Monday, January 8, 2024

My Crown! and random stuff

I told you guys, mini entries right?!
So, here's some random ass shit I've been up to, and I'll break it up in a couple entries today.
I finally got my pink crown from Battle of Dazaralor... however! it is not the one I really want. I really want the black one we get from LFR. I've seen the black one drop but it was never in cloth. As you know, I don't keep up with prepatch/expansion stuff so when Blizz announced the account wide mog thing, I don't really understand it. Like, is it that when you pick up other gear mogs can you learn it FOR your alts, or are you the one that can mog it. If it's the latter, which I think it is, I really don't care for that change. Takes all the fun out of mogging your different class toons with things they can specifically wear. But whatever, I'm sure a lot of people actually like that new feature (if that is how it works) and thats all that matters right? hmmm ok
Next! I've been farming Islefin Dorados in the Fishing areas and I would just like to say I appreciate the people that understand how to fill up the area with more fishing pools and more chances of getting the Dorados to pop. Donating fish and doing the dailies fills the bar. When I'm there I always try to help out. With the Dorados selling on the AH about 150g per fish lately, I really try to keep the bar at "Rich". I've been flying around the Prismatic leaper spawns and fishing those too although their AH prices are significantly lower at around 35-40g per fish... still good imo. 
And finally here, my fun times farming for my last Winter Veil achievement, "Iron Armada". I needed my last Crashin' Thrashin' toy from this mob in Tanan Jungle. I had about 15 alts logged out infront of the NPC. Now I'm always courteous of others that are there before me when I log in. This screenie to the right is one of my druids I had doing this. Two toons prior to this, my pally was there waiting and this Alliance mage come up and starts to cast the blizzard or what ever this ability is, and I was like oh no you don't bitch... I know I can tag mobs quick with my lock and I wasn't sure if I could be as quick with my clicking. ok, Judgement clicking it is... Rare spawned and smashed that button and I got the hit! lols F off Alliance scum! looted and logged, and into the next one. Mage was still there and I was being spiteful. next toon was a lock. I send my imps in when I want to tag something quick as sometimes if I send my felguard or wrathguard it sometimes doesn't get the tag quick enough. Same, mage is doing it's aoe falling ice thing... spawn pops, and I got the tag... Muahahahaha!!!!! Now is where I decided to get this screenshot. My Druid logs in and I go off to the side. alright Mage, I've fucked with you enough, you may have this one. It's only a 5 min spawn timer so it wasn't that bad. Sometimes, I can be a dick, but normally I'm not :-D