Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Feb randomness

Frick yes! Look at that carry IO I got there eh!
I'm kidding! I do my grey parse part in those keys. I've made the decision, I will not push to 3k. Ask me in a month tho ha! I think I'll only go as far as to get all 20 keys for Fortified and Tyrannical... thats good enough for me. I have a couple 18s and 19s left. Oh! and last night I did do my first 24 key!! Alright moving on...

This week saw my first full M+ slots filled with mythic gear options. part of me was hoping I wasn't gonna get anything that I needed because I do still need gem slots for my gear. But I did have myth pants in the vault so I grabbed those. Legs are not really part of my 4 piece, but I have seen some good Demo locks rockin tier legs so that made my decision for me. If they don't have the 5 piece, then they don't use gloves. I am really collecting gear to see what works for me.

Ohhh this made me so happy today!!!!! 
Garrosh finally gave it up!!!! I'm too lazy to log in and see how much kills this took me. I'ma guess less then 30. And I'm sure that even tho I'm taking this place off the list, I'll replace it with another mount I want from another old raid. Maybe Hellfire Citadel or Nighthold. Oh scratch that, I believe I've talked about the no skip for those yet, and I still have not gone to find out how to do those skips.

Next on my list of things to talk about... People posting things on the AH for less then what you can vendor them for. I feel like I've talked about this before, but I can't be sure. why? do they not see how much you can sell them for?, do they just want to help out others get the items just short of giving it to them? One will never know I guess.
I'm sure this next one is an issue with other people and not just me.
Crafting orders...
Why the fuck would I, or anyone for that matter, craft something that would cost us a shit ton of gold, for you to only put a 10g tip? are they hoping that people don't notice the crap tip, or are they just hoping for that nice person that will do it to help out a cheap bastard? When I was looking for my first craft for knowledge points, I wanna say I have done this. I'm more keen to help someone that tips crap but they have all the mats. as long as I have crafting charges, I'd usually do it. I love when I resource proc some expensive mats... dracothyst from crests, heck yeah! but yeah so I usually put the cheapos on my ignore list. Oh and speaking of ignore lists, I really need for Blizz to up the amount of people you put on the list. I'm always maxing out the list and then I have to delete and re-ignore everyone all over again. AND they should make the list account wide. I hate loggin into an alt and seeing the same fools that spam trade for their sell carries popping up on trade chat. 

This was funny. I've mentioned before about the people that assume everyone that plays this game is a dude... I got a "broski" the other day! I crafted something for this person and then answered a question he had. I never correct them, I just giggle to myself. I don't get upset like I've seen other chicks do. That annoys me that they get annoyed by it. Bitch just play your game and hush your mouth. Nobody cares that you don't have a penis. Oh boy I'd get so much shit from feminists eh? oh well!

And my last thing to talk about...
I have the best guildies! Well the ones that don't give a shit about mount collecting and just give me stuff! Lumi gave the Reigns of the Quantum Courser that dropped from Rise.  I opened it and I got the Mummified Raptor Skull that drops from BfA King's Rest! Holy shiiiit!!!!!
and Shifty had given me his before and that one gave the Swift Zulian Panther from Zul Gurub. I was super excited for that one cuz I've been farming for that one and Armored Razzashi Raptor from there. So I just go in there every so often for the raptor.

Alright I think thats about it for this one. I'm tired, and need go to sleep...
ok... ok bye!