Thursday, November 12, 2020

32 maxed toons!


You know what, I seriously need to stop... but I can't. I have an addiction. A completely harmless addiction. All these toon posts are just proving how much of a loser with no life I am. lol 
Alright look, all I do is go to work, go to school, and play WoW. And it's not a result of covid either, I'd do this even though there was no friggen plague out there. I mean as evidence of everything I'm doing in my blogs. It might be not as sad if I actually played with other people, but I really don't. Everyone has either stopped playing altogether, or is waiting for Shadowlands to come out... which is at the end of this month, so hopefully I won't be so lonely... /sadness. HAHA!
But I really don't need anyone to enjoy myself ingame, everyone knows that. I always find something to do, and someway to entertain myself. Maybe I'm drinking alone on the other side of this keyboard, waiting for my fingers to get all tingly, giggling at weirdo random things I think about in my head, wishing I had some Winchell's doughnuts infront of me. ugh! I want doughnuts... or a cake... mmm cake.
Anywhos, way off track. So yeah after my last post and edit adding another lvl 50, I took another 5 toons to 50... They all were 40 already so the next 10 level trek wasn't very hard. I figured to take advantage of the Anniversary 16% buff, I levelled most of them during Darkmoon faire after riding the XP buff coaster, and all my heirlooms for my locks are upgraded fully. I don't have hunter looms fully upgraded so it took a tiny bit longer, but she kills things fast so it went super quick as well. Next I'm working on 2 Pallys, one on Hyjal and one on Alexstrasza. And crap I gotta go upgrade some plate gear. 
Alright and my fingers are getting tingly, gonna shut up now and go eat some chocolate like a fat girl.
Oh yeah, and check this shit out! my brother came home with this friggen cup from Carl's Jr.!!! I gotta go see if they have different designs... and of course I'm currently using it for my booze.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

26 maxed toons

Here's all my maxed toons as of today 10/29/20
26 total... and yeah yeah, majority of them are locks lol... shut up.
I think I should take a break from levelling toons for a bit...
Hmmm, maybe... we'll see. 
I didn't realize until I was fixing the pic that I didn't pull my 35 lock out of the top list and I didn't wanna go back in and take another screenshot so its in here. 
I'm a sad lonely, crazy WoW girl, what can I say. 
Anywhos... normally I'd work on professions, working the AH and focus on gearing them up but since Shadowlands is coming out in a month and all this gear is gonna mean shit, I just decided to play my other toons... and make new ones for what reason, I don't know. I love to level toons, and I love to play locks!!!! and I love to kill shit.
Has Skada updated their shit yet? cuz I'm running with no damage meter and I need it back! Ugh they prolly did and I just didn't go check... ima go do that now.  :-)

Update 10/30/20
Well shit I guess I lied... Took another lock to 50 today
It's a sickness I tell ya. That makes 27.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

New toon and Update


Alright sooooo....
Why did I make this toon? Another undead lock... I was actually searching for info seeing if Blizzard extended the toon per account cap... it currently is sitting at 50 I believe and I'm almost maxed. But I ended up stumbling upon pics of other player's toons and that they caption it "now I can make a character that looks like me" so I went on Lothar and tried it out... Well there is no options or combination of options that I was satisfied when I tried to make me out of a human Alliance. No Hawaiian Japanese girl features or something similar to my liking. There was no body type option, just a round face. But if I wanted to make it body specific, I think a Kul Tiran would be better for me, BUT I don't have that race unlocked... whatever!... but I did make the new alliance toon and that's when I saw there was a new starting zone, Exile's Reach. Well shit! I need to try this place out, buuuuut... I wasn't feelin' the Alliance that night, so I went back to Hyjal and made Skully... I love her so much! She is so pretty. I played and I played and I got her to 30 the first day. I know it's possible to max a toon in less then a day, but I had work and school studies which cut into my Wow time. Got her to 42 the second day, then 50 today. This toon makes 21 max level toons... Which to be honest I though I had more, but then I remembered my Zandalari troll and Void elf I just took to 110 to get the heritage. Since the pre-expansion patch update, from now until the expac launch if you gonna work on the heritage you need to max out your toon to 50 to get the heritage. ugh. I actually should have been working on my Dark Iron ally lock. Although I can crush shit with my demo locks, the alliance quests do take me longer because I've only done them on one toon, so knowing where to go for them requires my map... I know the horde quests by heart, I mean come on... I've done them 20+ times over.

Anywhos... I have 4 partially started drafts I have sitting since July. July is when I started back at work and August is when I started school... This next week I only have school because I requested off work for my birthday... Not going anywhere, just wanted a break... work sucks balls right now. So maybe I'll actually get those posted... It will just be repeating in more detail of what I just briefly said in this entry about my toons... heritage, alts... nothing exciting, but since I started them and put screenies, I really don't wanna just delete it.

