Monday, March 30, 2020

Finally my Shammy hit 120

I've been talking about getting my shammy to 120 like forevers and I finally hit it this morning. It wasn't the first thing I did as I really like playing my DK so I went to get all the world quest that had gear upgrades but then I logged in on Hellgurl and got it. She was at 118 and I took her to Nazmir where I hit it doing the Bwansambi quests, She was still squishy so I got annoyed.
I'm done with levelling for a bit. Deadskully needs more achieves and my plate wearers need new Mog sets I think im gonna go farm for that as well. But dammit if my druid isnt at 120 yet. :-( I really wanna use flying travel form to farm for herbs and ore. UGH! it looks like Im still in a bind.
Meh I'll figure it.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

8 toons at 120!!!

 I'm so tired right now so I wont make this one long.
Got My DK to 120 and went straight to get the world quests unlocked. Went to complete all the ones that gave me better gear and some of the ones that gave me azurite as payment. I want to play my DK more so Im gonna try to get her better gear and learn how to play her better. I even went on the AH and bought 3 350+IL pieces for cripes sake. Made sure not to spend a stupid amount. I haven't bought gear in so long. But because I'm levelling my blacksmithing with this toon I am actually selling them. I'm not charging a stupid amount for fricken green and blue gear so I'm big time undercutting so they are selling thank goodness. And that money is making up for this toons darn mog bill. Up until recently there was a no mog fee special going on. I now notice how much it costs to keep her looking cute as hell. Ugh, small price to pay for lookin good I guess.
I'll get my Shammy maxed tomorrow... hopefully.
Alrightee I'm tired, g'night!
Petting baby Dinos

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Secret fishies I found you!!!

So today I only leveled my Shammy maybe 5 bars. I was determined to get on Deadskully and fish and get that darn /bow achieve and I did. Both very successfully I might add.
After I got the bow achieve I figured to go to Mechagon and fish up for the secret fish. I decided to get some quests while I was at it, after all I am still not exalted with Rustbolt yet. but I'm not worried about that grind. That one and Nazjatar people can suck a fat one.

Anyways I noticed one of the quests was a dungeon quest(I never do finish those) and I saw that I needed this last one for an achieve The Mechagonian Threat. well shit I'll do it! qued and fished, finished the dungeon, turned in my quest... got the achieve and back to fishing. Got all the fish, achieve popped and then the next phase in this starts. 
I get some goggles that I have to put on in order to see these fish. They spawn in bubbles and you do not need to fish for anything... they appear and you click on them. The hard part is that there is specific places you get them. I used Wowhead (like always) for my info.

I got all the ones that you just go to these specific places. Whats left is the ones that can be caught anywhere but I'm using wowhead comments to see where exactly people got theirs from. I need to get the ones that you have to actually do specific stuff for... like douse yourself in a certain color paint in Mechagon, and one that only comes out during a specific time. I got all the ones that you have to get while you're in ghost form. I got a screenshot of that as well as the little bubble of fish.
The only reason why I stopped is because my internet cut out for like 15 minutes and I called it a day.

Small achieve farming

So yeah, After all the leveling on my toons I needed to just do something else before I went crazy... So I decided to do some easy achievement farming on Deadskully. Last night I did a couple and figured to continue them today. I haven't hit Kul Tiras maybe tomorrow. We shall see.
I really wanted to just sit somewhere and fish. Maybe try to get that Great Sea Ray from the ocean waters.  Or go back to mechagon and fish for the special turn in fishes... maybe I'll do THAT tomorrow.
OK anyways more on this little achieves so the one that I got stuck on was the one I gotta /bow to the NPCs on the list. Well shit if I didn't mess some up. So apparently because I didn't do some of them while I was going through the quest chains, I missed my chance at easy /bow(ing) for them. 2 of them got put in dungeons... Rezan and Sethraliss. Now Rezan was easy I just went into the dungeon went close enough, /bow and booked it right outta there after it was done. I aggro'd a couple little dinos but nothing major. Now Sethraliss on the other hand, that one you can't solo because she is the last boss in the dungeon. I might have to specific dungeon que up for an easy normal and get it that way... Maaaybe I'll wait in that long ass que while I try to fish for my Sea Ray.
Done, that's the first thing I'm doing tomorrow!
Yeah biotch, Done!
Did what I said I was gonna do. Was fishing in the ocean in Zuldazar and qued. Not as long as I expected was like a 20 minute que. Went in there and coming up the last boss I got so happy coming down the stairs and /boe(ed from afar. got my achieve!!! Woot!!!
I got a couple others today as well. pic below
Making another entry for that  here's the link:
Secret fish

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

7 120's!!!! yeah baby!!!!

