Monday, April 8, 2024

Hearthstone event

I am happy to say I have completed collecting all the Hearthstone Event items and Achievements.
I didn't know there were a lot of issues with this event until a day into it. I knew the spawn wasn't at a set time, or something like it was supposed to be but never worked out that way. So a little after the top of the hour I noticed was the spawn time when I did them. Mind you, I didn't read anything on the event prior, I just knew there was the horse mount when you logged into Hearthstone. So to my delighted surprise, there were other stuff to get. I mean I figured it would be as just like the Diablo event where there's drops from the portal spawning bosses. YES! more shit to add to my collection! happy days!
The first thing I got was the Hearthstone hearth toy which has a super cool animation. you drop the board and it opens up and cards start swirling around you while it channels. nice!
Along with that on the same drop I got the disc mount. Fuck you Tazavesh! I got a disc mount now!!!! just kidding I still want that one. The only reason why I don't farm that is cuz I think you still have to complete the Market first, and it's just too long and annoying. 
I got all the cards for the card collecting achievement yay! It was so nice cuz I sat at a table with a person I didn't know and we started to chat. They got all their cards and I needed a few. They were throwing matches to help me get the win and get all my cards. So nice! I wish I remembered their name.
With the little battle pet Sarge, it took me a while to get. Healsawce got the pet and gave it to me... It's sooo friggen cute! I named it Sawce. And funny enough I ended up getting like 5 of them after. Sadly I could not learn more than one, so I had to toss the rest :-(
Yes because I started this entry the day after the Hearthstone event, I don't friggen remember what all I wanted to write about it, like usual. So I'm super sure I missed a bunch of stuff. 
Till next time. Ok... ok bye!