Now here is just a screenshot of my top current Alliance. I might work on these toons the next week until the expac launches. We'll see actually, cuz I always say I'll play them more and I never do lol..
fail whale!!!

Monday, July 20, 2020


Why wouldn't I have Deadskully's on all my servers?
Here's the criteria for all my Deadskullys:
  • They will always be Demonology spec
  • They will always have the same weapon transmog (Frost Scythe for staff mog, and dual purple star wands for main and off hand)
  • They will always wear the White linen Robe (Its a simple dress)
  • They will always wear the White Bandit mask (because the Undead face isn't to my liking anymore)
  • Feet, shoulders, hands, bracers, belt are always hidden.
  • Undead will always have purple pigtails(human can't have pigtails)
  • They will always have a Wrathguard (Glyph of Wrathguard)

Besides Hyjal Skully I dabble on the other two and gear them more then my other alts. They are the leaders on the other servers and I need one strong toon to possibly have a successful server per my standards (which isn't very high).  
 A while ago, when I had 4 other accounts, I had made a bunch more Deadskullys on other servers just to lock the name so no one else can use it. A couple years ago there were two others with the name that did not belong to me. Who ever had it either deleted the toons or no longer plays the game. When I look on Armory now the only 3 are mine. Good, the way it should be. It's not a common, clever, or even highly sought after name so I really shouldn't worry about it. But for some selfish reason I do. 
Hyjal Deadskully has always been my main and she will always be my main. She's simple, she's cute, she's sweet, but piss her off and she will make you regret it. She is not vindictive and does not hold grudges, but her minions will hunt you down to no ends if you mess with her. She has friends, but prefers to keep to herself, with the exception of Dags. I take a lot of that into my RL. I like to think She is a lot like me. The crazy in me feels she is me. I spent a lot of my time playing WoW. I've spend a lot of time with her. She's helped me through really hard times and made me forget RL shit. I know this kind of stuff is not uncommon and a lot of people go through this and find WoW to be an outlet. I have never found someone who plays like me. I would shit myself I ever found someone like that. Not only the amount of time, but also how I play. I like the chatty social part but I also like the solo quietness.  I have no life I guess. Oh well. It keeps me company in a very lonely, hate filled world. However with getting called back to work and starting school in a month I think my time will be very limited. I will play, but obviously not as often as my Covid lockdown play time.
Thank you WoW and Deadskully for everything.
Shameless selfie... Did I mention my name is Skully.
Yes people call me that in RL <3

Sunday, July 19, 2020

So many LOCKS!!!!

Alright! so I know I have wrote about my toons as a whole many times but I don't think I focused on Locks specifically. So here it is.
Hyjal has my least amount of locks but all of them are 120. Aww crap nevermind I do have Killerskully at 66. Well I will most likely delete her in the near future so she doesn't count(I'm actually too lazy to go take another screenshot right now). [Edit: I did take another screenshot] She is just however holding onto my second bank guild at the moment with most of my other alts in my main bank guild. I've written about Hyjal toons many times over so I won't really repeat myself here further.
Lothar, from my previous post, is now my Alliance server, as seen of my deletion of 3 Horde toons, 2 of them being locks. My Locks on here were made because I wanted to see what Alliance stuff had around. For a really long time I had no Alliance toons because I was loyal to the Horde and felt I'd be a traitor if I played alliance as well haha. Although low level, they are not new. I've had them sitting forever at these levels (well besides my Void elf, she's fairly new). Longer then some Hyjal locks. But because they are Alliance I just don't play them very much. I will get around to it one day, maybe. 
Alexstrasza Locks... Now these are toons that were made because I felt the itch to level locks. I always go through spats of wanting to level a lock from level 1 and I can level them fairly quickly, heirlooms aside. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with the fact that I play Horde 99% of the time and I know where to go for the quests and I don't have to read the quests or look at my map to see what area the quests need to be completed. I am more comfortable questing as opposed to running dungeons. And I prefer to quest solo and play at my own pace. People tend to brb a lot and that slows me down. I mean don't get me wrong, I ain't saying I'm a machine and I don't take pee breaks or anything but that's just another reason why I like to play solo I guess. I do what I want, when I want and have no obligations to wait or be waited on.
Alright and that's all my Locks as of now. I'm sure there will more made. Especially come Shadowlands when the new Allied races come.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Heritage Armor so far

