Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Little updates

So much new stuff happened
New guild, Keys came out, PvP, Raid, Professions... ahhh so much stuff!!!!!
First off... yeah you read that right... the guild hopper has landed in another guild... that I love. Everyone is nice, if there is even an inkling of drama, it's not noticed by me which I love, cuz drama points a huge arrow to the /gquit for me, and the inclusion of everyone right now (probably cuz we're still a small group) is a big thing too. Something for everyone cuz we do dungeons, PVP, raid... I'm just having so much fun!
Sadly to be honest, come January my time will be mainly on the weekends, with a few hours a day during the week. I'm really slackin' in the paperwork for my clinicals. I do the time and a I do the cases, but I'm not tracking all my cases as I should be. Honestly It might come down to the paper trail that will be the end of this for me. I don't blame WoW, cuz it's not the problem... My head just isn't on straight and I know this. I always say tho, if I put as much effort in everything else in my life as much as I do with WoW, I could pretty much do anything LOL... again I stress, WoW is NOT the problem!

Well shit, I wrote the above 5 days ago... I meant to get it out before today (reset and Vault day) but obviously that didn't happen. I do indeed think I jinxed myself on a couple of stuff. Just the whole feelings on the guild and running stuff really. I'm annoyed with myself all over again dealing with the damage I put out when I raid. I know, I've been told many times to stop worrying so much about it, but I can't help it. Mechanics breh, get good!... Ahhh I don't... know... how! Alright, I won't cry about it. 
And then dealing with the guild, /sigh. first taste of minor miscommunication drama, made for a really uncomfortable feeling for me. I know it didn't deal with me, but still. Feelings of wanting to dig out is mixed with stronger feelings of sticking it out and seeing if it gets better. So I think I'll do the later.  fingers crossed tho. You know what... this is bringing me down. Let's just get the frick over it and move on to shit that makes this fuckin weirdo happy shall we!

Today was vault day!!! I would like to think I made the right decision on picking my gear, however! I'm pretty sure my decision would be having people shaking their heads at me. First! this was the most I've ever had with my vault. 
2 Normal raids
3 Mythic Dungeons
Alright let's break down my decision. The first Scalesworn piece is PvE, the second at the bottom is PvP. These are my tier pieces. Although both the PvP ones would have been a huge upgrade for my PvP gear, I bowed out on those cuz if I was more active in PvP, I would have really considered it. The 2 neck pieces were not going to be an option for me as I already had my heart set on using this week's spark on the Elemental Lariat. The back piece was slightly better IL but the stats sucked balls. Now! lets talk about the last 2 pieces, the PvE tier gloves and the feet. Any normal person would have grabbed the tier. Mind you this was not upgradable, and the stats sucked. It had my 2 lowest stats, no bueno. The set bonus was very nice, BUT I know it will be awhile until I get another piece to make the set bonus active. Which leaves me the 395 feet. Not the best upgrade based on IL cuz I believe my current was 389 or some shit. But this was the deciding factor, It was upgradable AND it has my 2 strongest stats. I really could not pass that up. I feel good about my decision for the most part, but I still have my doubts about it as well. but you know what, it's done and I'll get over it.

Alright, on to my Mythic runs. I'm not a huge fan of these if I'm gonna be honest. Like any caster class you need time to "cast" your shit. lol I have very few abilities that are instant and deal damage. But these dungeons man, they make you move. With my haste looking real sad at the moment its super hard to get a cast off before I have to get out the way of something, which is why I always joke, that I like to stand in shit. But I've been better lately. Getting outta the way but not really doing that much in damage on some pulls. It's about the team right? and not seeing my purple bar at the top of meters. But on the bright side, I did make it to 1k M+ rating already. YAY!

And I'll end this with some PvP. My guild GMs do PvP and I've been taggin along and poking at stuff. Super not good at it, but I have fun. I started with level 1 honor at the beginning of last week and I went to level 8, so YAY to that!. 3v3 we hit 1k rating, so that was exciting. And I do roll with full PvP gear.

oh crap, well now I'm getting sad cuz I know starting next week, I won't be playing as much and doing all this... but I know I gotta get over it lol. Priorities... meh. 

Ok I'm done with this one. I believe I've said it before and I meant to do it, but little posts of one subject might be what I need to do, cuz I've been gathering everything until one update and I completely forget about everything I wanna write about. I'm so scatter brained and Im getting old, what can I say.
OK bye!

Saturday, December 10, 2022

DragonFlight!!! Lets Goooooo!!!!!!

Oops... 2 weeks later sorry!
Like all these lately, I meant to get this out sooner. And I won't lie, I forgot everything I wanted to really talk about. I've been going through my screenshots and although I have a bunch, I have nothing of substance that will contribute to this Dragonflight entry really. I have a bunch of random ones that can fill my "Screenshot-a-Day" page to the point of having so much that I have to post 2 screenies a day now. But I love it so its ok.

