Thursday, October 8, 2015

I will get you one day Invincible!

I wanted to do this for a while but until recently, maybe the last 2 months I actually searched how to solo ICC as strictly a damage dealer. I never thought it was possible for me to get past one stupid part. Dreamwalker. I'm sure other DPS without healing spec can get past it without a problem, but sadly, I'm not one of the savvy players. But I can't figure it out, I'll take shortcuts IDGAF. hehe. So help showed me a way to skip over Dreamwalker. Goblin Glider after Blood Queen... Easy peasy!!!.
Anywhos... 0.89% drop rate for the mount... WTF!?!??!?
It takes me about 45 minutes to get through ICC 25man Heroic. It's been the only thing that I've really been doing in-game for that long of a time on one specific toon since getting my gobby lock on Lothar to 90. 
With Prince Arthas from the day he was born, until the day he got hurt in the cold snow and Arthas having to put him out of his suffering. Buried at the farm he was born and finally being brought back by Arthas the Death Knight as his undead steed.
Aside from Invincible being an awesome mount in game I loved the story of Arthas and Invincible. While reading the book, I cried when Invincible got injured and Arthas has to put him down. Yeah you know he's gonna be brought back, but still. lol
The following is just some screenies.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Game time present for Skully


Go read this entry: Game Time for Gold (link) before you continue reading...

I was so excited for not spending RL money on WoW for a bit yeah?. Weeeell. What's even better then that is when a friend gives you a game time code for 1 whole fuckin year!, yeah you heard me... a YEAR! I was leery about it. many questions came along with it, Where did you get it? why are you giving it to me? is my account gonna get hacked after I enter in this code?
It was just a friend being nice. He said he knew I'd get the best use out of it. And y'all know, sadly he wasn't wrong there. I just got done telling him I'd only stop playing when I'm dead!
So I will NOT be buying anymore game time tokens for gold, or dipping into RL money for a whole year. But on a serious note this was a nice thing an old friend did for me considering I stopped talking to him for a long time.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Game Time for Gold

It's been just under 2 months since this feature came out. I think It's awesome!
Blizzard is now giving the option for us to buy game time with ingame gold. I read in trade a while back that someone said they have enough gold to pay for WoW until the year 2018. That's just crazy.
I decided to buy one and see how it worked.
Went to the auction house last tab is specifically for game time. I bought one and it comes in the mail. Click on the wow token and it's uses the item.
Then it adds 30 days on top of when your renewal was going to come up.
So I bought another one this morning. I'm saving $15 a month when I get the Tokens. Until I'm broke in WoW I think I will always buy my monthly Sub like this as long as Blizz keeps this feature active.
These are 26k a pop so I had to calculate how much months I could buy with the gold on all my toons combined. I can get 18 months worth of WoW time if I went broke today. But I won't do that.

Edit: Unforeseen (pt 2)
link: Game time present for Skully

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Warbringer farming with douches

OK so once in a while if I'm in the mood to just log into WoW and sit somewhere, just because, I go to Pandaland and camp Warbringers. I don't wanna do my research as of late so I don't know if they changed it, but last I checked the Warbringers on the specific color Direhorns are the mounts they drop. Slate, Jade, and Amber.
I already have Slate and according to my personal farming statistics, I see Slate the most. I've seen Jade and Amber only a couple of times. And I've had Slate drop for me 3 times. Jade is easily discernible but Slate and Amber are harder to tell apart until you look closer, but usually by that time I've already engaged in combat and I feel like an asshole when I just want the kill not caring if another Slate mount drops.
Yes there are quite a few people still farming these mounts but I've noticed that majority of them are actually courteous of the ones that are doing the same and camped out their spots. We see people there and just move to the next spawn site. And then there are assfaces like this douche. I pride myself to be an awesome clicker, I can tag things pretty fast. This druid landed and started to cast Hurricane at the spawn spot. What a fuckin asshole. I'm clearly standing right there. I let several minutes go by before I decide to fight for my kill.
Alright you bastard, lets see who tags it first!.  I start casting Hellfire right on the spawn point. Warbringer pops and I get the tag first. And this cry baby has something to say. It's not luck fucker!! that skillz!!! sooo kidding. haha. Clicking something to cast and waiting 10 seconds to click again isn't very skillfull. hush! Still, I'm good at it. :-P
Aaaand it's a Slate... poops! My next move would have been frowned upon by most. I rewarded this douche for being an asshole pretty much. I should have just finished my kill and if the mount dropped just rub it in his face. But I decided to be nice and give it to him. I told him to come back and by his response, he had no idea why. Who in their right mind would give up a Warbringer kill, even after his derogatory comment. After getting the Warbringer down half way I demonic lept off the cliff and meteored safety down so I was out of range and the Druid's spells could resume the tag on target. I mounted up and flew away. then he whispered a thanks. My main objective for what I did was show that some people are nice in this game. As pessimistic as I am about the morality of most players, sometimes me included, I do hope kindness goes a long way.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Lock Help

The first time I've ever accepted help for Deadskully.
Yeah after all this time playing this game I was willing to accept help from someone. I usually go to Icy Veins, Noxxic or just trial and error my roto and talents myself. In Draenor I knew I was doing something wrong, I knew my gear isn't bad at all and my talents weren't where they were supposed to be. Joined a new guild and got help. Damage went up so much and I didn't even get the roto perfect.
Practiced a bit more and it's been getting better. Same thing like all the other times before. My talent to keep Dags out full time isn't the best. I was a bit embarrassed when I was about to explain to new guildie as to why I refused to talent out to Grimoire of Supremacy.
Eventually did tell him, and he understood and tried to come up with ways to work around it. But I gave in and figured if I ever was asked to fill in for a guildie, I could just retalent. Not sure why I never thought about it. I probably did but didn't care, because the tweaks in my rotation and the impact of my damage in Panda was sufficient for me and the things I did. I never actually raided and I slowed down tremendously on the dungeons and LFRs. 
But anyways I'll work on Deadskully and try not to cry when I have to keep out my Terrorguard instead of Dags.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Love is in the Air and WoW update

So Love is in the Air Holiday Event came and went.
Sadly, I made no effort to push this year. Last few years I really really made the effort to run every possible toon through the daily holiday boss. I only have one 100 toon so only one was able to go. however, I didn't even run it every day. I think I only ran it about 5 or 6 times. Last years attempt and not getting my Pink Rocket put a sour taste in my mouth about my chances of EVER getting it. So I never made the effort to get more toons to level 100 to be able to run the holiday boss.
My passion for this game did dwindle a bit in the past several months. Life got in the way I guess. haha. Which is usually the case for a lot of people who veer away from their once beloved games/habits/routines. But unless Blizzard says "No more WoW" I will keep playing, keep pooting around Azeroth and keep making stories.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Apologies to WoW Friends

I've been a terrible WoW friend. haha.
I know you all can say "well, it works both ways" Not really in this case.
I spend all my time in my Garrisons so the Chat box is full of annoying as shit Trade chat idiots and instead of switching channels I just totally tune out everything in the bottom left corner of my screen.
Unfortunately this means "everything" including when friends send whispers or logs on and off etc. Or sometimes I just click the "Log" tab and it hides the chat box.
And majority of the time I just log in and go afk. 
Short entry but cutting to the point...

I'm not ignoring you guys if you ever whisper me. I've had people text and Facebook message me for WoW stuff even when I'm logged in. and that works lol