Sunday, May 24, 2020

Friendly young lad

Started Sept. 26, 2020

Alright, the main reason why I decided to post about this conversation was of course because it's kind of a rarity. For a person to just want to help someone out because they want to be nice had me so curious. I had so many more questions that I did not ask. 

So these were the questions and speculations:
  • Why do you want to help out lowbees when you can focus on your own leveling?
  • Do you just hang around start areas finding people to play with?
  • Are you fishing for tips?
  • Is this some kind of scam?
  • Am I being punked?
Now, this was just the beginning of the conversation. After the screenshot convo, lets call this person a "he", asked what area I was in. I told him where and then I get a group invite. I just gave in and accepted. He comes over and I link the quest I'm working on, then he says he did it already... uuuumm yeah, being level 66 I assumed that already but figured he'd want to know what quest I was working on. Needless to say I pretty much was completing the quest myself just with a tail.  He made a comment on how fast I was killing things. Being 40+ levels higher then me I was not sure how I was going more damage then him. I don't level with others so I don't know how mobs scale if you group and kill stuff.
This was my observation: This person came off as someone slightly new to the game and rather young. Dealing with the gear he had, I understand people prefer to take secondary stats over armor (leather over mail) but this toon had no heirloom gear on. It's super rare to see no heirloom gear when leveling... unless, they just don't know.  What also threw me was that he jumps on mounts that require pretty good level 120s to attain. I asked "this is not your main toon right?" he said yes because the others belong to his brother.
More so I thought this was someone messing with me, he says he was trying to fly... oh no sweetheart you can't fly here. We're in the Ghostlands btw. This can't be a toon he levelled himself. I still had so much questions but as we still went along the "help" became a hinderance. Typing to someone slows me down, worrying about someone keeping up with me slows me down, worrying if this person is getting bored following me kills my playing vibe. I had to shut this down and I said I had to log. I was getting hungry anyways.
But I'm not a major dickhead, He sent me a Btag request and I accepted. Might regret it but I won't be a bitch... for now. 

This was on my only male toon on Hyjal. My Paladin Dagarad. YES I named him after Dags. I'm gonna assume that's why I got the "sir" I have other male toons on Alexstrasza all named after My beloved Wrathguard. 