Ok so first, Monday November 28th came launch date and 3pm for PST. I made it home from clinicals in time and was ready for this shit. Like we all expected the boat point to Dragon Isles was crammed packed with mounts on the zepplin tower. The timer was ticking down and the boat never came. Lols! the timer reset and we waited another 5 minutes. I flew away from the dock while I waited and got on the boat from the top. I'ma stay away from all these crazy ass people! I mean, I am one of the crazies so wtf am I talking about. 
So that was the intro into the isle.

I didn't level to max in the usual time that I normally can, clinicals is crampin my style for reals. I would usually request off from work for a week, sometimes two, JUST for an expac release. And I was kinda disappointed that I didn't level in one sitting to be honest. Something else different I did this time around was I actually levelled through questing AND dungeons. I mean aside from alt levelling, I don't believe I've gone into a dungeon in a new expansion. Don't quote me on that but I'm pretty sure that is an accurate statement. I loved it though. Made the 70 gear grind easier. Needless to say 70 came on the 30th, 2 days later... that's not acceptable!

Now the dragon riding!
like everything I do for the first time, I'm always like "meh, I don't like this". I wasn't getting used to it and I couldn't drive my dragon for beans seriously. Doing the races around the isle makes learning to ride easy. I'm not a pro at it of course, but I understand it a little better. When I can complete all the courses at gold, then I'll consider myself a pro! I really don't think that will ever happen tho. This is my favorite dragon I made. Technically not a unicorn, cuz he has other horns on his head... but the one popping out the middle of his head makes him a unicorn in my book. BLUE UNICORN DRAGON!!!!
My favorite dragons are the Azure Dragonflight. A bit has to do with my wow crush in Kalec. Let me rephrase that, OLD Kalec. The new model is a serious boner killer for me lol. I don't know, I just don't like it very much. Give me my old Kalec model back. My Cata Kalec I used to visit all the time while running DragonSoul for my 3 mounts! But I totally understand they have to update the model features, but still... Poops!
So I like the fact that there are so much quests, and I've always loved faction grinds but I do feel so overwhelmed. There's so much stuff that I want and you need rep in order to buy from renowned quartermasters, I don't even know where to start. Ahh but the grind will happen here soon enough. I really haven't started on that because getting my taste of high IL gear in Shadowlands and me wanting to not waste time capping gear for the week is putting my focus on not really questing.
After getting all my 359 gear from Heroics and feeling comfortable to do Mythics, sure as shit I was right there finding a premade group. Now mind you I did have a guild, that I mentioned in the previous post, however they were not running mythics at the time so I went out on my own. Stuff happened I won't get into but lets just say I'm super impulsive and little things will set me off to play solo again. I don't need others to have fun (I'll keep telling myself that), I don't need a guild to get gear, I don't need a guild to funnel me gear, I don't need a guild to carry me, I can play by myself obviously. Previously, I needed help, but my big girl panties are on now, and I completed my DF Mythic dungeon achieve all by myself (well with a pug group of course). I'll find another guild just for the social aspect I guess. There was a couple guilds I saw that were small so I might make a decision then. Alright enough of all that.
Hmm let's see what else... I'm happy our quest logs are getting 10 more added, I'm excited to start keys next week, I'm excited about raids starting as well, but sad that LFR isn't dropping until later tho. And I think that's about it for now. I know, like always that I missed some things I've done but that's all I can think about right now.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Last Shadowlands Update

Eww... like over a month since an actual progression update. I've had this in a draft for several weeks and just never got around to it. And although Dragonflight did just launch yesterday, this entry will not touch on it. After I hit 70, I'll write about it :-)
BUT I will show you what the frick I did prior... with help of course.


