Saturday, October 18, 2014

Tauren ---> Troll

Decided to race change. Spammusubi my Tauren Druid. I will miss her as a cow, but not liking the new Tauren skins. I wanted a Troll on Hyjal again and the new skins for the Trolls are better. I went around taking screenies for a future Deadskully Adventures story about the change. I'll try to narrow it down to a one part, but so many screenshots were taken it might end up staying a 2 parter. Meh, it will keep me occupied during my days off on Sun and Mon.
She's so cute as a Troll I think I might wanna relearn Boomkin and play her more.

Friday, October 17, 2014

New Deadskully... I Haaaate it!!!

What can I say...I wasn't thrilled about it from the start, and it's official... I fuckin haaaate it.
The new patch brought the changes to some character models and my poor Deadskully has been ruined. I am so upset and heartbroken.
I know the new skin has a lot more detail, but I loved my simple cartoony looking Deadskully. I don't need chiseled facial features and detailed bones on her decaying flesh. I wasn't thrilled about it when they first announced it, but didn't think I was going to despise it as bad as I do. With everything though I think I just need to get used to it. But for now I shall try to find a better helm mog that covers most of her face.
I like the new character screen backgrounds. Some of the races are better looking. Definitely NOT the Taurens. Those are the worst...LOL. I'm glad I'm not attached to them. I feel bad for 2 of my friends. That race was their favorite.
But anyways, I'll stop bitching. Maybe if I make new Deadskully Adventures stories with new screen shots I'll get used to seeing her face more and it will grow on me.
"What happened to me?" /cry
On a non "new character model" note, I did log on today and redid my stats. Re-gemmed my gear, but I didn't switch talents or glyphs out. I know the talent I will NEVER change is Grimoire of Supremacy. Thats the one that allows me to have a Wrathguard instead of a Felguard. If I retalent that then I won't have Dags. I will take the less damage in order to keep him. Anyways, after I did that I went to do the new Blasted lands quests. Shit died so quick. Like before, my AOE is pretty awesome still. I only knew that because a bunch of people was there doing the quests and as quick as the mobs were respawning, I wasn't gonna be nice and wait my turn. So I pulled everything I could and I know I upset a bunch of people. Meh, I needed to get this shit done yo!