Saturday, April 18, 2015

Warbringer farming with douches

OK so once in a while if I'm in the mood to just log into WoW and sit somewhere, just because, I go to Pandaland and camp Warbringers. I don't wanna do my research as of late so I don't know if they changed it, but last I checked the Warbringers on the specific color Direhorns are the mounts they drop. Slate, Jade, and Amber.
I already have Slate and according to my personal farming statistics, I see Slate the most. I've seen Jade and Amber only a couple of times. And I've had Slate drop for me 3 times. Jade is easily discernible but Slate and Amber are harder to tell apart until you look closer, but usually by that time I've already engaged in combat and I feel like an asshole when I just want the kill not caring if another Slate mount drops.
Yes there are quite a few people still farming these mounts but I've noticed that majority of them are actually courteous of the ones that are doing the same and camped out their spots. We see people there and just move to the next spawn site. And then there are assfaces like this douche. I pride myself to be an awesome clicker, I can tag things pretty fast. This druid landed and started to cast Hurricane at the spawn spot. What a fuckin asshole. I'm clearly standing right there. I let several minutes go by before I decide to fight for my kill.
Alright you bastard, lets see who tags it first!.  I start casting Hellfire right on the spawn point. Warbringer pops and I get the tag first. And this cry baby has something to say. It's not luck fucker!! that skillz!!! sooo kidding. haha. Clicking something to cast and waiting 10 seconds to click again isn't very skillfull. hush! Still, I'm good at it. :-P
Aaaand it's a Slate... poops! My next move would have been frowned upon by most. I rewarded this douche for being an asshole pretty much. I should have just finished my kill and if the mount dropped just rub it in his face. But I decided to be nice and give it to him. I told him to come back and by his response, he had no idea why. Who in their right mind would give up a Warbringer kill, even after his derogatory comment. After getting the Warbringer down half way I demonic lept off the cliff and meteored safety down so I was out of range and the Druid's spells could resume the tag on target. I mounted up and flew away. then he whispered a thanks. My main objective for what I did was show that some people are nice in this game. As pessimistic as I am about the morality of most players, sometimes me included, I do hope kindness goes a long way.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Lock Help

The first time I've ever accepted help for Deadskully.
Yeah after all this time playing this game I was willing to accept help from someone. I usually go to Icy Veins, Noxxic or just trial and error my roto and talents myself. In Draenor I knew I was doing something wrong, I knew my gear isn't bad at all and my talents weren't where they were supposed to be. Joined a new guild and got help. Damage went up so much and I didn't even get the roto perfect.
Practiced a bit more and it's been getting better. Same thing like all the other times before. My talent to keep Dags out full time isn't the best. I was a bit embarrassed when I was about to explain to new guildie as to why I refused to talent out to Grimoire of Supremacy.
Eventually did tell him, and he understood and tried to come up with ways to work around it. But I gave in and figured if I ever was asked to fill in for a guildie, I could just retalent. Not sure why I never thought about it. I probably did but didn't care, because the tweaks in my rotation and the impact of my damage in Panda was sufficient for me and the things I did. I never actually raided and I slowed down tremendously on the dungeons and LFRs. 
But anyways I'll work on Deadskully and try not to cry when I have to keep out my Terrorguard instead of Dags.