What the frick!!! I actually finally did it! The mount and achieve I was cryin' so much about and being a little bitch. 
Wait, let's go back a bit.
I joined a new guild, small but that's ok cuz people that are on talk to eachother for the most part. I enjoy that part of being in a guild and I met some nice people. Prolly won't leave this one for a while. I am known to guild hop a lot, and then eventually just go back to my bank guild so we shall see. 
Anywhos, so a guildie broke down my rating and keys that I needed to hit 2k. I honestly wasn't waiting for Elo to log on, like a fuckin creeper, but he happened to log on when I decided to run this and my guildie was on too so I asked both of them if they wanted to help me. I had to run 2 of my lowest Fortified keys to get this. Upper Kara and Grimrail ... fuuuck both of those places... I'd take Junkyard over them anyday lol. 
But YAY!!!! I was so happy... yeah yeah it's just another mount I will never use, because... INVINCIBLE!
but it was such a pain in the ass to get cuz I'm chicken shit and high(ish) keys scare the crap out of me. I know the ones I did don't even count as high keys but they're high for me so Zip it!
Along with my mount and achievement the 2k rating also gave me opportunity to valor upgrade my gear to 12/12. Thats was so satisfying, and I had a lot of valor saved up for it cuz I kept running baby keys... Mainly Iron Docks cuz I loved the shit out of that one. That one made me realize that if you keep running things over and over, you can pretty much run it with your eyes closed. Alright enough of keys!
Now for Torghast! I like running in there, prolly cuz I see it as a dungeon feel that you can solo. I worked hard for my ugly ass Mawrat, and I thought that was gonna be it. Then I was like I want the next mawrat for the Layer 12 achievement. Yes I realized I said Mawrat, because Im such an idiot, I thought the mount reward was a mawrat! At this point when I pushed for it, I only needed 3 to complete. When the achieve popped and I clicked on it, I realized it said Mawsworn CHARGER!
I went into my mount list, saw what this looked like and I was soooo happy! Mounted up... Its so preeeetty!!!! Ugh I want the other one that drops from the Zereth Mortis rare! But I prolly won't ever get it.
Next! I just got this Monday literally as DF launched at 3pm, I hit this achievement. The 25man I hit Monday and the 10man I hit today (Tuesday). For both achievements I was one short. the stupid necrotic plague one. Just like DS spine, I watched a video that made it easy. I tried for this before many times, but I didn't understand how the Necrotic plague debuff worked so when it knocked off, I thought that was it and I couldn't figure it out. but like I said, it was super easy cuz of that video. 
So I got both the Bloodbathed and Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher (yeah many years later I know... piss off!) Cool looking mounts, same model with a slight color difference.
I think I have like one more to do on the Glory of the Cata Raider... Ima try find a video on that one and crank that shit out!
Eww wait, I don't even know what the reward is for that one. Who am I kidding, it's an achievement, I'ma go do it regardless.
And finally for this entry.. a pic of 4 others from my guild that I usually play with:
Guil, Nez, Tripp and Rolo

Oh cripes, I know at the top it does say last SL update, but if I remember anything else dealing with this expansion, I will write about it... Oh who the frick am I kidding... I'll write whatever I want, whenever I want! OK clam down. I'm cranky cuz I'm tired...
Ok Ok bye!

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Toon Update!

 Alright so this past week, I was pushing all my Hyjal locks to 60. I have a level 14 lock but Im not pushing that one. I was mainly talking about the ones that were already 50. I quested half the way with some then realized, shit this is taking forevers! Que'd for dungeons and it was so quick. 
The Evoker only needed 2 levels so that was an easy 60. I couldn't get used to it. After hitting 60 on that toon I was done. They do crazy damage tho. Maybe I should just give it a chance. But as I do, I always gravitate back to my Demo locks. 
Hopefully I'll eventually get the rest of them to max, but most likely I'll do it prolly the end of Dragonflight expac like I did with Shadowlands. I'm sure it has alot to do with all my locks. like I enjoyed playing the other classes before when I didn't have so many locks. I levelled them to max during current content majority of the time and levelled their professions as well. I had everything I needed... pots, flasks, gems, gear, etc I got myself covered. But sadly that's not the case lately. I start to play other toons, but just knowing a lock is hangin out not maxed, I've been getting distracted. I'll take my Hunter to 60 next. She's only got 2 levels. And wanting to Pally tank I should be trying to play my pally. Ugh! I'm a lost cause cuz so much different things I wanna do but I can hear my locks calling me back to them.
Alright enough of Hyjal toons for now. 
And here is my 60 and 50 toons on my other 2 servers. Lothar with my Alliance toons, and Alexstrasza with my other Horde. All Deadskullys are 60 at least lol. There are toons that I wanna delete but with Lothar, besides Deadskully, the other toons are the allied races that I unlocked and with Alex, I have professions on them that I don't wanna waste it. Not that it matters really, I can learn DF professions and not have to work all the way from the beginning, I just thought about that now. We'll see tho, hopefully I'll get on the levelling. BUT!!! Dragonflight comes out next week! what the heck am I gonna doooooooo!!!!!! looks like I won't be levelling them ahaha!
And finally for this entry....
The picture below is 3 of my undead Locks with the dress I'm obsessed with. I'm sure I've mentioned this dress before. It drops from the Dogs in Antorus raid. 4 colors total, but I know I won't be able to get the one that drops from LFR, Its blue and I really want it. Unfortunalty I only got these 3.
I put Skully in gold from Mythic, Christine in dull brassy color from Normal and Babyskully in the red from Heroic. It was easy getting these as I go in there on all 3 settings for the Dog mount every week. 
Ugh! I love them so much!

Alright I'll end this here. I still gotta do another full update entry as a whole shit load of stuff happened recently. Maybe I'll get that out tonight, but I'm super procrastinating on my homework so I think I'll go do that now.
ok, ok bye!

