Monday, October 23, 2023

Suuuuuper Late update

We'll crap... 3 months since the last update. RL stuff and I just got super lazy.
New job makes me so tired when I get home and if I'm not working on the weekends my mind just goes blank and I don't think of stuff to write about but I KNOW there is soooo much to write about.

First off...
Been trying for 30K achievements, IL went up a good amount and I haven't been pushing io, but I've been sitting at 2594 for a good while now, just 6 more for 2600 but I've been so lazy. Maybe next week, affixes are not that bad imo. My 2 trinks are the only pieces that are not 447. I've been trying to get my Mythic Irideus Fragment in the vault, but I havent been really pushing the keys. Y'all know I don't like the high(ish) keys. I like the rat keys! ;-P
My mount count is at 474. one of the latest ones my guild got was the Shadowflame Shalewing from the Glory of the Aberrus Raid achievement. I don't remember what other huge ones I got recently. I got a bunch, but nothing off my weekly/daily run list. I believe I got the Antoran Charhound a while ago and wrote about it on the last blog, I forget >_<
Guild stuff:
guild is growing, but we're still lacking raiders for next season. I do consider the guild a social/raiding guild, so I've been recruiting more the social people but that does put us at lacking actual quality raiders. But, the guys are posting recruiting on forums and raider io, etc. so I'll let them take care of that part.
Next pic is the Hallows End dragon skin which I got on the second or third day of the event. I was so excited, BUT when I went to go see it, It was NOT the one I was thinking about. Fuuuuck!!!! I got this mixed up with the Day of the Dead skin. disappointed, However! it looks like the day of the dead skin will be available from the vendor (like the pirate day one). That one is so pretty and I really want it. Which reminds me! FML! I didn't get the brewfest keg skin this year. I was so sad. I ran Coren Direbrew every damn day and still didnt get it. A couple guildies that got it, didn't even know that was something they could get. I at least got all the toys from the event but not all the mogs which is fine cuz all of them were meh. 
Some notable annoyances for me that happened. Um ok yeah, I know this wasn't meant in a bad way, but just the mere mention of someone telling me to switch to Destro or Affliction because it's better and I'd probably do more damage really it gets under my skin. The people that know me knows I won't ever switch... for a silly reason, yes, but it's MY reason nonetheless. Unless something changed and switching to the other specs will give me a felguard that I can skin mog into a Wrathguard, I will never switch, because of Dags. Don't tell me to switch!... I'm petty and stubborn I know this, and it is an extremely dumb reason, but I don't care! I play what I want, how I want.!!! Ok, I'm calm now.
A guildie (Shifty) helped me with WeakAuras. I always refused to use it, mainly because I didnt know how to. Things that will most likely help me seemed like a far fetched idea to try to learn how to use/adjust/import, etc. He explained the basic to me and I actually have 2 weakauras now. they are simple, and I just have to get used to it and actually understand what the fuck I'm looking at.
Probably the last thing I wanna talk about it something funny that happend last night while I was campin Houlon. My Horde alt and 3 other alliance were there. I'm not sure if it's the same as before where the first person (faction) that gets the tag gets to loot. I sat there waiting with my fingers on tab and my instant attack key. When I used to camp things I would always get the tag first, but it has been a while since I chose to fight anyone for a kill. The 3 of them all zoned in at the same time, I was there first. I ended up getting a /slap across the face from one of the alliance. WTF!?!?!? then it was followed by a spam of about 10 or 15 more slaps. Oh bitch, I'm soooo getting this tag. Houlon popped, I got aggro and it died, I looted, I noticed the others did not move in to loot and I got another /slap. I /lol'd at the person and threw bugs on him before I logged out. What a little bitch. However, I'm thinking all that hit it can loot, however I might have killed it too fast for them to even tag it which is why they didn't go in to loot. fuckin noobs.
Ok I'm done. I would say until next month, but like always, don't hold me to that ;-P
ok... ok bye!