Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Weekly stuff I do

Alright I think I've posted a checklist tracker before so I won't post the new one I use but I'll just explain what consumes most of my wow time. Actually no, scratch that, I guess I'll post it cuz I just looked back at the other one and it was totally different then what I keep track of now. That one was mainly around running all my alts through stuff, this one is all what my main toon does.
Maybe as I'm writing this, I'll think of more stuff I wanna add to my long list of things I already do on a weekly run/grind basis. I'll try to get some screenies in here as well to make it less boring then these already are ;-P
Alrightee lets get into this shit!
First is the Old raids I run. Blackrock Foundry and Siege of Orgrimmar needs to be ran on Mythic for the mount drop and thank goodness for the skips cuz until I found these out, I stopped running them a looong time ago. I was told Nighthold and Hellfire Citadel also have skips but I have yet to look those up so after I do, I might add them. Throne of Thunder and all difficulties for the 2 mounts I don't always do them. And Battle of Dazar'alor I go in there only to kill Opulence on LFR for my black crown mog. BUT! I know the G.M.O.D. mount can drop from all the difficulties, but I don't go that far. 
Next on that list is current Amirdrassil raid. My guild still runs it on Normal to have fun with guildies that wanna hang out, Heroic to help gear guildies and alts, and Next week dippin our toes into Mythic hopefully to down a couple bosses, I'ma have to add Mythic on the list. And Sometimes if I'm bored, I'll just go into LFR to practice roto or something. AAAAAAND! yes I still do the last wing of VotI LFR for my Rasz kill for the skin. My last group just went in there, no mechanics on either boss and still zerged the shit out of it with no wipes. I loved it! 
Moving down to my other weeklys. Hirukon in Zereth Mortis I obviously don't need anymore but I still go and get the lure in Maldraxxus and go back to ZM to fish up the Jelly for other people. Speaking as an achievement hunter this is a rare that you need to kill for an achievement and I like helping people that still need this. When I zone in I do announce in general that I'm fishing him up in a couple mins so anyone across the map has time to fly down. I love seeing people get the achievement after the kill... makes me feel like im doing a nice thing for others, and they have a small chance to get the mount themselves :-) Dreamsurge and Timerift I really don't do anymore. I've gotten all the cloth mogs and pets, but I still leave them on here cuz there is still some other gear mogs I need and for the BoA gear tokens for my alts. Researchers Under Fire I should just take this off cuz its been a hot minute since I've done one. Soup I do for the Flavor Pocket drop chance, they still sell for a lot. Superbloom for the weekly and the drake manuscripts that drop from the bags. 
The Dig because obviously its the latest community event to be added and I need a shit ton more fraggies to buy my stuff. Still need the mount from Oondasta on the Isle of Giants in Pandaland, and the two Mechagon rares Archanid Harvester and Rustfeather I camp and kill regularly. Recently changed my garrison building to the Inn and found out I can get a shit ton of followers by talking to the chick in there on the weekly. wtf! why did it take me this long to figure this out!
next sections is the easy daily dungeons for mounts. ZulGurub I got the panther but I still need the raptor and Vortex Pinnacle I need the drake. It pained me the couple times I saw people get the drake during keys... blah!
You know what, this is taking longer then I wanted so I'll try to speed it up. 
Ruby feast in Val I do for an achieve, I just need one more set of food to eat. Arathi basin I need one more mount. Dunegorger in Voldun for mount, Rezira in Argus for achieve and Skreeg kill for mount. Karokta for mount and the moth rare for a pet. BfA assult I still do for the Honorbound badges, I need pet and mogs left to buy, I got all the heirloom gear.
And FINALLY! World quests.
Most refresh halfway through the week I believe so I break this tracker in 2. My WQs for gold I must do. Only the high gold ones like over 600 gold. The Flying WQs because the purses can drop drake manuscripts and the diggin WQs because I'm still in need of fragments to buy my mount and mogs!
I didn't think of new ones I wanna run while writing this so that's a good thing cuz my list is long enough. I know other people who track their shit so I don't feel like too much of a loser that I do this. There's just so much to do and you know, sometimes I just dont wanna waste my time and go all the way down to some place to see if I did them. Or completely forget that I did them and end up doing them all over again for nothing. Well it really isn't for nothing... its WoW and it's all still fun to me. 
Ok im done... ok bye!