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Pre patch woes

I will try not to make this a complaining post...
Oh crap who the frick am I kidding, I'm gonna complain and cry my ass off here. kidding I'll only complain a little. Besides most of my crying is because of out-of-date addons right now.
Maintenance today was extended past the original 3pm time that was posted. I didn't check prior to 6pm so we'll say it lasted till then. Anyways I also didn't really poke around a lot enough to have a complete opinion on the prepatch. This is where my dependency and love for my addons really impact how I like my game. 
First off, my bars...
I like to play with cluttered ass bars I know this. I needs all my shit right there for me to clicky clicky. And more useless toys and mounts easily accessible on my bar. That's where Dominos comes in. 
Ok, I started writing the above on patch day a week ago on Oct 25th and got tired so I stopped. It is Nov 1st right now and I decided to just finish this but not delete my prior complaining. I knew I'd just have to give addon developers time to update their stuff. So really my crying was just me being impatient. Now continuing with Dominos... Wow has their UI with the same capability that I liked dominos for. There is more to the addon, but I mainly used it for my many bars. I just literally came from Curse and saw Dominos had an update yesterday. I got the addon now, and went to check it, but something is not working right and I really don't want to have to figure out how to fix it. Luckily for me I got used to and really like the ingame one. 

Take for example the above screen shot. The above is dominos and the bottom is the ingame bars... It looks pretty much the darn same right. Don't judge the shit I keep on my bars dammit! I'm kidding, judge away, idgaf. So yeah... maybe I'll go back to Dominos in the future, but for now, I'm cool with not having it.
Next was Bagnon... I can't stand not having my bags and bank open on one panel. Don't split my shit up! I don't care what each individual bag has in there. Bagnon updated fairly quick but my bank part of the addon wasn't even letting me open it, so I had to disable that for a bit until I got another update today and it works now.  Pic to the right is an old Bagnon screenie I found (I was too lazy to log back in and take a new one) but my bags look just as full of useless stuff even still. If you don't use some kind of bag addon you're nuts cuz this looks so much better.
DBM of course, need... but you know me I love to stand in shit, so even when the lady comes on and yells at me to fuckin' move, I might ignore her 90% of the time. Bitch! don't tell me what to do, I'm castin' here!... kidding I know she's trying to help my noob ass. 
Auctionator is another must, I haven't been selling as much shit as I should be right now, but I need to get Babyskully on that shit ASAP... our guild bank looks horrendous!
Rarescanner I need cuz I like to go rare hunting a lot.
Details damage meter because I need to know that I'm being productive in a group. Notice how I didn't say "I need to know that I'm crushing everyone else in damage" because let's be honest I can't anymore and it saddens me.
And finally, Altoholic. If you're like me and you love your alts and wanna keep track of all of them while on one toon guess what, you can! There was too much screenshots I'd put if I were to show the full extent of what this addon can do, but let's just say totally worth it if you have many many alts like I do. Oh and I'm so excited that we get 10 more toons that we can make, capping us out at 60. I mainly use to see what's in my alt's bags and to keep track of old raids and dungeon lockouts when I go mount and mog farming. 
This is an old screenie but just an example of the lockout list for all your alts, and when I say all, I mean ALL. It even tracks alts on your other servers. How friggen cool is that!?!? I know I've explained and showed this before but can you tell I'm super hyped about Altoholic. AHHH!!! it's just so awesome!
Alright I'ma end this here as I was supposed to have gone to sleep 2 hours ago. Whatever, sleep is for babies and old people... Oh shit, what the fuck am I talking about, I'm one of those old people. Ok I'll go sleep.
OK BYE! <3

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Sunday Birthday mount Adventures!!!

Holy cripes!!! Happy Birthday to me for reals!!! Ok so maybe it's not a lot! but it's the ones I was really pushing for lately. Also, my birthday is tomorrow, but since I'm getting all these mounts myself, I ain't gonna wait one darn day just to legit call it birthday mounts! Ugh I'm so excited!
And this first screen shot is a spoiler of this entry.

