Thursday, October 28, 2021

Scratch that hopes of my backpack

 Ummmm yeah..... So I feel like a complete idiot. Turns out I failed to read the details on my Dragonscale backpack. Yeah, so I hit 5000 corrupted mementos, HOWEVER!!!! I failed to read the fine (actually hard to miss RED print) that I needed get an achievement first... WTF!?!?
"We Have the Technology" achievement needs to be completed first... well what the fuck do I have to do now for that one? 
I have to complete whaaaaat??? are you fricken kidding me!?!?!?
I was so sad and disappointed I would not be getting my backpack anytime soon.

I have a crap ton of Coalescing visions and Echoes of Ny'alotha to buy the Vessels of Horrific visions so that's not the problem, but just having to run the horrific visions over and over again to get all the mementos I need to complete the Research tree... THAT is my problem. 
Lets do some math shall we:
3300 mementos x 8 more researches to complete = 26,400
26,400 ÷ 800 (average mementos I can get per run, no full clear) =
  wait what??? over 30 runs!!!... no no, fuck that, I have to do full clears now. I don't know how to get or do mask runs, so that's no bueno. Well shit, looks like I'll be farming some Visions this weekend. At least it's a long weekend for me. And I need to do this now since I start school in a week and a half, so I might be slowing down if not fully cutting off my WoW time.
Alrightee... Wrathion, here I come!!!!!

Sunday, October 24, 2021

New mount and better gear and random stuff

You know, I don't know why I was knocking timewalking gear the other day. It's a whole 30+ item levels higher then what I'm rolling around with so I really shouldn't complain. They're easy as shit to get, especially since this month is MoP dungeons, suuuper easy. I forget how much upgrades I got but it took my item level from 156 to 178 today... what the heck right!!!. I have one more day to run more and get better shit. If I don't run anything tomorrow I have to wait like 3 more weeks for time walking to come back, I think, I forget what the calendar said. Oh SHIT yeah, that's right and when you complete the quest for your first 5 runs you get a 225 IL gear!

Alright a bunch of stuff to report.
First off, I was pleased with where my damage was at. Not focused on the numbers of course, cuz it is nerfed timewalking and all, BUT just where my DPS was during my runs. Never at the bottom, thank goodness, and just held the top pretty consistently. Yeah yeah, I know... it's not a competition... most people are just running alts in there... You still suck ass... blah blah... I KNOOOWWW.
BUT!!!!!. be jelly of this bad boy!
Infinite Timereaver!!!!! I will be completely honest, I didn't even know this was a timewalking dungeon drop. I have never seen it around, and apparently it's been around for several years now. I'm always checkin out other people's mounts and taking screenshots and looking them up on how to get them. I love how his wings are seethrough, so pretty. Pokey tail will stab the shit out of you. I'm sure they increased the drop chances since, only because the comments I read was people farming forever for this. OR!!!! I'll just stick with Blizzard knows it was my birthday today and said, let's give this sad old lady a mount for her bday!!! Thanks Blizz!!!! I'm super not too sure about this but the dungeon right after I looted the boss and the Timereaver popped up again, but nothing was put into my bag. I'm gonna assume because I got it and clicked it into my collection it won't let you pick it up again. Also considering it is unique and you can't have more then one in your bag, but it does give you the option to trade with party members. Meh, whatever, I got it and that's all I care about.
I am shooting for the Black Dragonscale Backpack! After I took the screenshot I went into a vision, cleared the whole thing and ended with 2700 corrupted mementos. Sweet!!! Really I could have got this today with a couple more runs, BUT, I needed my timewalking, and those have a time limit on it. The visions I can run whenever I want. I bought 4 vessels already. I could have used this time while I'm writing this to run more timewalking and get gear, BUT I needed to write this before I go to bed, since I gotta get up early for work tomorrow.
Oh yeah and I was a sucker and I bought the Loungefly Dragonscale Backpack. Yeah I was a suuuucker big time! lol
but it's so pretty. Don't judge me mother fucker! I prolly won't even use it that often, But I'm so stoked to just have it... yay yay... another birthday present to ME! There was a lot of features to it too.
But I will get my ingame Dragonscale backpack and my RL Dragonscale backpack soon.
Alrightee, and we will end today with another person assuming everyone that plays WoW is a dude. I was "bro bro" today. And like I've said many a time before, I never correct them. It is what it is. 
Peace out all you bro bros!!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Sad days