The next 3 came fast obviously. First to hit was Pandaskully which I really thought it was gonna be Demonskully but Panda had more rested. Then Mishel followed shortly after. I say shortly and not right after because after I got 120 on Demon I actually went away from the house today. Screw you coronavirus! Didn't need to got get anything, but of course I end up coming back with stuff. My friend wanted to go hunting for toilet paper but surprisingly there was NONE anywhere... lol we knew we weren't gonna find any.... Anywhos, side tracked...
So yeah that makes 7!!!!
Currently Shammy is at 118 and DeathKnight is 112. After shammy hits I might actually level DK without caring about rested bar. Oh yeah, Mishel went through 119 super quick with the help from the Alliance attack in Nazmir I completed. Gives that little extra XP boosts for not maxed toons.
After Mishel maxed I wanted to level a lowbe toon so I got on my level 60 Lock Killerskully. got her to 66 and got bored. I hate that I get bored in Wrath content now. That was my shit! I loved that expansion... probably because it was the first I experienced everything in. Like guilds, PVP, Vent... really socializing with other people in game. Oh yeah and topping DPS meters. lol... I really understood Deadskully's spells and abilities during that time. Oh nostalgia. Now I play only by lonely myself. Too bad so sad. OK I'm done.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Geez... Clean those bags!!!

I have so much useless crap cluttering my bag and bank. Like for reals just random crap. Dont even get me started on my guild banks... I have 4 guild banks on 3 servers and they all have crap in them. I should go and check if they can be sold on the Auction house but really since Auctionator is out of commission I really haven't been working the AH like I used to.
Anyways getting back to Deadskully's gross bags. some stuff I wanna keep in my Void Bank but stupid rules you can't put certain stuff in there. Such a dumb rule right... I mean come on!! I cleared them out before the screenshot, but I had friggen Dreanor and Legion fish in there. For what reason I have no idea. I maxed out my cooking in both expansions... so I sent them to Babyskully who is my Auction toon and they actually sold, of course not all of it so I'll keep posting them until the prices are too low to even bother. Everytime I log onto wow I wanna do other stuff with Deadskully, like achieves and maxing out her BfA main professions but because I love leveling my other toons I just end up doing that stuff. My bag is currently still full of shit and I will not take an after screenie because there probably wont be a huge difference haha.
Oh yeah so a second part to this entry will be my old tailoring mission I went because I had a rank 3 pattern in my bag that I needed to get the previous 2 ranks to learn. So when I get around to making that entry I'll put a link to each of these posts in them. Alright thats it for now. Gonna go back to play WoW.

Sooooo I guess I'll level my DK next

My DK and latest (partial) toon list.
What happened to my priest you ask....
Well I'll say fuuuck that class. lol
hey hey, I tried... and failed miserably. I got her one damn level and cried the whole time. She died only once but to be honest, I hardly EVER let my toons die as they're leveling and this one I couldn't help it.. I can't do it!!! So yes, I am a priest quitter.
On the extremely bright side I decided to play my DK she was at 104 already so I jumped on her and oooommmmggg it was so fun. for like 2 levels I totally forgot about death grip. and after that more fun fun. Got her all the way to 112 on full rested. I'm debating on just leveling her without the rested since, after all it still is 100%XP buff time. But well see... I'm really wanting to level some of the Allied races... my Vulpera especially. Maybe my Zaldalari troll. Ugh so much to do. It's noon right now and I'm hungry so I gonna eat, smoke and come back and decide... but you can bet your sweet ass there's gonna be more screenshots and I can't guarantee there won't be any complaining as well.
Oh yeah and I think I'm gonna start to get more screenies of my toons mid fighting more. I know I did it with Deadskully a long time ago and thought it was neato. so yeah, I'll do it more. below is a shot of my DK killing a jerk crane.
die monster birds!!!
bruh, you better not be blaming me for this

Monday, March 23, 2020

Pandaskully how did you get to 118 already?