Saturday, May 16, 2020

New guild... for reals this time

Me being a big guild hopper is no surprise so I usually get into guilds with really no expectation to stay. However I do still contribute to guild banks with gold and items, if I am able to, right off the bat. I mean I really do try to make a guild work. Don't get me wrong I really don't want me to "not feel it" when I whisper someone for an invite. As anti social as I claim I am, lately I actually do wanna join a guild to be social. Playing with yourself is rather sad in a mmorpg...err in RL too haha. oh the single life... *sadness* anywhos.... 
What guild spams catch my attention? new, small, helpful, friendly are words I look for. If they're new then they prolly only have 2 or 3 core people that already know eachother prior to making the guild be it from ingame or RL. And especially when you whisper, they take the time to talk to you and not just /ginvite right away like they can't be bothered to respond. So you know they're looking for quality over quantity. Most times I'll look at Armory and make my decision after that. I love armory. It kind of feels like Im spying on peoples toons, but I love it. I miiight have it as a saved page on my phone. :-P
So after you get your inv you can get the feel of how social the people are by how much people greet you and how much chatter is in guild chat. Of course with Discord, guild chat might not be as busy but they should let you know if they're on it or not. I take notice of the "grats" after achievement pops are said. Yes granted some achieves are small and meaningless, but the big ones should be followed up with some kind of acknowledgement by your fellow guildies even if you as a player could care less.  
So now onto my current guild. Oh wait, so prior to this one I was in a small guild. They were nice, but they also were an already tight knit mostly RL friends. I went along with them on some key runs and they were super nice. My first time and they were really helpful and explained stuff. But most times I was there by myself. I think with myself being a co-gm with the ex loooong time ago I really try to make sure to take notice of how much some one is trying to be a part of the guild and contribute. A good GM notices that and the result is a bump in rank. As much guilds as I've been in I have never been bumped up past the initial new recruit rank (aside from my own guild with the ex, and a RL friend's guild, but those don't count) until today....
Which brings me to my current guild. I figured I'd take one last stab at finding Deadskully new friends before calling it quits and bringing her back home. While still in the previous guild, I saw the guild spam in trade, whispered and got a nice response. Asked to hold off while I do some stuff. No one was on of course, but wrote a "Thanks... " in guild chat and then /gquit. Got my inv and got to know the two. GM is a girl and her right hand is a dude and they met on a FB wow site... awesome! So I was really the first recruit. Got to know them a bit and they seemed really cool. They both were really nice and chatty. Been with them for about a week already. I love the GM she is really sweet. Very cool chick that knows her WoW shit too and I love that. Not ashamed to admit she knows way more then me from what I gather. I might know more solo stuff, but that really won't get you far in WoW lately. Most stuff is raid this, mythic keys that, PvP this, group up for that. UGH! I don't wanna do any of it!! Anywhos! on a brighter note... I got my final guild promotion to Officer tonight I was so Happy! I might get a bit ahead of myself and I had to reel myself back in. Messed around with guild bank, but I think I'll leave it alone for a while as to not overstep my bounds. I was just so excited. I did tell her to stop me if I get too overbearing, which she said I wasn't. My opinion, I think that I was a good choice. Being on furlough right now and having absolutely no social life outside of WoW, I'm always on sadly. If not on Deadskully then on another alt. Hyjal is not her home server and she does have her main on another server and she does have a job and kid. See, who better then me?... nobody. 
Anyways alright... I'll end this now. 
Final thought... I'm happy with this guild... I think I'll stay a while.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Guild recruit... myself!

____________Draft started 4/2/20______________

Alright sooo I'm not sure when this feature came out, but what the frick! I loved it!
So long time ago (because I'm a loner) I made another account for the purpose of adding my alts to my guild. When I'd pull one out to put into another guild they had no way of coming back because I'd let my other account expire the first month. Then recently I saw someone spam in chat with a link that will recruit you without someone having to /ginvite you. You can search for a guild in guild finder, then request to join... then they have the option to accept or decline... then finally you have to accept. Ima feel sooo stupid if this was around since the last expac. 
Since finding this thing I have pulled ALL my Hyjal alts in my bank guild. So much easier then sending stuff to each other. 
___________ continued  5/13/20 _____________
At one point I had 21 alts in this guild. Now I say at one point because I pulled Deadskully out to join a guild. I know I've written about my guild woes before but after I finish this one I'ma go check my other blogs and see if I'm gonna be repeating myself if I write another one. Anywhos so yeah this is a super awesome thing they have here. So I did the same thing with my guilds on the other servers as well. At least I know this feature is here so if Deadskully doesn't find a guild, she can always come home.