So far these are the Heritage armor I've collected.
From what I've read, which is not much, come Shadowlands, they'll give us more race Heritage armor. YaY! I don't like to see what heritage looks like before I unlock it, I like to be surprised.
Not much explaining with these, just mainly here for the screenshots.
Blood elf Heritage. I got this first. I unlocked it with my Bloof Elf Hunter Mishel. I had no idea what I was questing for, I just went through it all. And maybe like the second to the last quest I looked at WoWhead and saw what the heck I was working towards. After the first one, I needed to work for the rest. I mean, come on!,,, Its transmog, I love it!
I love that The Highmountain tauren have the totems on the back. So burly and such a cool looking set. I was having trouble finding a Staff that matches. but I found one. looks pretty yeah I just made that a word. 
Nightborne Hertiage was pretty. She is a lock so I got her up real quick when I pushed. Mogged a book in her offhand. I like the mog.
I love my little Vulpera, however I'm not too excited about this. I think the only thing I like is the little backpack that they have. Couldn't really find a wand to match and the offhand as a friggen leg of ham. She's a lock as well but she was my next heritage armor I unlocked and I levelled her as Destro, so it wasn't as fast as Moon, due to relearning how to play a destro lock. But like always I learned quick. 
Zandalari Troll is a Mage. I usually play Frost. Christene is my Frost mage that I'm very familiar with. Fire was a spec that is supposed to be the better out of the 3 but I have never played fire until now, it was always Arcane and Frost. As I levelled, I had moments of good and bad. I'm not super comfortable with AoE damage but single target I can kill stuff fast. Anywhos back to the Heritage gear. This looked like I expected. I mainly pictured the gear you get while questing in Zandalar, just more supped up. The feathers are glowey blue so I needed to mog a staff that was glowey blue. I did a good job. Oh yes and I didn't max this toon yet. she still sits at 111.
So here is the list of of achieves for my Allied and Heritage. The bottom has the Allied that I have yet to get Heritage for. My Mag'har orc will be next. She's only 50 atm. I need to push her but I've been so lazy to level again. Get on it!

Friday, July 17, 2020


I don't quite know what screenshots to put up here without repeating them in several other entries.  So I'll just leave it blank. Oh nevermind, I'll just put a character list screenie.
Why did you make toons on another server?
First off at the time one server had a limit of 10 toons I believe. I was wanting to level more locks with different specs. After I did that I wanted to try to make a fully sustainable server like Hyjal. I needed to make toons with every profession. At the time I didn't think about having every class. Well at lease at least one of every gear wearer. I wasn't super into transmog as I am now. A lot of it has to do with the fact that back then you had to hold onto the gear, and they weren't account bound. Now when you equip it on one toon, they get available to all toons that wear that gear type, of course unless its class specific. Then you can vendor it. I do not have a leather wearer on this server. I've been torn about making a new toon or not. I might do it, I don't know.
I also wanted to try to play on a low pop server. At that time, Hyjal was a high pop server, never "full" but always high. I was wanting a change. I stopped being a really a big social player so it wasn't a big deal going to an empty server. I wanted the quiet and not being bothered by people questing and stealing my kills or herbs and ore. Thats right! herbs and ore was fought over back then. once someone gets it, it disappears... now they don't, thankfully. Well it did really mess with the selling prices when they implemented lasting nodes. Auction prices went down, what a jip! The useful class to use for farming is a Druid. A tauren druid to be exact... Highmountain or regular, don't matter. Taurens herb fast and I didn't know this but my Hyjal highmountain tauren mines fast too. If I do make a druid, it will be that race. 
This server also has a couple toons named after Hyjal Deadskully's Wrathguard. I was super, boarderline obsessed with him. I loved him so much... still do, it's extremely sad. I have not switched to another spec because Demonology is the only spec that will let me keep him. Anywhos, so yeah, he needed to be a spec that can protect you... So a Paladin, Warrior, or Death Knight. 
Alright, and finally.... 
Why did I choose Alexstrasza? I know I said I was looking for a low pop server, but why this one specifically? Cata expansion is when you really get to know The Life Binder. I saw her for the first time and thought she was the prettiest Dragon aspect, sorry Ysera. So that was pretty much the reasoning behind choosing this server specifically.
So that is my Alexstrasza server story. Most of this is probably repetitive from other blog entries but oh well :-)

Monday, July 13, 2020


Lothar is my Alliance server as I've said many a time prior. But until last night It wasn't fully Ally. I had 3 Horde still hanging around. I don't have a Horde bank guild on this server so I really have no reason to keep them here. I initially played on this server because an old friend moved servers and I wanted to follow. Moved Horde Deadskully there and made a couple toons. Moved her back to Hyjal when they stopped playing. Kept the server and made more toons. Wanted to try Alliance stuff because I needed Faction specific achievements. Made human Deadskully because when I used to write my WoW stories I wanted to use her as a version of Deadskully when she was alive. Never got around to writing anything though. I always say I'll start but I never come up with anything.
Anywhos, so this is Alliance Deadskully with her Wrathguard Arixgorod. I call him Arix for short. 
And these were my last Horde on Lothar. It pained me to delete a level 90 toon but it needed to be done. I'm sure come Shadowlands they will increase the amount of toons you can have per account, but just in case they don't, I now have room for 4 more toons. I currently have 46 across 3 servers.
 RIP Lothar Horde.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