Ok so, the previous post, I was whining about how High Reaver Damaris wasn't spawning. Well several days ago I logged on around 8:20am and he was dead on the ground already. The next 2 days me and a rouge are camping all day... yes I mean ALL day. We both were sitting on the same broken pillar, killing the other 2 rares that spawn at the same spot so many times. Last night I had enough, figuring I'd try at daily reset, I set my alarm for 7:45am, got my ass up, logged in and waited... OMG!!! 8:02am he starts to spawn!!! I was really hoping the rogue was gonna be there too, but no sign. I hope they got it last night after I logged. 
Nonetheless I was super excited for myself and my impending achieve pop.
YAY! Dune Dominance achieve! and now I just gotta farm Genesis motes for my protoform crafting... which shouldn't take me too long. I already crafted 3, just needed 2 more. Made me a snail pet and a spider mount and BOOOOOOMMMM!!! "From A to Zereth"!!! Come to mama my see-through jelly fish mount!!!! Cryptic Aurelid you are MINE!!!
I'm sure I've written about my Strange Goop woes before, but I figured what the heck... I got nothing else to do! I have over 3k previous attempts on this what's another 3k right? Weeeelllll, I don't have rarity anymore and I got my vendor yak out to sell stuff about a half hour in, cuz I forgot to empty my full bags before fishing so I didn't even know how much I fished till that point.
I'm super good at multitasking apparently... watching TV, playing a game on your phone, and clicking your fishing bobber. The drawback, you don't realize you actually fished up what you were looking for until about 50+ casts later. LOLS!! yeah I looked in my bag and was like WHAT THE HECK!!! I got the goop!!! How is that possible that you didn't even know you got it? I will tell you. You cast, put your cursor on the bobber, do whatever it is you're doing not even looking at the monitor, and when you hear the splash, you click... and repeat. Anyways, I was seriously debating on telling the people there at the lake that I'll be back with my lure to fish up Hirukon, but honestly, I didn't read up on how long it takes to get all the stuff that baroness lady needed. I mean cripes, if it took too long, there was possibility I wasn't gonna come back till hours and hours later.
Luckly, I'm a very self-sufficient person, and I look stuff up before I ask anyone. Wowhead always helps me, and I got everything in like 30 minutes. Would have taken shorter but let's be honest, I love dicking around and taking screenshots. So in my trek to collect items for my lure, found me in Vashj'ir. As I approached the portal in Org, It made me realize, I don't remember the last time I ever used this portal. Seriously, I could not for the life of me remember. But I blog about anything and I screenshot everything so it might be recorded somewhere, but I really can't remember. Anyways! lets go through this portal shall we. Oh boy! we're going swimming!
This is the only place that I see ever putting our swim speed mount to actual constant use. 
I wanted to find all the swimming mounts collection and bring them out. Sting ray guy, Catfish thing, Baby turtle, Seahorse fish thing. And I brought out my brand spankin new jelly fish but I already put a pic of him earlier so I left it out. But yeah, it was nice to see them in their natural environment. lols. 
But I made a mistake thinking the panda turtles were water turtles. When I brought him out, I realized he is a land turtle when I didn't see a swim speed buff. I quickly put him away as I didn't want him to drown, he even looked like he was struggling. 
Yikes this is getting long, let me hurry up with my story...
SO!, lure right! got my item from Vashj'ir.
Next, I gotta go Coilfang reservoir in Zangarmarsh and fish up some weird fish...
Then, to Nazjatar and fish up some other weird ass fish!
Finally, take it back to Baroness Vashj and she gave me the lure to fish up Hirukon. All I could think about was that I wanted the fishing pole she was holding. It was ugly and not amazing in the least, but I like to collect them. If I just snatched it and took off, would she have demanded my head? but I had bigger things to accomplish!
So when I was going back to Zereth Mortis to fish up my jellyfish thing, I was actually getting nervous. Like I know I have to announce the pull prior in chat so people come to help, but how do I know where to fish? how long do they stay up? how long does the lure last? what if it goes away, is that it? gotta wait a week? I worked myself up too much. Just screw it, wing in and if you mess up oh wells there's always next week... NO! I need this mount now!
I gave everyone 2 mins....
I popped my lure....
I saw the pool to fish in....
Hirukon got so mad and wanted to kill me so he came out of his underwater cave...
And when he surfaced, everyone blasted him to bits. That was prolly one of the few times that I didn't focus on killing the rare. I knew I was getting my mount so I just soaked it in.
The fact that everyone was there because I told them I was fishing him up, made Queen Skully come out for a hot minute, like the damsel in distress. saying "save me!" kill the big bad monster that's trying to attack me!
And then reality set in real quick, I was just a big ole nerd that just wanted her second birthday jelly fish mount of the day. No one was there to save you, they just wanted their rare kill, and loots and a chance to get the Aurelid as well. A girl can dream right.
Poops, at this point I was several mounts short from my 350. There are a few on the blizz store that have yet to get, but I didn't want to have to spend RL money just yet... oh trust me, I've done it in the past for a mount achievement and I'm not above doing it again. Also, I knew there were more easy mounts that I have not gotten.... so I went to find them and thanks to the ingame mount list and wowhead to find the vendor locations I finally got my awesome (but non-flying) Frostshard Infernal from the 350 mount achievement! I'm so happy!!!
It took me a little over 4 months to go from 300 to 350 mounts.
With clinicals and the rest of the school being about 6 more months, I think I will not be hitting my 400 mount achievement anytime soon. I'll still try to farm when I can. But especially since Dragonflight is coming out in a month I think most of my WoW time will be focused on that and not so much my mount collecting. I'm sorry Frenzied Feltalon... you will have to wait.
Oh geez, I dragged this one on way too long, but this was about mounts that I really wanted, and was so excited to get... and so excited I actually GOT! I do want to fish up the pond nettle next, I spend about 2 hours there earlier today. maybe ill fish more tomorrow.
And finally the 350 Mount Achievement reward... My awesome Frostshard Infernal. 

