Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Last Shadowlands Update

Eww... like over a month since an actual progression update. I've had this in a draft for several weeks and just never got around to it. And although Dragonflight did just launch yesterday, this entry will not touch on it. After I hit 70, I'll write about it :-)
BUT I will show you what the frick I did prior... with help of course.


What the frick!!! I actually finally did it! The mount and achieve I was cryin' so much about and being a little bitch. 
Wait, let's go back a bit.
I joined a new guild, small but that's ok cuz people that are on talk to eachother for the most part. I enjoy that part of being in a guild and I met some nice people. Prolly won't leave this one for a while. I am known to guild hop a lot, and then eventually just go back to my bank guild so we shall see. 
Anywhos, so a guildie broke down my rating and keys that I needed to hit 2k. I honestly wasn't waiting for Elo to log on, like a fuckin creeper, but he happened to log on when I decided to run this and my guildie was on too so I asked both of them if they wanted to help me. I had to run 2 of my lowest Fortified keys to get this. Upper Kara and Grimrail ... fuuuck both of those places... I'd take Junkyard over them anyday lol. 
But YAY!!!! I was so happy... yeah yeah it's just another mount I will never use, because... INVINCIBLE!
but it was such a pain in the ass to get cuz I'm chicken shit and high(ish) keys scare the crap out of me. I know the ones I did don't even count as high keys but they're high for me so Zip it!
Along with my mount and achievement the 2k rating also gave me opportunity to valor upgrade my gear to 12/12. Thats was so satisfying, and I had a lot of valor saved up for it cuz I kept running baby keys... Mainly Iron Docks cuz I loved the shit out of that one. That one made me realize that if you keep running things over and over, you can pretty much run it with your eyes closed. Alright enough of keys!
Now for Torghast! I like running in there, prolly cuz I see it as a dungeon feel that you can solo. I worked hard for my ugly ass Mawrat, and I thought that was gonna be it. Then I was like I want the next mawrat for the Layer 12 achievement. Yes I realized I said Mawrat, because Im such an idiot, I thought the mount reward was a mawrat! At this point when I pushed for it, I only needed 3 to complete. When the achieve popped and I clicked on it, I realized it said Mawsworn CHARGER!
I went into my mount list, saw what this looked like and I was soooo happy! Mounted up... Its so preeeetty!!!! Ugh I want the other one that drops from the Zereth Mortis rare! But I prolly won't ever get it.
Next! I just got this Monday literally as DF launched at 3pm, I hit this achievement. The 25man I hit Monday and the 10man I hit today (Tuesday). For both achievements I was one short. the stupid necrotic plague one. Just like DS spine, I watched a video that made it easy. I tried for this before many times, but I didn't understand how the Necrotic plague debuff worked so when it knocked off, I thought that was it and I couldn't figure it out. but like I said, it was super easy cuz of that video. 
So I got both the Bloodbathed and Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher (yeah many years later I know... piss off!) Cool looking mounts, same model with a slight color difference.
I think I have like one more to do on the Glory of the Cata Raider... Ima try find a video on that one and crank that shit out!
Eww wait, I don't even know what the reward is for that one. Who am I kidding, it's an achievement, I'ma go do it regardless.
And finally for this entry.. a pic of 4 others from my guild that I usually play with:
Guil, Nez, Tripp and Rolo

Oh cripes, I know at the top it does say last SL update, but if I remember anything else dealing with this expansion, I will write about it... Oh who the frick am I kidding... I'll write whatever I want, whenever I want! OK clam down. I'm cranky cuz I'm tired...
Ok Ok bye!

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Toon Update!

 Alright so this past week, I was pushing all my Hyjal locks to 60. I have a level 14 lock but Im not pushing that one. I was mainly talking about the ones that were already 50. I quested half the way with some then realized, shit this is taking forevers! Que'd for dungeons and it was so quick. 
The Evoker only needed 2 levels so that was an easy 60. I couldn't get used to it. After hitting 60 on that toon I was done. They do crazy damage tho. Maybe I should just give it a chance. But as I do, I always gravitate back to my Demo locks. 
Hopefully I'll eventually get the rest of them to max, but most likely I'll do it prolly the end of Dragonflight expac like I did with Shadowlands. I'm sure it has alot to do with all my locks. like I enjoyed playing the other classes before when I didn't have so many locks. I levelled them to max during current content majority of the time and levelled their professions as well. I had everything I needed... pots, flasks, gems, gear, etc I got myself covered. But sadly that's not the case lately. I start to play other toons, but just knowing a lock is hangin out not maxed, I've been getting distracted. I'll take my Hunter to 60 next. She's only got 2 levels. And wanting to Pally tank I should be trying to play my pally. Ugh! I'm a lost cause cuz so much different things I wanna do but I can hear my locks calling me back to them.
Alright enough of Hyjal toons for now. 
And here is my 60 and 50 toons on my other 2 servers. Lothar with my Alliance toons, and Alexstrasza with my other Horde. All Deadskullys are 60 at least lol. There are toons that I wanna delete but with Lothar, besides Deadskully, the other toons are the allied races that I unlocked and with Alex, I have professions on them that I don't wanna waste it. Not that it matters really, I can learn DF professions and not have to work all the way from the beginning, I just thought about that now. We'll see tho, hopefully I'll get on the levelling. BUT!!! Dragonflight comes out next week! what the heck am I gonna doooooooo!!!!!! looks like I won't be levelling them ahaha!
And finally for this entry....
The picture below is 3 of my undead Locks with the dress I'm obsessed with. I'm sure I've mentioned this dress before. It drops from the Dogs in Antorus raid. 4 colors total, but I know I won't be able to get the one that drops from LFR, Its blue and I really want it. Unfortunalty I only got these 3.
I put Skully in gold from Mythic, Christine in dull brassy color from Normal and Babyskully in the red from Heroic. It was easy getting these as I go in there on all 3 settings for the Dog mount every week. 
Ugh! I love them so much!