My nutso tracking sheets

Oh boy, I said I'd do it! here we go... 
These are the main sheets I use for my toons. I mostly use 2, The emissary daily one and the gear one. 
The first one here is what I use to track the emissary dailies on my 120s... Besides the toons and the dates, Its blank when I print it out but I filled in what I did so far this month just for an example of how I fill it out. I write the emissary and the rewards at the top above the date and then put and "x" when I do them. The dots are for toons that I don't need the gear for.  I usually only put those on Azurite gear and not leave them blank like the other rewards, just so I know I checked and I don't have to log onto them again. I don't care about the mana pearls anymore. I only have been doing Azurite on toons that do not have level 80 for the Heart of Azeroth. So pretty much all the new 120 toons are the ones that needs it. But sometimes ill do them on other toons just because, and yes I knoew it also raises IL on the HoA. Aside from the Azurite gear, the regular gear I need on all my toons besides Horde Deadskully. I Usually do them with her because I like to disenchant them for the Titan Residuum and enchanting mats. The War Resources I usually only do them with new toons. Actually scratch that... I've been on my WoW Companion app on my phone a lot lately so I been spending more resources faster then I can get them of course because I haven't been doing anything but emissary specific World quests. Ugh! so much to do! And finally the gold. All of my toons WILL get my gold for me. I wasn't really doing the gold ones HOWEVER, as explained in my previous post of my super dumb heirloom gold dump I will do them from now on. 15 toons on Hyjal at 2000 gold a pop... thats 30k I can get on gold days. My guild bank needs to get above 1 mil again ASAP! Oh yeah and Deadskully(A) is my Alliance on Lothar so her emissaries are different, I just mark it for the days I do them and does not reflect the rewards I get.
Alright so next is the Raid tracker... pretty much needs no explanation. check them as I go. I actually have not done any this week. This used to have checks all the way through ICC( for invincible), Molten Core (for gear set), Ulduar (for Mimron's head), Dragon Soul (for Experiment 12B), Mogushan Vaults (for Astral Cloud serpent) and Firelands (for Pureblood Fire Hawk). I only got 2 so far, Invincible and the serpent. After I got Invincible I guess I felt so content. However I am 27 mounts away from the next mount achievement and that's kind of far so I'm not pushing for it hard. If I was closer I'd try more I think. I can get 6 from the WoW shop, BUT do I really wanna spend that much money for an achievement? heck no!... well I have done it in the past sooooo... The rest I do for Transmog stuff really. But I haven't been checking for them really. Sadness 
Alright and this last tracker I use a lot as well. I use pencil of course. The only reason I'd need a new paper is because I get another toon to 120 and have to add them, I used to leave blank spaces below and just write them in, BUT I don't like that cuz it needs to be pretty and colorful. So as I get new gear I write the Item levels in there to see what World Quests I need go do to upgrade their gear. Pencil because I constantly erase when I get new gear. If I'm on another toon I can check my paper and look at their map and see if any WQs have gear that another toon needs. So as I'm saying this I'm thinking about the 2 toons that I have closing in on 120. Leinaala on Hyjal and Deadskully (yes another Deadskully, and yes another Lock) on Alexstrasza. I just started playing her again got her to 114. SOOOooooo All my 3 servers will have maxed Deadskullys. HAHA! Anywhos... when they hit, I will not be remaking this sheet, I will just start a seperate one... Dammit as I'm thinking about it I don't think I'll like that. I'll prolly just make a new sheet with everyone on it. Oh for petes sake... what is that all OCD? just plain psycho? Oh well, that's me! 
If this entry didn't make me look like a complete nut job I really don't know what will. I guess it just shows how much I love this game and how much time and effort I put into it. I have no social life anymore. WoW is pretty much my life. Its what makes me happy and has been for the last 14 years... well with a break in there... but we won't talk about that, it doesn't count! <3

Heirloom gear and my mess ups.

Heirloom gear... a big time must while levelling alts. So I wanted to write this because I made a big mistake when recently purchasing upgrades, and I needed to vent my idiocy. So this might not be a huge oopsie but I feel like it was. I wasted so much gold on these unnecessary upgrades. First off, I think for most the gear, upgrading to 110 should have been enough.
With BfA Azurite gear, I'd pick that over the exp buff for the trek through 110 to 120. Head, Shoulder and Chest. mind you that is 5k gold for each gear to upgrade to 120... so much gold. Next waste is for the Weapons upgrade. 100 is the max I should have done and stopped buying upgrades after that. 3k gold to get it to 110 and 7500 gold to get it to 120. Legion has you obtain the Artifact weapons for 100 to 110 so I use that over Heirloom gear obviously. And BfA has a nice weapon with better stats So I always pick that one as well. 
My screenshot here is just of my cloth gear. I usually level Locks so I though I had to make all the Haste/Crit gear fully upgraded. Oh yeah and I also did all the plate because I have a Paladins and Warriors to level. Such an expensive mistake. I went there initially to get my leather gear upgraded for Leinaala my Druid, and I guess I just went crazy and I was getting excited having all of them turn gold when I got them to 120. I kick myself now because my guild bank dipped below 1mil gold. ugh, so annoyed! Well lesson learned.
So to end this....
the only gear I should have fully upgraded was Legs, and Rings. Trinks and necks are a waste because there is no exp buff for those and you can always get those while questing or running dungeons. 
My bad... Never make that mistake again. I feel dumb. /cry