I'll play Alliance for a bit... /cringe

Alright so at this point I shouldn't be cringing when I jump on my Alli toon. I've played her long enough I should cut that shit out. BUT! I still feel like a traitor everytime haha. It started off as playing her every-so often after I got her to 120. then recently when I started to get all my Hyjal horde toons better gear via the world quests and emissary dailies I figured to do that for Alli Skully because ultimately I do need to get her rep up for the Allied factions to be unlocked. then as I was playing her I noticed she was doing a shit ton of damage even with below 350 item level. 3 of her 385 Azurite gear were Benthic. 5 choices vs normal 3 for 415. I have all 415... well 420 after the last pop... in her bag to switch over when I'm ready, but I havent been ready. I will take the perks for the 385 over the ones for the 420. It kind of pains me and I know most people will frown upon it, but you know what I play like how I want. I will sacrifice Stam and Intel for those perks.
I was determined to get my legendary back on Alli Deadskully. Prior to this she was cruising around with a 290 back for pete sake... gross I know. So off I went. as I played more I really got to like doing new stuff.. Everything Alliance is new for me as this is my only max level Alliance toon and I have run through Horde quests many times over I can do them with my eyes closed pretty much.
_______________ Draft break___________
Since writing this it sat in a draft for a bit,,,,
Turns out that unlocking the Alliance Allied races is way harder then Horde. I've done all my horde ones and I've only unlocked Dark Iron Dwarves for Alli. I really don't remember Horde being this annoying. Maybe because I play Horde Skully alot easier then Alli Skully it felt different. I really don't know, but its making me super cranks. Got exalted with Proudmore Admiralty and so I just need to finish the quest chain to unlock Kul Tiran race. Which sucks balls because I have to do a couple dungeons and those ques have like half hour maybe more wait time for specific dungeons. So annoying, Especially since I'd rather be doing anything on my Hyjal horde toons better. Oh just suck it up!!! *pout* And I can just forget about Mechagnome race... It requires exalted with Rustbolt... shit Im. not even exalted with them on Horde Skully yet... almost there tho. I'll hit that tomorrow, hopefully, only a little more then 1k to go. So yeah I'm not super keen on doing that faction again... BUT if I want Blingy 7000 I need to do it with my DK. *cry* I don't think I'll get it to be honest... I still don't have Blingtron 6000. ugh!
Alright so pretty much that's all for my Alliance toon I to update on.... aaaaannndddd.... baack to Horde!

Monday, May 4, 2020

Did so much stuff

Since I last wrote, I did so much stuff, I made a couple of drafts too that I'll most likely get out in backwards order.
First off I started to play Alliance Deadskully again. Got her legendary back too and aside from Deadskully(H) those are the only two toons with them sadly. I'll elaborate on Ally Skully more in the other entry I need to finish.
Next I got my Druid to 120 finally... that makes 11. I'm working on getting her herbing and mining up. I love flying around and gathering. so first I started to level her as Balance, but I wasnt killing shit fast enough like I wanted and I always had to heal myself. So I read up for what spec is best to level. turns out a lot of things I read said Ferel is the best to level your druid with... I've never played Ferel and frankly I hate the whole idea of combo points. I only hate it because I never can keep up with it. when I play something new I'm a full on button masher. I got used to paying attention to my monk's Chi and my warlock's soul shards I'm always aware of. I know its the same concept, but for some reason combo points elude my tiny brain. I'm sure I'll get used to it when I play. Anywhos getting back to my Druid. So yeah I tried Ferel like for half a level and that was it, I couldn't take it anymore...  I switched back to Balance and things got alot better, I got a rotation down and stopped just mashing buttons. Now I can farm with no worries if I'm able to kill mobs around a herb. pew pew dead! of course I'm still gathering Azurite and gear from world quests to really be able to kill shit. I really jumped on her because I took her into ICC. Arthas still hasn't given me his damn horse. I needed another toon to go in there on 25H and heal dreamwalker. It was tough but at 111 I had no excuse not to be able to solo it. I would be so ashamed if I didn't get through it. now I'm gonna have such an easy time in there tomorrow after reset. I can take 6 toons in there a week. Would be more of course but I still haven't gotten the Azurite ability to cast heals on targets. So its just the 2 Deadskullys and my toons that can heal. I'm not confident in my priest so she ain't going in there unless she hit 120.
I started to dabble into my priest and warrior who are stuck in Legion still. Got the hang of my priest but not my warrior. I might have to revisit a low level warrior for a bit. Thats how I really start to understand all the talents that goes with the specs and stuff. Because I have to read stuff haha. I should really start, but for now I'm concentrating on getting all my max level toons to 420+ item level. Without doing more content thats the highest I can get them right now and thats good enough for me.
Anywhos. I'm sure I did a crap load more and I should write more, but I need to go shopping amidst the covid infested world.