Sunday, June 26, 2022

Last week stuff

 Fricken finally!!!! This bow was kind of a pain to get but I finally got it! I have no mog to go along with it, but the skull is still cool looking. I need to find more stuff to dress her up in... ya know girl stuff. I think I'll log on after this and just sift through the journal and find some stuff I wanna get, within my shitty hunter abilities of course. I just went into Nighthold on Deadskully and I got some mail stuff that looked really nice, so I might start there. It had some plate that I need for Medelys too.
I was taken into my first Shadowlands key. Mind you I haven't been in a single Shadowlands dungeon. I made a friend in school, Daisy, and her boyfriend plays and was nice enough to offer me a carry in a key. Needless to say, as you would have guessed, I fuckin sucked major dick, and not in the good way. I think I was under the impression I would get a full carry and just stand back, look cute, occasionally poke at things a little, and poof free gear!

 I don't understand keys or how they work, and I had no idea of the dungeon mechanics. Like think of the loserest of the noobs, and I was it. I stood in shit, I didn't click shit, I got lost, I died like 5 times... there goes 300+ gold from a repair bill I won't get back. I'm kidding, I don't give a shit about the gold. I just felt horrible they had to babysit me. I was thinking, shit how did I used to just go in a dungeon for the first time and not be terribad. Oh that's right, shit before wasn't this hard. But I'll just chalk it up to, they ain't hard, I just suck now. My soul is quietly crying and crawling under a rock. I also used to run with a guild and that helps a shit ton. I think If I did get a worth while piece of gear from there, my "oh shit I need more" feelers would have been triggered and I'd want to do more or just solo que for dungeons just to get used to stuff that way. But I got a dagger that did not have stats that jive with a Demo lock. My current staff is better sadly which I got from the easy ass Timewalking chest. Then I went back to Oribos and saw the weekly quest giver and what he had. 265+ WTF!!! this time I did not quietly cry, I cried loud and ugly! I want that so much, but I'm not gonna run 4 mythic dungeons so goodbye beautiful weekly cache reward. /cry. But anyways! Honestly, I was very grateful he offered to let me tag along with him and his friend. He felt bad for me dying so much, but it was my fault for being so terrible and I felt bad that he felt bad... lol it was a vicious circle of "sorries" all around. Maybe I'll go day.

I've been draggin on this damn mount achievement. There are several faction mounts I can buy right now, but for some dumb reason I wanted to get this 300 achievement from actually earning the last mount, and not from just buying it. Soon... 

And finally... the latest achievements I got a bit ago was the Relic hunter from Draenor. Yeah I still go to my Garrison lol... I have read how to get this achievement but I guess I just didn't quite understand what I was reading until now. I saw Harrison Jones and he had a quest that I swear I thought I did already. I didn't know the last quest I needed had several parts to it either. As I was completing the chain I was like "shit I just wasted my time, I swear I did this one already" but when I went back to Harrison, the two achieves popped... fricken YAY!!!  Done!
until next time! :-)

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Stuff I've been doing

Where to begin... Lets start with something I will most definitely fail at. Getting my Dragonwrath staff from the Legendary staff questline. I started strong but I have since hit a roadblock and I'm afraid I can't get past it. "Delegation" is where I'm stuck. I read how to complete it, but executing it I'm having difficulties. I need 2 more stones, one I get from Bethilac I think I can solo, but the other from Shannox needs more then one person and I don't play with anyone soooo...

I'm having trouble. I thought having Dags would help because I'd need him to get put in a cage, but I can't have him attack to get aggro as he just one shots Shannox. I'll never get it. I should just forget about my wonderful dream of having my image atop Terecgosa above Grommash hold in the Valley of Strength with azure drakes flying around.
A glorious sight that will never be... /cry.
Another option is to take a lower level toon (hunter) with pets that get aggro, but that just means I have to do the questline all over again, and there is one part that takes 3 weeks to just collect all the needed embers for one quest. Actually even though Mishel is only level 50 she can pretty much one shot everything in Firelands. UGH! 
yups, it's done, can't do it... accept defeat and face the facts ya loser!

Alright moving on...
I don't know why I've had such a hard time with the next one. But I think I tried for it over 10 times (which is a lot considering it's a weekly raid lock and I only have one Paladin). Archimonde finally gave my Helm token for my Greathelm Crown!!!. Medelys finally has a pretty golden crown!!! I can't say much for the rest of the mog I currently have her in, but it turns out I don't even have a lot of golden/yellow gear to choose from. I really should go check what matches the pretty crown and go farm for it. 

Next, this one didn't take me long at all. 3 tries I believe in Mythic Blackrock foundry from the tram operator. The first 2 times I was an idiot and I went though 6 bosses before I went to the tram, but then I snapped out of my idiocy and tried to just go through the stable boss first to unlock the tram door. Lucky for me the shoulders dropped when I was on Leinaala my Highmountain Tauren Druid. I prefer her in her Heritage gear, so Spam will be using the Bug wings.
Now for my Hunter Mishel, I have her going to Shadowmoon burial grounds for the Bonetooth longbow. It looks pretty cool to me, so I'm gonna get it! but I've tried there about 7 times so far and Bonemaw still ain't givin' it up... soon though, I hope cuz Shadowmoon valley is a long way to go for one piece of gear :-/
And finally Zul Gurub for the Raptor and the Panther mounts. That one I understand being patient for that as they ARE mounts after all and drop rates are horrendous. I think I've tried for them over 50 times collectively on all toons. I can take multiple toons in there every day. But I don't park anyone there... I should actually. I take about 4 toons in there but I can and should take more... BUT this is where my time I spend ingame isn't as it used to be, so that is my main hang up when daily farming stuff on multiple toons...
I have a little more I've been doing but much like my playing, I will end this here to go study. Had term final last week, but still have lab final so off I go. 
... till next time!!!!

I just don't wanna do anything really...

Ohhh my crown is so pretty
can't say the same about
the rest of my mog, ugh!
... not a surprise, but I'm not saying everything! I have still not found the motivation to do any current content still.  All I've been doing is farming, AH selling and going on mog runs. It might have a tiny bit to do with my lack of confidence to pick up dungeon and raid mechanics. I take direction good but learning it myself, I just don't put any effort into it. And not making the attempt isn't helping one bit. It's been a long drop since my days of crushing shit in MoP. Oh how I have fallen. However!!! I'm still enjoying the game and my shitty gear and very limited abilities. I no longer spend hours and hours ingame with many sleepless nights. 

On that note, this is what I am currently up to and what I have done since the last post...

3 levels from gathering profs
- I have not made any more locks... shocker!!!!
- I have not levelled anymore toons to 60
- I have not been on my Alliance server
- I took one of my druids to 53 by way of mining and herbing exp LOLs
- I have been levelling Skullÿ slowly with no loom gear
- I got my bug wings shoulder mog for my druids from Blackrock foundry in 3 tries
- I finally got my crown mog from Mt Hyjal for my pally

Bug Wings!!!!!
There is more stuff I've been doing, but I'll make a separate post for that soon and go into detail more with stuff I've done and am currently working on.
Actually I said I'd keep up with this the last time, but I haven't... so I don't wanna lie again lol. Nevermind I'm gonna go make it right now soooo hey, I won't be a liar after all :-P