Monday, July 6, 2020

Allied races, Heritage armor and Rep

My Allied races...
Alright so I have not unlocked them all yet. I have all the Horde ones of course but I still need 2 more Alliance ones. For some reason I think Alliance ones are a bit harder to get then the Horde ones were. I really can't remember what I needed to do for the Horde ones but the Alliance ones got me running dungeons and stuff. What the heck!. Im half way through unlocking the KulTiran but I stopped pushing for it like a month ago. And the Mechagnome fuck that one, Rustbolt rep to exalted will really take me forever. Now you would think it's not that bad, but I hardly play my Alliance so this will take a while. Shadowlands are getting a couple more Allied races so I gotta start on this now. ugh, but I don't wanna! /cry
So I am also working on my Allied Horde's Heritage armor. Just gotta get them to 110 and you get it. I got my Nightborne and Vulpera maxed and working on getting my Highmountain Tauren to max as well, but I got her to 110 and got my Heritage Armor. I levelled her with the Midsummer exp buff from the mid 60s to 111. The event is done and I'm debating on doing Darkmoon ride for another buff, but its annoying to run there all the time and I dont feel like doing stuff to get the exp Darkmoon Hat. I'll just level her the rest of the way with no buffs but some loom gear. But my main thing was to get the Heritage. I'm thinking I should take it easy with her as I'm very obsessed with getting gear for all my 120s and I'm having a hard time doing anything else ingame besides running everyone everyday for those. It is time consuming.
My exalted reputations needs do get done. I want this Pureheart horse! Its not a flying horse or anything but its pretty. I'm usually always good at getting reputaion achievements and this one I need my Alliance help with. ugh! I'll get it soon... hopefully. Storms Wake is close for Alliance Deadskully and Rajani and Uldum rep for Deadskully Horde. I just gotta leave my alts alone and get it done! nah. 
Next are my Allied races I need to get my Heritage... and eventually get maxed as well.
Leinaala is 111 now... Heritage done.
These 2 most likely I will level before the Alliance ones. Mag'har Orc and Zandalari Troll.

Avianna is my Alliance Lightforged Draenei Paladin No reason for the name. just thought it sounded pretty. Looked like it fit her. I made her Paladin because I think that's what I think of when I imagine the Lightforged Race.
Voidskully is my Void Elf Warlock. Void elves just look like they need to be warlocks and usually when I add Skully at the end of a toons' name I just can't think of anything to call them.. haha... as proof in the next toon...
Ironskully is my Dark Iron Dwarf Warrior. When I unlocked this race I was levelling Tinkerbull my Hyjal Warrior. I was having fun playing her and I really liked the idea of a Dwarf Warrior. Short, sturdy but can hack the shit out of you. 

Alrightee so this was all my Allied races. I know I still need to unlock the other 2 Alliance ones but I'm really not motivated to do Alliance stuff. I'll get around to it... one day.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Invincible... FINALLY!!!!

It's been about a week since I got this mount. I started this entry the night I got him. Fuckin' INVINCIBLE!!!! I was so happy! Finally my years and years of hoping this mount would drop for me and it finally did. So because im super psycho I had a run list tracker going. It actually has all the raids listed and all my maxed level toons and I put checks as I do the raids for that week. I know the altoholic addon keeps track of it, but I like a physical sheet in front of me for them. Maybe I'll make another post for all my sheets of random things I like to keep track for my toons. Maybe.... well it will definetly show how crazy and how much of a loser I am.  haha. Well shit, I make a blog for my life on World of Warcraft sooo what difference does it really make... fuck it, ima do it.
Anywhos, getting back to my awesome drop. So my tracker had me run this exactly 140 times through all my toons... and who does it fuckin drop for?... my newly 120 Lock Moonskully (Lunakeiki at the time) first time running in there. She is currently in a guild so sure as shit this popped for all to see. Im actually glad I got to share my excitement with some people. My was glitchy so I wasnt able too see anything from the guild or type in gchat. I had to log out then back in and see everyones reactions.
Alright so this is also the time I shall retire my Headless Horseman mount. This was my trusty steed for the past 10 years. I loved it because it was a drop from the Hallows End Holiday boss and it was a cool flying horse without distracting flapping wings. I like minimal flappy things while im flying. Invincible will be exception. Its just too beautiful I have to overlook it. Thank you for many years, flying me around Azeroth Headless. I am very grateful, Now you may rest.
I don't really know what else mount drop I wanna run religiously next. My wow time lately has been taken up by doing emissary and getting gear for my 16 toons. I stopped running Ulduar for Mimrons head a while ago. Maybe ill start back up with that one.... maybe.
And finally to end this... a couple screenies of Invincible... I'm so happy.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Character changes

Alright 3 changes I made.
First.... I bought Shadowlands and used my boost. Not a surprise, I used it on my rogue. Was a good use because like I said on my previous post I hate playing this class. However, as I'm going along and upgrading gear and killing stuff she kills stuff pretty good. Still not familiar with all the abilities and such but things die quick and that's all I really care about.