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Some random ranting and 30K achieves!!!

Frick yes!
I did put an update at the end on the last entry with this screenie, but I just wanted to officially put it here. I have a little more then this now, but I was too lazy to log in just to take another one.  I finally got my 30k account achievement points. I'll still keep trying to complete as much as I can, but I KNOW for a fact, I will never hit 40k. Thats just too much. I'm crazy, but not THAT crazy.

OK so, I play hidden a lot. Most times I play and I forget to put the thing online, and yeah, I won't lie sometimes I play to hide. Well... I was told recently what's the point to having people on my friends list if I just play hidden all the time? Why don't I just delete people off if I'm hiding from certain people. I have thought about it. And really I'm not trying to be a complete bitch I guess. But I'd prolly end up deleting everyone if it came down to it. kinda awkward if I delete guildies lol. They know when I'm on anyways who needs Bnet to see that I'm online right? Besides, it works both ways, no one messages me on Bnet. They won't even know I'm not there anymore. 
Moving on! I'm sure everyone notices those public crafting orders that come in with no mats and little to no tip. I'm not really sure what the senders are going for here. Or rather who would even craft these. I can see them being done by people needing their first craft, or maybe even people that are so nice that they want to help someone out. If they have no mats and tip hella well I'll get it. or if they have the mats and have little tip, I'll also get it. depending on how much crafting charges I have of course. I've whispered people telling them, id get it if they send me a personal order as it does not use my charges. Usually when I see people asking for stuff in trade, I'll tell them no need to tip, just send all the mats... more times then not, I do get people that still put a lot of tip, and those players imo are the ones that get it. respect other players' grind to level their professions so they can make things for others and make the profession profitable in the process. I know I've taken a screenshot for an example, but I can't find it in my screenshot folder and I'm really not gonna go find for it.
Next I wanna complain about fishing etiquette... HA! im kidding, not complaining, well kinda. anywhos... So if you go out fishing, especially in rare pools like Islefin Dorado or Prismatic Leaper pools, and you start fishing in a pool that someone else is fishing in... YOU are a douche. yeah yeah, its all fair fishing out there whatever, but I really respect and appreciate those that see you fishing in a pool and they just swim on by and find another. And the of course, on the other hand, when someone snipes from my pool the asshole in me does it right back to them.  So I guess I'm no better.
And Lastly... January's Darkmoon faire I did not do. When I say "do" I mean go and fish up my fish heads. I'll make sure I go do February's one next week... I NEED my fish heads!!!!! :-)

ok... ok bye!

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Heritage and my Achievement woes (edit update)

(update at bottom)
Nooooo!!!! my achievements were stolen away!!!!!
I am super sad... ok not really cuz I'd still grind the shit out of this anyways.
So here's the deal, Monday night before the patch, I was trying to grind to my 30k achievement goal. I stayed up to about 2:30am doing this. Eyes got heavy so I stopped. No biggie, I'll just hit this tomorrow I figured my Achievements will still be there right? I did not even think about achieves going away after a patch... silly me. So my armory screenshot above was taken after I logged out for the night. Sweet! just 40 more points to go!

Weeeeelllll, Tuesday afternoon when I logged in and someone mentioned achievements I looked at mine and WTF!?!?!?!?! it went down 35 points!!!!! This is crap... where? why? how?
I could not believe it and was so annoyed at first then just figured wtf ever, I'll just go get them all over again. My fault, I've had all this time to get off my ass and grind it so no one to blame but myself. Serves me right, don't wait you noob!

Ok so on the plus side, the pic to the left is what I ended Tuesday at when I logged off. Imagine, if my achieves didn't get taken away... I'd friggen have my 30k by now!!!! argh!!! ok I'll stop thinking about it... 15 more to go, I'll get it today, I'm sure I will. Don't be lazy!
Now on to more good stuff!... I finally got my Mechagnome to 50 for the Heritage achieve! 
All I need is my Kul Tiran. I deleted my other one that I never played and made a new one. I only took her 2 levels, so I have a shit ton more to go... ugh!
but achieves right lols.
Alrightee I think thats about it for this one... the following are pics of my Kul Tiran toon and the Heritage armors, I don't think I talked about before, but I'm sure I put in my screenshot-a-day blog when I got them... maybe. But here they are again :-)
ok... ok byeeee! 
Kul Tiran
Mechagnome Heritage

