Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Game Time for Gold

It's been just under 2 months since this feature came out. I think It's awesome!
Blizzard is now giving the option for us to buy game time with ingame gold. I read in trade a while back that someone said they have enough gold to pay for WoW until the year 2018. That's just crazy.
I decided to buy one and see how it worked.
Went to the auction house last tab is specifically for game time. I bought one and it comes in the mail. Click on the wow token and it's uses the item.
Then it adds 30 days on top of when your renewal was going to come up.
So I bought another one this morning. I'm saving $15 a month when I get the Tokens. Until I'm broke in WoW I think I will always buy my monthly Sub like this as long as Blizz keeps this feature active.
These are 26k a pop so I had to calculate how much months I could buy with the gold on all my toons combined. I can get 18 months worth of WoW time if I went broke today. But I won't do that.

Edit: Unforeseen (pt 2)
link: Game time present for Skully