Next the change I made to my Vulpera Vulskully. There wasn't reason to change it I just wanted to waste $10 I guess. Nah Vulskully just didn't sit good with me anymore so I changed it. Foxyskully is better in my opinion. Oh yeah and I got her to 120!!! yeah baby!!!

And finally... this one I knew I was gonna change eventually and just decided to do it now. It was weird because besides Deadskully, I've never really put my alts in a guild. So I'm used to people calling me Skully. So when people are calling me Luna, it kind throws me off. I'm sure even when I log back onto this toon the guild will still call me Luna /sigh. Oh yeah, and I got this one to 120 also! This makes 16!!!! I wasn't super focused on the levelling to be honest. After I went 60 to 80 in 1 day, I just did at least 10 levels a day after that. Doing WQs and Emissary quests for gear on alts was mixed in there. I'm suuuper pooped on levelling alts for now. I think that's enough locks though... nah there's NEVER too much locks!!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2020

2 year Toons

Alright so as I was looking through screenshots I came across a character screen I took back in Legion.
Although I always say I loved all the expacs, because hello??!?! it's WoW... but Legion was probably the one I liked the least. Maybe other things factored into my reasonings I know RL got a little but full at the time so time playing wasn't like it used to be. I left the game around the middle of Legion and didn't come back until after Battle for Azeroth came out. Which I know I've said it before but I was always part of an expansion launch and BfA was the first I was not. 
Anywhos... With not playing current Legion till the end it was also the first time I did not level all my toons to max by the end of the expac. Of course Deadskully will always hit max first... I wanna say within the first 2 days of an expac release, but with not coming into BfA at launch I think I took my sweet ass time getting her to max. Usually I rush to max then go back with the alts and soak up all the quests' stories and really take it easy... well that's how normally did it. :-)
Sadly I also haven't been focusing on maxing out all the professions either. Legion is the first I don't have all maxed professions. Since having professions being completed by doing dungeons and raids and shit kinda killed it for me I guess... I'm generally a solo player and this doesn't work for me at all. I don't take my alts in current dungeons or raids so I'm screwed so I kinda gave up on them.
But now from previous entries I kind of have been keeping up on my "Alt Maxing" progress.
Now to the two pics up top...
First one was taken on 9/7/2018. Only maxed toon when I ended playing Legion was Deadskully. Half of them still sat in their Garrison back in Warlords of Draenor. I didn't start levelling them till this expac... Sad, they missed a whole expansion. On the plus side, when I did start to level them with majority of the players being in current content, I didn't have to fight with anyone for kills... well for the most part.
and the second pic was taken today 6/4/2020. I know I started a Demon Hunter in Legion but as far as even levelling her, I really don't think I touched her. I cant remember and dammit I can't find another shot of the rest of that toon screen. I really don't think I did tho. Anywhose, so the current screen I arranged the toon list to reflect the positions of the previous shot and just scrolled down to take a shot with my DH in there too. Super colorful and YES! I do not have a Rogue, for personal reasons.. kidding I just could never get used to playing one. I have one now as I will show in a future post. But you know what, come to think of it, my first toon I ever made was a rogue. I'm not sure what I named her but I know I deleted her shortly after. An ex got me to start playing and I remember I wasn't really getting into it... Then he said try a caster class and I chose a warlock.. and the rest is history. Oh the stroll down memory lane. 
Yeah so to end this entry....
2 years toon list... coming towards the end of BfA and heading into Shadowlands I WILL get that Priest to 120. Might take all the way up until the launch of SL, but it will happen.
Also just to note. I currently have 12 120's the 12th is my Alliance on Lothar. :-)

I guess I'll level my priest and Warrior

just FYI this entry was started on 4/4/20 Thats how bad I've been slacking.

Alright so here's the deal with these two... First off during the whole level 100 to 110+, my Priest was always priority... Then after I finally got her to Zandalar I lost interest in levelling her. So I jumped on my Warrior and kept playing her over the priest. Now as you can tell from the dates it's been exactly 2 months since I started this and I never continuously played either of them. Like usual they sat... and sat... and sat.  I started another post for the low level alts I have going, but just like this entry, the screenshots are outdated but I'm not gonna take more, I'll just explain it in the entry.
Anywhos about a week ago I got on my warrior, did a couple quests with her, had fun playing her so I made the decision to level her forreals.  Long ass story short, I hit 120 yesterday, and went straight to do her quests to get her Concentrated flame for her Heart of Azeroth so I can take her to ICC and heal that damn dragon. I ran her in ICC for the first time today. Oh yeah I also took her to Black Temple and friggen got that damn Bulwark I was trying to get for so long. oh yeah AND I also got one damn Warglaive of Azzinoth... and was like why didn't I get the credit for it on my achievements... then read it, I need a damn SET! ugh I got the shield I was going in there for and I really don't wanna have to go in there again. maybe if I get bored
So my focus for these two is simple.. Warrior needs to get her 420 gear and Priest need to get her ass to 120. Got on it!
Oh yes and I almost forgot to say this...
Warrior to 120!... that makes 12!!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Friendly young lad

