Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Deleted toons

I'm sorry Alliance toons...
I needed spaces for more locks!

I decided to delete these Ally toons on Lothar. I needed to cut because my obsession with Locks on my main server. These toons specifically were cut because they are all Humans and my main on this server is a Human. All my other toons are different races. My other Pally is a Lightforged Draenei. Oh shits! I don't have another DK! If I ever get around to getting my Kul Tiran or Mechagnome I guess I'll make them a Deathknight. I fricken need more then 50 per account limit! I think Blizz should include that in the next xpac... moar toons!!!!
Or I could just make another lock into a DK... ugh but I'm such a twat I don't wanna play my ally toons. Well then, I guess no DK for me.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Back with more Locks!!!!

 What a fricken shocker!

After my last post I did take a break, not by letting my account freeze but just didn't play. Sadly I have not stepped undead foot back into Shadowlands since. I've been missing old content so decided to make another lock... and then another... and then another, and you guessed it... another! actually I lost count.

The leveling on the second to the last one I made went by super quick I was so disappointed. I wanted to take my time with the areas but as I was playing I was wondering why I was getting shit for XP. Well duh, you doof! you have a complete set of heirloom gear on. well shit! I'm so used to right when I get risen in Deathknell I pop on all my loom gear and pew pew everything down! I can't even remember the last time I played with NO loom gear let alone a fully upgraded (to 59) set.
And that's when Skullÿ comes in. I just made her a couple days ago and I just hit level 20 a bit ago before I logged. Granted I haven't played as often as usual as it is Sumo tournament time, there was Wrestling last night, and school today... but still, I should have been at least 30 by now.
As I quested around, I did miss the excitement of getting upgraded gear drops and rewards. Aside from a Mage and Hunter, I don't think I'd feel comfortable doing this with another class. Sadly I am not well versed in other classes. Maybe not even a mage or hunter actually. So scratch all that. I'd eat shit if I didn't have looms on another class, yeah that sounds more accurate.  
So since my last post I believe I've made Pinxskully, Christìne, Skullyblue, Redskully, and Skullÿ. Pinx, blue and Red was made for obvious transmog color reasons. However for Pinx, I forgot the pink dress from AQ does not look good on an undead chick. 

Because across the 3 servers I play Im maxed on 50 toons, I had to delete several toons. The latest and most painful so far was Drakkaria lvl 50 orc lock on Alexstrasza. my decision to delete her just came down to the fact that she has throwaway professions (mining and herbing). The other one I was gonna delete was my only toon with inscription on that server. All the toons on that server are 50 so toon level does not play a factor. If they were all maxed at 60, then that would have been a different story.

To be honest I should be slowing down on my playing. When I started school in November I was constantly studying for school and my face was always in my school books. Since I've been playing again my books stay in my backpack unless I have homework to do. AND I've been getting less sleep. Even if I'm not levelling a toon, I'm farming and selling stuff as my GB gold is not satisfying to me. I really should just clean out my bank and bags... but I don't know if I'll need these things!!!! typical hoarder thinking.
Alright it's 12:30am I think I should go to sleep.
Last pic.... one of my new locks named after yours truly.