Human heritage

Orc Heritage


Monday, January 8, 2024

My Crown! and random stuff

I told you guys, mini entries right?!
So, here's some random ass shit I've been up to, and I'll break it up in a couple entries today.
I finally got my pink crown from Battle of Dazaralor... however! it is not the one I really want. I really want the black one we get from LFR. I've seen the black one drop but it was never in cloth. As you know, I don't keep up with prepatch/expansion stuff so when Blizz announced the account wide mog thing, I don't really understand it. Like, is it that when you pick up other gear mogs can you learn it FOR your alts, or are you the one that can mog it. If it's the latter, which I think it is, I really don't care for that change. Takes all the fun out of mogging your different class toons with things they can specifically wear. But whatever, I'm sure a lot of people actually like that new feature (if that is how it works) and thats all that matters right? hmmm ok
Next! I've been farming Islefin Dorados in the Fishing areas and I would just like to say I appreciate the people that understand how to fill up the area with more fishing pools and more chances of getting the Dorados to pop. Donating fish and doing the dailies fills the bar. When I'm there I always try to help out. With the Dorados selling on the AH about 150g per fish lately, I really try to keep the bar at "Rich". I've been flying around the Prismatic leaper spawns and fishing those too although their AH prices are significantly lower at around 35-40g per fish... still good imo. 
And finally here, my fun times farming for my last Winter Veil achievement, "Iron Armada". I needed my last Crashin' Thrashin' toy from this mob in Tanan Jungle. I had about 15 alts logged out infront of the NPC. Now I'm always courteous of others that are there before me when I log in. This screenie to the right is one of my druids I had doing this. Two toons prior to this, my pally was there waiting and this Alliance mage come up and starts to cast the blizzard or what ever this ability is, and I was like oh no you don't bitch... I know I can tag mobs quick with my lock and I wasn't sure if I could be as quick with my clicking. ok, Judgement clicking it is... Rare spawned and smashed that button and I got the hit! lols F off Alliance scum! looted and logged, and into the next one. Mage was still there and I was being spiteful. next toon was a lock. I send my imps in when I want to tag something quick as sometimes if I send my felguard or wrathguard it sometimes doesn't get the tag quick enough. Same, mage is doing it's aoe falling ice thing... spawn pops, and I got the tag... Muahahahaha!!!!! Now is where I decided to get this screenshot. My Druid logs in and I go off to the side. alright Mage, I've fucked with you enough, you may have this one. It's only a 5 min spawn timer so it wasn't that bad. Sometimes, I can be a dick, but normally I'm not :-D

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Happy New Years!!!

It's that time of year again!
New year rolls around in Azeroth and let's see what resolutions we can make... Or rather do for about a month and then stop doing. 
Let's see WoW resolutions. I'll try not to be Debbie Downer on here. I'm not saying I won't be mopey in general, just that I won't post my RL woes here and bitch about it. It's not a fun read I've been told. Wait wait, unless it's super important OR I find it funny. However, my woes are normally just funny because I re-read them and laugh because I'm trippin about the silly things, and things that don't really matter. Anywhos just sayin' I'll try to stop.
Aaaaaannd I'll try to get more of these out. (but I always say that)
And Resolutions for Deadskully..
Get her 30K achievement, be a better lock, try to learn how to actually do Demo lock damage, and parse in the green and not the grey... baby steps :-P
I think that's about it with the resolutions that I can think of right now. 
I'm sure there are several other things that I want her to do within the next year though.
Pic I added, another screenie of the murloc glasses I got from last post. the pic above is of the Trading Post NPCs in murloc form... ahaha
the right pic... Elo came to raid with us last Friday!!!! His Hunter, although the lowest geared we brought, kept up damage with the rest of us... not surprising, he's just too good. 
and the last pic, Truth is trying to help me with a Cata dungeon achievement. I just need two and I can't seem to get them myself so he was so sweet and offered to help. This is his toon all nakie fighing the boss I need. But we could not get the mechanics to work right for us. I think we might need more people. It's a dungeon so we can do it daily, but I just don't really wanna keep doing it.
But it rewards a volcanic stone drake mount... /cry
ugh, maybe I'll get it one day.

Okies, I think that's about it for this one...
ok... ok byeeee