 Hmmm ok, so I haven't really had the motivation to play a lot recently. I mean I started really good with wanting to do the world quest achieves. Logging onto Deadskully every day to crank out at least 30 to 40 a day, but since I hit 8800 several days ago, I hadn't done much since. I did my last Hallow's End achieve ( A Frightening Friend), 

which I really wanted to get done, but knowing that it will take me over a month to do the World quest achieves if I do 30 - 40 a day kinda took all the wind out of my sails on that one. 
I ran a Headless Horseman boss kill a couple of days to see if any new gear was added and I got nothing, so I looked it up and nothing new drops. So I stopped running that on Deadskully, but I did run it a couple times on Pinxskully and got a nice ring. But what really bummed me out was running a couple Timewalking dungeons. Mists of Pandaria this time and the runs were super easy as I, as well as the rest of the group ran these so many times, but what killed me was that I was the lowest DPS. I've said it before, my gear is shit, I know this, but the fuckin tank was blasting my ass in damage. It's probably my rotation as well, but I know my gear played a HUGE part in it. I was getting fricken gear from a damn Timewalking dungeon!. I'm still hanging onto my BfA legendary cloak and my Heart of Azeroth neck. I mean WTF right. /sigh. fail whale, don't fuckin remind me. And don't remind me about how the other 2 lock specs are better then Demo cuz I will fuckin cut you!!!! I really don't know why I'm focusing on my damage meter as I said I was NOT gonna worry about that or focus on that shit, but in all honesty, when you go from running dungeons and having the top DPS and having one of the top DPS in raids to not even hitting harder then the tank, I'm sure if the healer started whacking some shit they would have out DPS'd me too, it just makes me sad.
Ugh, I just need to stop being a crybaby twat and accept it. I am no longer the Deadskully of old, and will never get to that point again as long as I don't play on a regular basis. 
At least I can say Deadskully is CUTE. 
and it's our Birthday tomorrow so here is a picture of a nice cake we're gonna eat.
Happy Birthday to us!

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Hallow's End tomorrow

Alrightee, so tomorrow starts the Hallow's End events and I usually don't participate anymore in the Holiday events because I already got my Violet Proto Drake years and years ago for completing every single one of the Holiday achievements. However with all the expansions, they added a few more to some holidays. To be honest, I just saw them today. Hallows End added "A Frightening Friend" achieve. It's a completely simple one that you need to find Pepe, the little orange bird, outside your Garrison in Draenor and click him and he sits on your head... I'm assuming that's all you need to do. He's dressed in a scarecrow costume. Which yeah, outside the garrison?... that means that easy achieve has been sitting there 4 expansions ago? what the heck, fail. I told you I don't bother with the Holiday events anymore.
We'll see if they added gear on the Headless Horseman daily boss run. Usually a ring or trink drops. Cuz shit my Shadowlands gear is pathetic right now... but we won't talk about that....

BUT what we CAN talk about is my Headless Horseman mount!!!! 
I'm kidding, I've talked about him before...
But for reals... LOOK AT HIM!!!!
actually I see everyone with him now, so whatever.
He used to be my main mount... untilllllll......
I got INVINCIBLE's reigns!!!!!

OK that's enough....

10,000 World Quest achieve

 Oh for cripes sake....