Friday, October 21, 2022

Busy WoW'in it up!!!

Oh no, its been waaaay too long since an update and so much stuff has been done. Sooo depending on how much I include I might have to cut this entry in parts as I do not want to make it too lengthy. And when I write an update, its all over the place cuz I usually write as I remember stuff.
Alright here we go!
first off!!! this shit happened!

296IL and M+1747!!!!
This will most likely be my cap. However, I've said that in every update entry and I keep getting greedy. But for reals this time, I believe it to be true as the only thing I have motivation to get is my KSM mount with a 2000 rating, BUT I'd need to do higher keys and I really don't want to do them. I slowly inched my IL this high by doing one 15 a week to get my 304 vault piece and low keys for valor farm to upgrade my current gear. I can't upgrade anymore from valor unless I hit 2000 rating(because they all 11/12), or do at least 1 15 key a week for my 304 piece... soooo poops this will not happen. I'm ok with not upgrading as in a month this gear will be worthless (completely expected), but this season's KSM mount... /cry. My low key valor farm was a small attempt to put on my big girl pants and actually find a group myself. I was always too chicken shit to do a key without my buddy. But I can see why I needed a geared friend as I noticed even in low keys people don't accept you with crap gear and a low rating. Kinda sad tbh... its fuckin 2s! just invite! they need gear and rating! ugh! but I digress.

Anywhos, We shall talk about my mount grind now. I am 7 away from my 350 mount achieve which rewards a badass Frostshard Core ground mount. I was disappointed with the 300 mount reward.. a friggen blue glowey panda serpent! WTH! it was such a blah reward, not good at all. Since last post I've gotten all the Dragon Soul mounts! frick yes! Was only concerned with Experiment 12-B as I knew my struggles with spine made me rage quit many times so the attempt for Blazing Drake and Life-Binder's Handmaiden were sadly avoided. Until Elo sent me a video to watch that made it look super ass easy... and what do you know, it was! I didn't take all my toons in there, but lucky for me, I didn't need to, all of them dropped in like a week from eachother, including the Pureblood Fire Hawk from Firelands! the 2 boss skip for that one made my decision to farm that one again real easy! I had Flametalon of Alysrazor since Cata but the Fire Hawk always eluded me, even when I was doing a full run. Fuck off Dragon Soul and Firelands!!!!! I hate you both and will never be back! and because the countless runs on all my toons in each raid, my mog sets are done as well. oh yeah and the Blazing drake was the last one I needed for my "Awake the Drakes" achieve which gave me my Emerald Drake as reward.. so doubly yay! on that one.

Experiment 12-B and Blazing Drakes

Life-Binder and Emerald Drake

Got my first Mawrat from Torghast! I want more and I do enjoy doing Torghast, but I hate going all the way over there. seems so far when you're camping a damn rare in Zereth Mortis (which I'm currently doing as I write this) I've accepted the fact that I won't be fishing up the Strange goop to make my lure to fish up Hirukon so I'll get a jelly fish mount another way... from the achievement "From A to Zereth" its turning out to be a pain in the ass... I've got 2 more achievements to go... farming for the genesis motes to make my protoform mount or pets is gonna be easy but I thought waiting for High Reaver Damaris would be easier... I was sorely mistaken. Shares a spawn point with 2 other rares and it doesn't even cycle evenly, Im sure the other people parked here are waiting for the same one... I will not cry.

On a nicer note, I do appreciate the ones that have the Hirukon lure and once a week they go and fish it up to give people a chance to get the mount, its not 100% for others but it's nice they use the lure. It gives everyone a rare mount kill and Enlightened rep so yay for that... If I ever get the lure, I'd do the same thing. 

Deepstar Aurelid - Hirukon mount drop
Ugh, I want it so much!

Well look at that, I think I fit everything I wanted to in one entry. I'm sure it seemed like I wanted to talk about stuff more in greater detail, but I'd just be rambling and it would be boring. Maybe I'll make another one on my newest mounts... we'll see... don't quote me on that tho :-)
Ok... Ok bye! <3

Thursday, September 8, 2022

I'm a fat liar

Holy shit, that didn't take long for me to eat my words. So apparently when asked, I will not decline a key, especially when Elo asks me to go, cuz I know he can carry my horrible damage. 
I had a 12 Iron Docks key, and was iffy on that one, but we did it anyways. Then he lowered his 21 Gambit key to a 15... and I figured what the hell, I'm used to dying several times in keys anyways. I think I only died once but potted so much times LOL. 
Anywhos, after we were done and I got my Achievement for the 15 Key, Elo tells me my vault is gonna be a 304 piece... WHHAAAATTTTT!?!?!?!?!
sure enough I go look. holy cripes!!!! 
This is awesome!!!! I need more!... and I know I've talked about how proud I was about my damage in heroics, well shit... Nothing like keys to put your sorry ass in its place.
I know my role... Here, this is my role when running keys with Elo:
- don't stand in shit
- poke at things when you're not running around like headless chicken
- try not to wipe the group
- SS tank or heals... I would say him too, but he never dies
- look cute
- sit back and collect your valor to go upgrade your shit

Aww man, I'm a pro at being carried already, I love it. How sad am I that after freaking out about all this shit, all it takes is upgrading my gear that makes me change my tune real quick. Sadly it's addicting... I want more, More, MORE!!!! Maybe I'm bi-polar or something. sooo kidding, that's a serious condition and I should not be making jokes. 