Alright I'll end this here. I still gotta do another full update entry as a whole shit load of stuff happened recently. Maybe I'll get that out tonight, but I'm super procrastinating on my homework so I think I'll go do that now.
ok, ok bye!

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Pre patch woes

I will try not to make this a complaining post...
Oh crap who the frick am I kidding, I'm gonna complain and cry my ass off here. kidding I'll only complain a little. Besides most of my crying is because of out-of-date addons right now.
Maintenance today was extended past the original 3pm time that was posted. I didn't check prior to 6pm so we'll say it lasted till then. Anyways I also didn't really poke around a lot enough to have a complete opinion on the prepatch. This is where my dependency and love for my addons really impact how I like my game. 
First off, my bars...
I like to play with cluttered ass bars I know this. I needs all my shit right there for me to clicky clicky. And more useless toys and mounts easily accessible on my bar. That's where Dominos comes in. 
Ok, I started writing the above on patch day a week ago on Oct 25th and got tired so I stopped. It is Nov 1st right now and I decided to just finish this but not delete my prior complaining. I knew I'd just have to give addon developers time to update their stuff. So really my crying was just me being impatient. Now continuing with Dominos... Wow has their UI with the same capability that I liked dominos for. There is more to the addon, but I mainly used it for my many bars. I just literally came from Curse and saw Dominos had an update yesterday. I got the addon now, and went to check it, but something is not working right and I really don't want to have to figure out how to fix it. Luckily for me I got used to and really like the ingame one. 

Take for example the above screen shot. The above is dominos and the bottom is the ingame bars... It looks pretty much the darn same right. Don't judge the shit I keep on my bars dammit! I'm kidding, judge away, idgaf. So yeah... maybe I'll go back to Dominos in the future, but for now, I'm cool with not having it.
Next was Bagnon... I can't stand not having my bags and bank open on one panel. Don't split my shit up! I don't care what each individual bag has in there. Bagnon updated fairly quick but my bank part of the addon wasn't even letting me open it, so I had to disable that for a bit until I got another update today and it works now.  Pic to the right is an old Bagnon screenie I found (I was too lazy to log back in and take a new one) but my bags look just as full of useless stuff even still. If you don't use some kind of bag addon you're nuts cuz this looks so much better.
DBM of course, need... but you know me I love to stand in shit, so even when the lady comes on and yells at me to fuckin' move, I might ignore her 90% of the time. Bitch! don't tell me what to do, I'm castin' here!... kidding I know she's trying to help my noob ass. 
Auctionator is another must, I haven't been selling as much shit as I should be right now, but I need to get Babyskully on that shit ASAP... our guild bank looks horrendous!
Rarescanner I need cuz I like to go rare hunting a lot.
Details damage meter because I need to know that I'm being productive in a group. Notice how I didn't say "I need to know that I'm crushing everyone else in damage" because let's be honest I can't anymore and it saddens me.
And finally, Altoholic. If you're like me and you love your alts and wanna keep track of all of them while on one toon guess what, you can! There was too much screenshots I'd put if I were to show the full extent of what this addon can do, but let's just say totally worth it if you have many many alts like I do. Oh and I'm so excited that we get 10 more toons that we can make, capping us out at 60. I mainly use to see what's in my alt's bags and to keep track of old raids and dungeon lockouts when I go mount and mog farming. 
This is an old screenie but just an example of the lockout list for all your alts, and when I say all, I mean ALL. It even tracks alts on your other servers. How friggen cool is that!?!? I know I've explained and showed this before but can you tell I'm super hyped about Altoholic. AHHH!!! it's just so awesome!
Alright I'ma end this here as I was supposed to have gone to sleep 2 hours ago. Whatever, sleep is for babies and old people... Oh shit, what the fuck am I talking about, I'm one of those old people. Ok I'll go sleep.
OK BYE! <3