Sunday, January 27, 2013

Monk gets me some pets

 My RL friend Monk got me 2 pets. These pets are NOT in anyway cheap. As you can see from the Auction prices from my last Auctionator scan. I thought the Parrot was more actually, that price dropped, big time.
Anywhos, back to my awesome very generous friend. He works deals with the late nighters, and I know I made him one of the panther mounts so something must have been traded for that.

I didn't learn these pets right away, because I had to make sure that he really wanted to give me these, and he didn't change his mind. Very awesome friend I have.
More pets please!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Kara Mount runs!

For the last 2 weeks I've been running Kara on each toon that are able to. That's 9 Toons going in there killing first boss and bailing.
I think this damn Horse's drop rate is like .25% . Oh why cant I be one of the lucky ones soon.

After about 4 or 5 toons I have to stop and wait a while because apparently I went into instances too much in the past hour I believe. I remember when that used to happen when I did it with an old guild. I'd love to say it happened recently while running dungeons, but sadly I don't have the motivation to run anything anymore. Blah.

Anywhos... I love running Deadskully in there because she just goes straight to Midnight and AoEs the shit out of it. Pulls the whole room and Attumen (who, drops the mount that looks like Midnight) comes out and I beat the shit out of him too. Dead.
I have trouble doing that on my DK, Hunter, and Druid. With those toons I need to kill at least 50% of the room before I start in on Boss. Not too good with AoE with those toons. bleh.

10,000 Honorable Kills

I enjoyed PvP back in Lich King. Wintergrasp was fun and the Horde always owned in there. And it took me 2 expansions later to get this achieve.

I was still rolling around in Cata PvP gear. Traded my justice points for honor to pick up a couple pieces of Panda PvP. I tried to do some Battlegrounds last week and it was terrible. 4/5 of them were Alterac Valley, which we lost all but one. And it's just full of crybabies. Boohoo we're gonna lose, boohoo you guys don't know what to do, boohoo my mommy don't love me.Shut the Hell up! That's probably the biggest thing that annoys me with battlegrounds, it's not the people that don't know what they're doing, its the ones that don't have the patience to explain things to the noobs, and all they do is bitch and moan.

Here is my PvP transmog. yeah yeah, I had to keep the crown

New Guild: The Dynasty

So the Guild Hopper strikes again.

I jumped into another guild this past week. I was debating on joining Bev and Steven's guild, but I was rollin around guildless and just watching trade and saw the spam. It's good so far. A bunch of cool people. Small, but everyone is very nice.
I feel bad for Monk(Mavrick). I dragged him into the previous guild and I left that one so he went back to his guild. I was kinda reserved in bringing him in this one, just incase. I decided to hop out.

Here's a screenshot of 4 of us and some rando hunter, at the end of Niuzao Temple. Iboz was missing cuz he was at work, but he is an awesome Frost Mage. When they get more people in guild it's gonna be sad. Not gonna have room in 5mans for Skully. poop!

Monday, January 14, 2013

5 classes to 90! (updated)

Cripes! I didn't know this was an achievement.

This might have popped up after I got the "2 classes" achievement. This will be my 6th toon at 90.

So I'm working on one more level right now to get my DeathKnight to 90. As of right now I have 80% more to go. Poop!

Edit: Err ok,  nvmd, I saw what achieve it came after... see how much shit I don't notice.

1/17/2012 10:50pm


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Master of All

Hunter's skinning popped this achieve. Was a pain in the butt but got it done.

Deadskully: Tailoring/Enchanting
Medelys: Jewelcrafting/Mining
Goblooey: Herbalism/Mining
Hellgurl: Alchemy/Inscription
Mishel: Leatherworking/Skinning
Killmecow: Blacksmithing/ Engineering

And my other toons just have random gathering professions.

Toons 1/11/2013

5  90's WOOT WOOT!
 The day after I got Medelys to 90, I had to see what toon I wanted to play next. I really didn't think it was gonna be my Shammy. After getting to 86 somewhere in the first month MoP expansion, I never made an attempt to lvl her. I just maxed out her professions and do her daily Scroll of Wisdom cooldown and that was it. I have no idea what made me decide on her to lvl but I'm glad I did. Had fun playing the shammy, but I still don't know all the talents and such. Needless to say, I got her to 90 tonight.
Anywhos... What toon will be next?... I'm thinking my Death Knight but don't hold me to that. I'm sure it will change.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Don't ask me for anything!

I know this is a really petty thing to get annoyed with, but I can't stand it when someone asks me to make them something and I go out of my way to get/make it for them and then they tell me that they already bought it from the Auction House cuz it was cheap. I mean like WTF! Next time check that shit before you ask me for something. You would think it's just common courtesy but  maybe isn't so common I guess. I was nice enough to say "yes" and wasted a hearth to come and grab the mat if I didn't have it already, and for nothing. Blah!

Toons 1/8/2013

4 90's WOOT!

After Getting Deadskully to 90 I was going to first get my Mage to 90 cuz she has 2 gathering professions(Herbing and Mining) and I needed her to fly around Pandaland. But Im having trouble playing the Mage so I gave up.
Next came Babyskully to 90. After hitting 90 I really havent played her since.
About a week or 2 ago I decided to play my Goblin and push her to 90. I forgot how much I liked playing the priest. She kills pretty quick. I totally forgot she had the same to gathering profs as my Mage. So dinged her to 90 and Woot! I get to fly around and farm.
Then came my pally. Hit 90 a couple of days ago. I have one more day of Cloud Serpent dailies to do to get her exalted and I can buy the last Panther Mount Jewelcrafting pattern from that faction.