Anyways... just wanted to share my first 304 vault option...
Fuckin TUESDAY!!! hurry up and get here already! UGH!

ok bye!

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

OK, I take it back

So yeah, I take back every depressing thing I said a couple days ago in the last post.
I think it was just a little slap in the face reality check. You won't be as good as you once were, but you know what... who the frick cares.
I let the whole situation get out of hand and I got in my own head.

I'm not a raider or a key pusher so after today's vault that got me my 298 helm replacing a 265, I am content with staying at 280 IL until Dragonflight comes out. If I happen to get better stuff from here on out, I will not complain of course, but I won't seek it out.
I took a break for a day to pretty much settle the fuck down. I got super worked up and forgot how much I just enjoy this game. I've never let it get to me as bad I did a few days ago. It made me feel horrible almost to the point of crying... almost.
I'm not gonna stress out about reading how other Demo locks play. I have always learned it on my own, do what I'm comfortable with and try out different things as I run lower stuff. Which is where my Heroic Dungeon crawls come in. Tweak things here and there as I run through stuff that I know I won't die in. It's how I learn. It works for me. And the biggest thing for me... I enjoy it, and that's really what matters right. Now I can't guarantee I'm not gonna have a freakout moment and bitch about the fact that I still suck... Whoa whoa, just stay away from keys then I guess cuz that's where my stress comes in LOL. 

Alright, this screenshot of a convo I had, made my night. Sweet lock, If they only knew my IL was prolly a good 30+ above everyone else in that dungeon LOL. Still, it was nice to hear. After the last boss in dungeons, I usually say thanks and leave party right away to que for my next. This person took the time to give me a compliment after I had already left. Of course I wasn't gonna lie and pretend it was cuz my mad Demo lock skillz LOL. I'd like to think that has something to do with it, but naw... My gear is OP for Heroics, I know this. There was more to the conversation but more of just unrelated chit chat. I am in no position to help someone with Demonology so I wasn't about engage in helping them. It would not benefit them and it would just show how much I do not know everything I should about this spec haha.
I mash buttons bruh! FACT! ...kidding.
Alright my last screenshot here was of my damage meter pretty much throughout the dungeon which is what led to this little lock to thinking I was crushing shit. Not the numbers necessarily just how much of a damage difference I was doing ahead of everyone else. 

I won't lie, I have dabbled in looking on the premade groups for a low key group to jump into, But like I told the lock in our convo... It fuckin scares me. I see a lot of 2 keys but it's for lower Kara and Workshop. Uuummmmmm... nah, I'll pass. With that being said if there was an ingame "Chicken Shit" title... I would have to pop that on Deadskully. Wait it's not her fault... I'm the chicken shit one, not her.

All in all... I am getting better at doing stuff that makes me happy ingame again and not stressin' myself out so much. Thats why we play it right... to have fun, and for a bit I forgot what that was like. I'm not saying I won't ever do another key, but I won't stress about it. 
OK bye!
<3 Skully

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Why I'm happy but still depressed.

First, I shall tell you why I am super happy! Then I will get into why the frick I am super sad. 

I've had 6 vault options before but this is the highest IL of a piece I've got, 298!!! I just hope it can replace one of my lowest pieces. I believe the second mythic gives me a 280 something, and the last mythic has a 270 something piece. I still have several 265 gear so anything will be good really. I thank my friend Elo for running me through these. He's too nice, always trys to make sure I have the 6 options available to open by Tuesday. But this week I did do all the LFR by myself as I am really trying not to be a helpless pain in the ass. Do shit on your own bruh, yeah yeah I know.
Oh and might I add that I did NOT even die once... seriously for me that is a huge feat.

Next happy thing! I hit 278 IL!!! I know its shit still compared to the max but honestly when I think of a couple months ago, I did not think I was gonna break 230 cuz I was not doing raids (LFR) or even running dungeons. But like I said before the bug crawled back and the fuckin thing is not leaving. I did want to get my M+ to at least 1000 this week but that won't happen. maybe next week.
another thing on this pic, I hit renowned 80 with Night Fae. Switched from Venthyr about a week ago but I only had to go 20 lvls cuz I bought the 60 boost. I'm liking Night Fae, but I have to get used to it.
Super happy thing! AMBER DIREHORN!!!!
I really was not expecting this, I mean do we ever really expect a drop when we kill anything that not's a 100% drop rate?... nah. I've killed so many Warbringers in Pandaland and I have gotten the Slate during MoP, now I just need the Jade, I will get it... hopefully soon. I really went to panda for Sha and Galleon kills, but decided to just fly and circle the island rather than using FP. I'm so glad I did. Not being lazy paid off last night. yay!!!