Well let me tell you.... This fricken awesome buff -->
I opened the to log onto WoW for the day and what did I find??? 100% experience buff?!?!?! well shit GO GO!!!! Now I will have no excuse not to get all my toons to 120, this buff goes all the way till April 20. I wonder if Blizzard added it cuz this Covid lockdown. I work at a casino on the strip in Las Vegas I am currently unemployed . What else is there to do but play WoW.
Alright moving on!!!!
First on the site it says for Battle of Azeroth then it says for starters and Legion as well... Sooo I better jump at the chance to get my Priest who is lvl 100 currently and I wanted to play her next.
Back to my Panda... Pandaskully... so fluffy and cute. Like my mail gear I don't have good leather gear to put her in and don't get me started on fist weapons... I have only one page of mogs for those.. gross.. so pretty much I have next to crap to chose from. At least I have enchantment mogs to make them all glowey and shit. But I do like to put her in simple gear. stuff that looks like just your weak average undergeared newbie. Same idea with Deadskully, just in a regular dress.
First I had Panda's fist weapons moged as little brass knuckles. Harmless then she comes at you and beats the shit out of you with them. No one will see it coming.
But anyways, so yeah, I saw that ad on the homepage then I looked at my toon list and decided to jump on her... Good thing cuz It was fun. She crushed things at a pace I was fine with. I really didn't have any complaints to start, unlike my other toons. lol Normal full rested XP from level 110 gets you to 114 on a straight no break grind until the rested goes away. This buff did double (duh..) I got her to 118... fricken sweet!!! Yes I did that straight with just several pee breaks and a smoke break. Good job if I do say so myself.
After that I jumped onto my Hunter and DHunter and was able to get them both another level since they both were half way through the experience bar on their current levels.
Alright let me go and try to eek my way through Legion with my Shadow Priest Goblooey.
Laters bitches!!!


Alright the next one to level is my Shaman. when I started to try and play her it didn't go so well. Things weren't dying as quick as I'd hoped and I was losing HP to fast I had to heal myself after each mob pull. This was not what I needed to happen.
So I sat and actually read all my buttons again and started to play around with a rotation that I was satisfied with. Things were actually dying in a time frame I was satisfied with. Got comfortable pulling more at a time. yay!
I really don't know why I trip all the time. This is ALWAYS the story... I say fuck this class and then playing it more I get reacquainted with all the spells and buttons and stuff and I have fun... That is until the rested XP goes bye bye for the
time being. Such a buzz killer! ugh!. I mean it isn't the end all if the rested xp is gone you know, you CAN still level as much as you want. I know I know, but I have other toons that I can just jump on and take advantage of the rested bar refilling while they wait in an Inn .
OK I got offtrack back to my Shammy...
She is has Alchemy and Inscription so I rely on the other toons with gathering proffs to collect for her. I just try to get her the recipes that will benefit Deadskully. Intellect pots and potions. I used to want to get Haste ones too but if I'm not mistaken Mastery and Crit is what I need for the talents I spec'd into for Demo. Oh what the heck ever I play like how I want!!!!
Anywhos , yes Hellgurl my awesome shammy. I love her and I especially love all the animations for her fights. I took a bunch of screenshots but I just added one below. Elemantal Shaman, and I have no idea what fire damage spell shes in the process of hurling there lol, but it looks bad ass... Oh yeah and I have no cool looking mail gear, one handed maces or shields so I just have her in shit that don't even match. Maybe I need to go take her to go Mog gear farming... ugh so much to do.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Screenshots blog update

Screenshot-a-day Blog

Alright so I was going through all my screenshots that I was taking for the past several days for this blog and I had other ones that I liked but had no story behind it to accompany it. So I just decided to start the Screenshot a day blog again... The link is above.
Last time I posted was back in Dec 2014. Almost 6 fricken years and I haven't touched it. My WoW stories needs to be updated as well. I have so much screenshots that I can make stories out of but I don't know how to start it back up. Last story was the Grumpus one and I'd like to seemless transition and continue and not have to have Deadskully wake up after a long sleep like I did with the introduction into the Cata expasion. Oh well I'll figure it out.
But anywhos... heres an old screenshot of Deadskully and Dags looking at a pile of poop... enjoy

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Hunter to level next

Well after my Demon hunter, I knew the next I would play would be my Hunter. However I had fun playing my hunter. Like the killing things are going so much faster then then the DH. I'm not savvy with the traps and such but just sending my pet to kill stuff is so fun. Just like my lock and their demons I love pets!!!
So both toons I've exhausted all the rested XP now either I grind with no rested or I wait them both out and play on another toon. Maybe I'll try my Shadow Priest. Ugh I have no idea. I can get them from 110 to 114 straight with full rested bar.
Oh and whats funny... when I was on my DH last night I get an auto spam guild recruit and the same guild auto spammed my hunter today. I joined on both. I don't converse or partake in guild stuff but they seem nice and chatty. I'll stay for the perks and then bail.
Thats it for now.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Demonskully is next!

