Thursday, November 12, 2020

32 maxed toons!


You know what, I seriously need to stop... but I can't. I have an addiction. A completely harmless addiction. All these toon posts are just proving how much of a loser with no life I am. lol 
Alright look, all I do is go to work, go to school, and play WoW. And it's not a result of covid either, I'd do this even though there was no friggen plague out there. I mean as evidence of everything I'm doing in my blogs. It might be not as sad if I actually played with other people, but I really don't. Everyone has either stopped playing altogether, or is waiting for Shadowlands to come out... which is at the end of this month, so hopefully I won't be so lonely... /sadness. HAHA!
But I really don't need anyone to enjoy myself ingame, everyone knows that. I always find something to do, and someway to entertain myself. Maybe I'm drinking alone on the other side of this keyboard, waiting for my fingers to get all tingly, giggling at weirdo random things I think about in my head, wishing I had some Winchell's doughnuts infront of me. ugh! I want doughnuts... or a cake... mmm cake.
Anywhos, way off track. So yeah after my last post and edit adding another lvl 50, I took another 5 toons to 50... They all were 40 already so the next 10 level trek wasn't very hard. I figured to take advantage of the Anniversary 16% buff, I levelled most of them during Darkmoon faire after riding the XP buff coaster, and all my heirlooms for my locks are upgraded fully. I don't have hunter looms fully upgraded so it took a tiny bit longer, but she kills things fast so it went super quick as well. Next I'm working on 2 Pallys, one on Hyjal and one on Alexstrasza. And crap I gotta go upgrade some plate gear. 
Alright and my fingers are getting tingly, gonna shut up now and go eat some chocolate like a fat girl.
Oh yeah, and check this shit out! my brother came home with this friggen cup from Carl's Jr.!!! I gotta go see if they have different designs... and of course I'm currently using it for my booze.