Alright now let's get into why, although it seems like things are going good, I'm somewhat depressed ingame. So much so that today is Sunday, I'm done with all my school homework, but I have not even logged on. I just don't really feel like it. When you have a moderately good IL and your class and spec is supposed to be crushing shit, and you've played this toon your whole WoW life... BUT you suck ass. It's super defeating.  Look, people can only help me so far, and I need to take it the rest of the way. In the past, I've always played my own way, I think the only thing I really look at is what stats are the best. I usually can talent into what I feel will work best for me and I figure out my own rotation. And I used to always crush shit in dungeons and raids. Target dummys were always getting beat up by me because I was always focused on my damage, but to be honest I think I've only beat up on them like twice this expansion. 
Like I said, people can only help me so far. I've been told suggestions to check out several sites and addons for help. I switched a couple talents and only a few covenant soulbind abilities, but with that, takes out some of my normal rotation Im comfortable with. It's like a baby learning how to walk... well maybe not THAT extreme, but you get the gist. I have not gotten used to it yet. I think I do need to give myself a break as I did just switch a couple days ago. And if you say "well you should be used your class and spec by now, you've played it forever!", I will slap the shit out of you. It just super depressed me that no matter how much my IL goes up, my lock abilities will still be shit. Oh yeah and I had to also be reminded about upgrading gear and the whole turning them into tier.. WHAAATTTT!!!?!?!? so fail.
Anyways hold the friggen phone! Yeah I should give myself a break. The last time I ran stuff, I was in a guild, I had several friends I played with on the regular, we ran things all the time, there was none of this keys/ M+ shit. Things were easy, I knew mechanics because we all got in vent and just had a good time. Mechanics are a huge problem for me currently, I know this. Almost to the point it makes me feel stupid when I am told what to do but I still don't execute it properly. A part of my pride dies everytime Deadskully eats shit and has to get res'd or release. I know because I'm so focused on not standing in shit, running away from something, or absorbing something I'm not even thinking about the boss that needs to be killed. Or if I'm killing stuff you can bet your sweet ass I am definitely standing in something or getting blasted in the face. Mechanics now give me anxiety just thinking about it. Volcanic, raging, bolstering, etc, what the fuck is thiiiis?!?!?! all that fuckin rubbish. Which is why, I should just accept the fact that I am and forever always will be just a Heroic Dungeon crawler. But I will be honest, my gear is too high for those now and I always top those meters unfairly. But I enjoy them, I get nothing from them besides gold. But I am ok with that.
If I want a challenge, I'd need to get my head out of my ass, stop crying and being a little baby bitch and just get better. Maybe someday, but I've always said I'd do that and still haven't. Maybe just stick to solo stuff... pets, mounts, achievements, mogs, alt levelling and my screenshots. It's what makes me happy... and sadly I am not at the moment.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Latest Toon mogs (pt. 2)

This one should actually have been part one as it does have my three Deadskullys on it.
Anyways... I'ma make it just as half-ass as I did the last one, maybe this one will be just as terribad...
OK let go!

MAIN: Hyjal Deadskully
White bandit mask/ white linen robe/ 
Frostscythe of Lord Ahune

Alexstrasza server Deadskully.
exact same mog as Hyjal Deadskully

Lothar server Alliance Deadskully. Same mog, just no bandit mask.
(as I was croppin the pic I noticed I left her hearth back on,
but was too lazy to go log in and take a new one) 

Crown of the Fire Festival/ Black velvet robe

resilient cap/ Bronze wings of the Awakening/
Ancestral robe/ vile branch

Sorcerer robe/ supple cotton bracers/
scorpid handlers gloves

Full Venthyr Covenant (Soulbreaker cloth armor)

Full Tauren Heritage armor/ 
Butcher's Bloody cleaver

Living Wood Spaulders (opens to flap some bug wings!)
... the rest of the mog is irrelevant!  

The Wind Blows(helm)/ Lo'ap's tunic of muck diving/ 
Tricksters handwraps and leggings/ 
Plundered seacrystal blades

Hood of Rampant Disdain/ Delusions of Grandeur shoulders/
Azure wings/ Incendic chestguard/ cindersilk gloves/ 
Cinderweb leggings/ Sandals of leaping coals 

Alright that was quick and painless... sort of. I prolly won't do another one LOL.
As I made these... I realized as much as I love collecting new mog stuff, I hardly ever change them into anything else. Just like my mounts, I Looooove collecting them, but I only ride around on a few... and majority of them cruise around only on Invincible. Whatever tho! I'll still continue to collect and enjoy it. <3