and then playing wow, It must me doing something really shitty to my eyesight and brain. Anywhos, the dilemma being that Saturday I logged on for raid, but I quickly wasn't feeling good, I went to lay down instead of going with the guild. Maybe it is a sign that I should slow down on my playing.
We shall see... ok, ok bye!

Friday, June 16, 2023

Special items... not so special anymore.

Well let me start off by saying I'm gonna be a huge hypocrite here.
I only say that because although I am salty about Blizz bringing a few items that was once thought of as no longer obtainable, I will not pass up the opportunity to snag them up. This month take for instance Tyrael's charger. Mind you, I had got this back in the day. I believe it was from purchasing a 6-month sub when Diablo 3 came out. I was extremely proud to have this mount! It was super pretty and I did have it as my main mount on several alts even after I got Invincible. However my love for this mount diminished really quick when I heard that they were giving players a chance to get this mount once again. Super Salty Skully came out and I was so annoyed. Great! now everyone is gonna be running around with this mount I held so dear! 

Hold on a friggen minute Skully!!! How can you be so selfish! Yeah yeah I know... hush.
SO! as I thought about it, If there was a mount I didn't have, I would jump at the chance to get it. So really I did calm the hell down. Turns out too, the drop rate wasn't all that great. A couple guildies that were farming for it, did not get it. And I'm not just saying it, but I did feel bad. I think the drop rate was something like 15% for the first run of the day per BNet account, then 0.5% the rest of the runs. Sucks... Well it's the same thing like the Pandaland world boss farming, which I still need Sha, Oondasta and Houlon to drop their mounts. I only managed to get Galleon and Nalak to gimmie theirs.

I should get on the Twitch as they have been giving items on there. In this case, the TCG Feldrake was being given away late last year. Ohhh and see, I didn't jump at that opportunity! There is one its I would really really LOVE to get my hands on... I honestly don't even know why I don't have it. It came from Blizzcon 2019! You could have even got it during the virtual ticket purchase! Aww FML! I know why I don't have it. That was around the time I stopped playing when I was living with my ex. I just remembered, fuckin' shit! I had made Elo wear it and tank for me all the time with it on. Nothing makes me laugh more then seeing a tank in yeti PJs. Wendigo Woolies is what they are called. ugh! I want it... I wish they would bring THAT item back. The yeti pics are Elo's Hyjal warrior on the left and some random vulpera on the right. its so cute!
Now with the trading post bringing items back every so often that's also kind crap too. Cindermane Charger. Yes it was a mount I never got prior, as it was only obtainable through the refer-a-friend promotion/achievement and since we all know I don't have friends HA!... I did not get this one... Until this month's trading post purchase. I passed up the cute ass bee pet for that thing ugh!. BUT I also passed up the opportunity to put it in the freeze slot, I thing I put something else in there, I can't remember what it was tho. 
Alrightee, I'm tired and I'm sure I missed a bunch of stuff I wanted to talk about but I have a headache and if I remember the stuff I wanted to add, I'll do it tomorrow.

Monday, June 12, 2023

June Update

Cripes, I missed last month...
So much happened but not really having the motivation to write about it. 
Been studying so much the past several weeks and not really been playing as much. I'm home. I'm sitting at my desk studying right next to my computer. But I have no motivation to log on and play lately. Hopefully it's because I'm smart and WoW isn't my life... JUST KIDDING!! IT IS!!!
But in all seriousness, I'm really proud of myself that I've been trying my hardest to study and not log on.


Alrightee getting to it now! Hit 2K M+ rating!
Got my season 2 Inferno Armoredon. The boys saw I was close and took me along with them. I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna push higher. Is there really any reason? We can upgrade our heroic gear 5/5 so yeah there's no reason. Aside from portals, which really, I'm not lazy, I don't need it.
And like always, I'm still struggling with damage in raids. I do good single target M+ boss damage but I fail hard like a noob loser in raids. It's not my gear, I have amazing gear. It's not my build, I've been utilizing site that have top player builds. It's my rotation, it's me not understanding how to play a warlock apparently. I think every time I sit down to write, this is always the issue. It just really depresses me cuz I know I'm a good lock, I know what I can do, I've crushed shit in the past. What's the difference?... I think I know, I was never focused on taking someone else's build, looking at someone else's talents... I did what I wanted, what I was comfortable with. Maybe I should go back to that, stop crying and just get better. 
But really, I love my guild. They don't care if I'm shit, they still take me along. They don't care if my damage is below the tanks, they still take me along. Even if they think it... they never come out and say I suck. Maybe I they should. But really, no one is harder on this then myself. 
Anyways lets move onto something lighter shall we...
Last entry I put a pic of a new mog, I wasn't really hip to back then. Buuut.. I've been rolling around with it for about a good month and I LOVE it! It's pink, it's cute, and aside from my frostscythe, it's looks super casual. It looks comfortable. I wish there was a pink or black bandana mask for me to mog. And before you say "but Skully yes there is a black mask". I will tell you, no there isn't. NOT a cloth one. There's a leather one.
My favorite... A fish head. 
It's always brings a smile to my face. I think it's super funny and I'm super sad that I didn't even go down to the Darkmoon Faire this month to catch me more fish heads. I'll blame it on studying. I was even reminded of it from a guildie a couple days ago. And I remembered about it this morning... fail whale.
Next are pics are of my new parrot mounts.
The first is this month's Trader's post completion mount.
The next is Sharkbait he comes from Freehold dungeon.
The last is still one I need to go farm. You can get it out of the chests you need to purchase with dubloons from BfA Island Expeditions. 
I never really knew I needed them, but looking at the details. 
Peg leg, eyepatch, and the seatback has a pirate skull on it... awesome!
And my last pic here kinda makes me sad. I think it was probably my last time running with this guy... 
This sawtooth ate him.