Started Sept. 26, 2020

Alright, the main reason why I decided to post about this conversation was of course because it's kind of a rarity. For a person to just want to help someone out because they want to be nice had me so curious. I had so many more questions that I did not ask. 

So these were the questions and speculations:
  • Why do you want to help out lowbees when you can focus on your own leveling?
  • Do you just hang around start areas finding people to play with?
  • Are you fishing for tips?
  • Is this some kind of scam?
  • Am I being punked?
Now, this was just the beginning of the conversation. After the screenshot convo, lets call this person a "he", asked what area I was in. I told him where and then I get a group invite. I just gave in and accepted. He comes over and I link the quest I'm working on, then he says he did it already... uuuumm yeah, being level 66 I assumed that already but figured he'd want to know what quest I was working on. Needless to say I pretty much was completing the quest myself just with a tail.  He made a comment on how fast I was killing things. Being 40+ levels higher then me I was not sure how I was going more damage then him. I don't level with others so I don't know how mobs scale if you group and kill stuff.
This was my observation: This person came off as someone slightly new to the game and rather young. Dealing with the gear he had, I understand people prefer to take secondary stats over armor (leather over mail) but this toon had no heirloom gear on. It's super rare to see no heirloom gear when leveling... unless, they just don't know.  What also threw me was that he jumps on mounts that require pretty good level 120s to attain. I asked "this is not your main toon right?" he said yes because the others belong to his brother.
More so I thought this was someone messing with me, he says he was trying to fly... oh no sweetheart you can't fly here. We're in the Ghostlands btw. This can't be a toon he levelled himself. I still had so much questions but as we still went along the "help" became a hinderance. Typing to someone slows me down, worrying about someone keeping up with me slows me down, worrying if this person is getting bored following me kills my playing vibe. I had to shut this down and I said I had to log. I was getting hungry anyways.
But I'm not a major dickhead, He sent me a Btag request and I accepted. Might regret it but I won't be a bitch... for now. 

This was on my only male toon on Hyjal. My Paladin Dagarad. YES I named him after Dags. I'm gonna assume that's why I got the "sir" I have other male toons on Alexstrasza all named after My beloved Wrathguard. 

Saturday, May 16, 2020

New guild... for reals this time

Me being a big guild hopper is no surprise so I usually get into guilds with really no expectation to stay. However I do still contribute to guild banks with gold and items, if I am able to, right off the bat. I mean I really do try to make a guild work. Don't get me wrong I really don't want me to "not feel it" when I whisper someone for an invite. As anti social as I claim I am, lately I actually do wanna join a guild to be social. Playing with yourself is rather sad in a mmorpg...err in RL too haha. oh the single life... *sadness* anywhos.... 
What guild spams catch my attention? new, small, helpful, friendly are words I look for. If they're new then they prolly only have 2 or 3 core people that already know eachother prior to making the guild be it from ingame or RL. And especially when you whisper, they take the time to talk to you and not just /ginvite right away like they can't be bothered to respond. So you know they're looking for quality over quantity. Most times I'll look at Armory and make my decision after that. I love armory. It kind of feels like Im spying on peoples toons, but I love it. I miiight have it as a saved page on my phone. :-P
So after you get your inv you can get the feel of how social the people are by how much people greet you and how much chatter is in guild chat. Of course with Discord, guild chat might not be as busy but they should let you know if they're on it or not. I take notice of the "grats" after achievement pops are said. Yes granted some achieves are small and meaningless, but the big ones should be followed up with some kind of acknowledgement by your fellow guildies even if you as a player could care less.  
So now onto my current guild. Oh wait, so prior to this one I was in a small guild. They were nice, but they also were an already tight knit mostly RL friends. I went along with them on some key runs and they were super nice. My first time and they were really helpful and explained stuff. But most times I was there by myself. I think with myself being a co-gm with the ex loooong time ago I really try to make sure to take notice of how much some one is trying to be a part of the guild and contribute. A good GM notices that and the result is a bump in rank. As much guilds as I've been in I have never been bumped up past the initial new recruit rank (aside from my own guild with the ex, and a RL friend's guild, but those don't count) until today....
Which brings me to my current guild. I figured I'd take one last stab at finding Deadskully new friends before calling it quits and bringing her back home. While still in the previous guild, I saw the guild spam in trade, whispered and got a nice response. Asked to hold off while I do some stuff. No one was on of course, but wrote a "Thanks... " in guild chat and then /gquit. Got my inv and got to know the two. GM is a girl and her right hand is a dude and they met on a FB wow site... awesome! So I was really the first recruit. Got to know them a bit and they seemed really cool. They both were really nice and chatty. Been with them for about a week already. I love the GM she is really sweet. Very cool chick that knows her WoW shit too and I love that. Not ashamed to admit she knows way more then me from what I gather. I might know more solo stuff, but that really won't get you far in WoW lately. Most stuff is raid this, mythic keys that, PvP this, group up for that. UGH! I don't wanna do any of it!! Anywhos! on a brighter note... I got my final guild promotion to Officer tonight I was so Happy! I might get a bit ahead of myself and I had to reel myself back in. Messed around with guild bank, but I think I'll leave it alone for a while as to not overstep my bounds. I was just so excited. I did tell her to stop me if I get too overbearing, which she said I wasn't. My opinion, I think that I was a good choice. Being on furlough right now and having absolutely no social life outside of WoW, I'm always on sadly. If not on Deadskully then on another alt. Hyjal is not her home server and she does have her main on another server and she does have a job and kid. See, who better then me?... nobody. 
Anyways alright... I'll end this now. 
Final thought... I'm happy with this guild... I think I'll stay a while.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Guild recruit... myself!