Sadly I have no interest in dabbling in anything Shadowlands since I reactivated my account. Go get better gear you noob, I been telling myself. But I'm getting sucked into old content achievements.
I'm currently working on 10,000 World Quest achieves. When I started back, I was at 8,502 and since I logged I'm sitting at 8,752. I have only been doing them on Hyjal Deadskully, but it is an account bound achieve so I could do the same easy World quests on my other toons, but in reality, I'm fuckin lazy. I get about 40 to 50 a day. I don't do them all as like I said, I only do the easy ones. Usually the ones that I just need to kill one thing. and I only do them in Legion and BfA. Now if I had Shadowlands flying I would go do those too... But It looks like a huge pain in the ass to unlock SL flying so yeah... fuck that one too.

Today is my only day off on 6 days so I think I'll try my hand at other easy achieves. The next easy one I have my eye on is going around and /love (ing) some critters in BfA. sounds like fun. I can do my world quests and find these critters with the help of Wowhead. Yeah I'll go do that... I will enjoy me day off... well I always do. Happy Sunday!

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Back at it!!!!! and The Great Sea Ray mount!!!!

First off!!!!
YES... I did reactivate
Oh WoW, I missed it so much. Like I said in my prior post, I've been watching Mythic Dungeon Invitational on YouTube to fill the void in my heart for this game. When I finished this past season's tournament (besides the Global Finals obviously, at the end of the month), I went back to watch the previous Global finals and the Great Push aaaaand I had enough. I needed to poot around in game. Even if not to go back for raiding or dungeons but just too chill and kill stuff. 
After I let my account expire, I started playing Valheim on Steam (because of my brother Jason before he abandoned me) so I noticed I was trying to move around and smash keys as if I was playing that game. But just like riding a bike, I got my footing back quick. I quickly realized I didn't really feel like doing Shadowlands content. Partially because although my damage was decent before I left, I still had issues with my Demonology Warlock rotation. Meh, I'll figure it out in lower content stuff.

 I went back to Battle for Azeroth stuff. I was always greedy with my solo content Achievements. I started looking through those and noticed my Fishing achieves. I needed one more on the list. That was to catch that darn Great Sea Ray. For crap sake! I swear I fished for hours and hours prior to my deactivation and I got nothing. BUT since I was mostly paying attention to watching YouTube last night I figured I'd just go park at the Zandalar coast and clicky clicky.
I checked Wowhead too see the better drop rate percentage areas and Drustvar has 0.07%. BUT there were less areas where players reported catching it. Zuldazar had the most areas, but less percentage at 0.04% catch/drop rate. Well shit, I'll just go fish down by the harbor. I wasn't too confident as I saw comments on the post of people catching over 10K fish and nothing. To be honest if I calculated all the attempts I've ever made on this Sea Ray mount It might actually come close to that. Shit, how do you think I levelled my BfA cooking so fast.

Alright, so I cleaned my bags of all the BfA fish so I could keep track of my catches. I started at about 9:10pm. and as I was gonna call it a night/morning, at 2:14am BAM! I got that fuckin' Sea Ray!!!! after 768 fish and rubbish caught I finally got him!!!! and finished all my fishing achieves. 
So now my next dilemma... As I looked in my bag to click and learn my new mount I noticed my latest auction scan selling price for this mount was 210K gold... WTF! I'm super greedy with my ingame gold and I'm not happy with the fact that I dropped below 2 million gold in my main guild bank.

Ugh, decisions... I mean I already got the achieve because I physically fished up the mount, BUT! I still have the mount achieve sitting at 280. 
FINE!, I need that one too so clickin' it is... 281.
There are a couple I can buy at the Blizz store, but I'll decide on that later when I get closer to 300, I mean they are $25 bucks a pop and all and am I willing to spend over $100 on mounts?... lol, duh, of course I would!. 

Anyways. That was my little WoW update.
I live a simple, might seem like a sad, loner life to most, but you know what, I enjoy it. My life is not full of drama and depression like I see around lately. I know how to entertain and amuse myself. I know I'm super weird, and if y'all choose to read my ramblings, you know it too, and hopefully you enjoy the weirdo that I am. :-)

And Finally....
Here's Dags and I swimming around with my GREAT SEA RAY!!!!