So after earlier debates about playing either my Shammy or my Druid next, I have made a decision....
I shall level my Demonhunter!!!
I got to thinking about it and the whole day today before I logged on tonight was either between demonhunter or hunter. I couldn't remember if I had an easy time getting it to 110 or was it a challenge. Well shit let me tell you... It crushed everything on my way to 111. Like with every class I gotta get familiar with the spells though. Its gonna suck balls when the rested goes away because thats the only time I like to level any toons. Oh well I'll clear the rested and then jump on my hunter then.
Its my weekend and I wasted today cleaning and catching up on TV shows. Hopefully tomorrow I'll spend my last day off leveling some toons.

Monday, March 16, 2020

4 120's ... yay!

Ugh! finally...
Well I shouldn't say that because the leveling does goes by quicker with flying now, BUT! getting my mage to 120 was a pain. I completely understand that aside from locks I have no idea how to play my other class toons, but for petesake these mages are so squishy. I know I know its not something I didn't know, cuz Ive known this since the beginning. But I remember me killing shit faster before my trek to 120. I wrote in a previous entry that my mage killed shit 100x faster then my pally. Now that I think about it, that was waaay off base. I mean shit, I had hard time killing shit with 150k HP. So sad.
I don't for one sec blame my shit gear. I just don't know how to play it plain and simple. There's not much of a rotation with mages either but I don't know how to utilize the other spells, cooldowns and buffs.
I'm fricken telling you mashing buttons is what gets me to 120 and it will continue with the rest of my toons. Oh well, main thing is I enjoy this shit and I'm having fun.
Who's next? I tried my Shammy and Druid, both didn't start off very well.
Maybe I'll go level another lock. LOL

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Pally is my next 120?

To be honest I thought the next toon Id get to 120 would have been my Mage and not my Paladin.
When I made the previous post I was leaning towards playing my mage more because although squishy, things did die a lot quicker. Of course like with everything you get used to playing your toons and Medelys became so fun to play and she crushed things fast as I got her gear up.
What helped a lot was the hour XP bonus you get when you do the attacking warfronts. I did several of those with Med and the levels just flew by so fast.
After my Mage the next to level might be my Shaman. I was gonna do my Druid but I did level her to 111 but that one level was a struggle. I don't quite understand the Balance Druid...

We'll see though, like always I tend to change my mind.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

must... level... more... toons.. blah!

I have a love hate relationship with leveling my toons...
On one hand, I love the mundane grind of doing the same thing for all my Horde toons
BUT I hate having to do them on different class toons and having to relearn how the heck to play them all. Relearning how to mash buttons will have to do. Figuring out what to do with my mage was easy. Another ranged caster class is easy for me to figure out. My pally on the other hand was a bit more challenging. Melee can suck my nuts. ugh! But of course squishy mage vs. plate wearing pally I didn't lose life as easily with Medelys. but my mage killed shit like 100x faster it was so beautiful.
So there is always gonna be a good and a bad with each class compared to another. Locks however I will always understand. I will always know how to play and what all my spells do. I don't see myself ever fully understanding another class to be honest. lol
I don't use Icy veins or Noxxic like I used to. All I check for now is just stat priority and I figure out a rotation and talent build on my own. I did read that stat priority for Ret pally isn't set in stone. you pretty much should try to figure it out as you play and see what fits you best. I can do that with my Locks but other classes I need help to get an idea of what's more important then I can work and test shit out from there. But anywhos...

No question Deadskully will ALWAYS be my first toon to level cap after new expansions come out. But the second to cap was always different. This time it was Alliance Deadskully on Lothar then Baby.
On Hyjal I levelled Baby next mainly because she is a toon with both gathering professions and of course being a lock, I could do it quick and easy. Having BfA flying makes leveling go mucho faster. I LOVE IT! No flying is a big reason I don't level all my toons right away. It's annoying and harder.
Most likely next to cap will be my Mage then my Pally. I will only play them while rested. I exhausted Christene's rested bar so I hopped on Medelys and played for a bit. Got her to 112 then logged. My weekend is over and I gotta work tomorrow so I guess I gotta sleep. I had planned to spend my whole weekend gaming, but shockingly I actually didn't. Maybe next week. Yay for a 4 day work week!!!! It better go by quick!. :-)
Baby and the Princess
Christene and Rezan. I never watch the 
cut scene where he gets killed, It's too sad.