____________Draft started 4/2/20______________

Alright sooo I'm not sure when this feature came out, but what the frick! I loved it!
So long time ago (because I'm a loner) I made another account for the purpose of adding my alts to my guild. When I'd pull one out to put into another guild they had no way of coming back because I'd let my other account expire the first month. Then recently I saw someone spam in chat with a link that will recruit you without someone having to /ginvite you. You can search for a guild in guild finder, then request to join... then they have the option to accept or decline... then finally you have to accept. Ima feel sooo stupid if this was around since the last expac. 
Since finding this thing I have pulled ALL my Hyjal alts in my bank guild. So much easier then sending stuff to each other. 
___________ continued  5/13/20 _____________
At one point I had 21 alts in this guild. Now I say at one point because I pulled Deadskully out to join a guild. I know I've written about my guild woes before but after I finish this one I'ma go check my other blogs and see if I'm gonna be repeating myself if I write another one. Anywhos so yeah this is a super awesome thing they have here. So I did the same thing with my guilds on the other servers as well. At least I know this feature is here so if Deadskully doesn't find a guild, she can always come home.

I'll play Alliance for a bit... /cringe

Alright so at this point I shouldn't be cringing when I jump on my Alli toon. I've played her long enough I should cut that shit out. BUT! I still feel like a traitor everytime haha. It started off as playing her every-so often after I got her to 120. then recently when I started to get all my Hyjal horde toons better gear via the world quests and emissary dailies I figured to do that for Alli Skully because ultimately I do need to get her rep up for the Allied factions to be unlocked. then as I was playing her I noticed she was doing a shit ton of damage even with below 350 item level. 3 of her 385 Azurite gear were Benthic. 5 choices vs normal 3 for 415. I have all 415... well 420 after the last pop... in her bag to switch over when I'm ready, but I havent been ready. I will take the perks for the 385 over the ones for the 420. It kind of pains me and I know most people will frown upon it, but you know what I play like how I want. I will sacrifice Stam and Intel for those perks.
I was determined to get my legendary back on Alli Deadskully. Prior to this she was cruising around with a 290 back for pete sake... gross I know. So off I went. as I played more I really got to like doing new stuff.. Everything Alliance is new for me as this is my only max level Alliance toon and I have run through Horde quests many times over I can do them with my eyes closed pretty much.
_______________ Draft break___________
Since writing this it sat in a draft for a bit,,,,
Turns out that unlocking the Alliance Allied races is way harder then Horde. I've done all my horde ones and I've only unlocked Dark Iron Dwarves for Alli. I really don't remember Horde being this annoying. Maybe because I play Horde Skully alot easier then Alli Skully it felt different. I really don't know, but its making me super cranks. Got exalted with Proudmore Admiralty and so I just need to finish the quest chain to unlock Kul Tiran race. Which sucks balls because I have to do a couple dungeons and those ques have like half hour maybe more wait time for specific dungeons. So annoying, Especially since I'd rather be doing anything on my Hyjal horde toons better. Oh just suck it up!!! *pout* And I can just forget about Mechagnome race... It requires exalted with Rustbolt... shit Im. not even exalted with them on Horde Skully yet... almost there tho. I'll hit that tomorrow, hopefully, only a little more then 1k to go. So yeah I'm not super keen on doing that faction again... BUT if I want Blingy 7000 I need to do it with my DK. *cry* I don't think I'll get it to be honest... I still don't have Blingtron 6000. ugh!
Alright so pretty much that's all for my Alliance toon I to update on.... aaaaannndddd.... baack to Horde!