Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Mid March update

Well poops!
I was gonna post this before Feb was done... ugh lol not a shocker though.
Anyways, I have screenshots attached already so I'll just write what I remember, and I might be all over the place cuz Im'a just type as things come to me. 
Pic to the right is of Babyskully's new mog I'll keep her in now. Twilight Witch mog with traders post staff and Maldraxxus covenant bone wings. I really love it, but I don't wanna change Deadskully's mog. If this was pink and black, I would love to put my main in it but it's purple so bleh.  
The Big Dig weekly gave me a pet Hap'he. cute! I think I got it as a drop from killing the event boss.
I've been doing these religiously due to the transmog that the vendors sell. I need it all! and I still have a bunch more to get >_< 
We did a Dawn of the Infinite Hard Mode No Death run for the achievement. Sadly, we didn't do it when it was actually hard so no Title, but at least we got a transmog outfit and the achievement. 

My boys have been running DotI with me and a couple of them have still been giving me their Quantum Courser mount things. I love them! Recently I got Deathcharger's reigns from Stratholm, The Crawg from Underrot, Mummified bone raptor from King's Rest. I think I talked about the other ones I've gotten so I'll leave them out.
I was really grinding for my 1200 pet achievement. To the point of going on the Auction house buying ones I didn't have and using my pet charms to buy them from vendors. Alas! I got my achievement!
Now I need to get 1400!?!?!!? are you fricken kidding me!???!
Heck NO! I'm not gonna push for this one for a looong time. I'll still going round collecting but not pushing to complete this.
Ok sooooo, This month's Traders post sucks!!!!
I only say it sucks because the amount of tender I have does not cover half the things I want. I was only able to buy 3 friggen things and now I'm broke. The Peacock mount was a given, it's very pretty, the teal back mog and the green parasol toy. So disappointed. We really do need a new way to get more tender, I might even use RL money to buy more tender from the Blizz store if they ever bring back that option, I think they did it only one month. Who am I kidding, of course I would. TAKE MY MONEY!!!!
This next one made me sad. I got a manuscript drop and I got so excited! Bronze and pink armor?!?!?! Holy cripes this is great!
I need to see this! I went to the Dragon changing room thing and was the most disappointed I have ever been in a mog (exaggerating a little). This is NOT PINK!!!! What the hell is this crap color!!?? 
I was so sad. I mean it is pink in all fairness, and I have no idea why I expected it to be a way brighter pink. UGH! such a letdown. Whatever, I'll stop complaining about something I would not even have moged anyways for that dragon with all the other full transform potions that model has. 
Alright and finally...
I joined an all-girl guild on my alt and raided with them a couple times. They are really nice and super supportive of everyone. I've never played with a bunch of ladies in game before and it was a completely different change of pace for me. I will be honest the conversations and chattiness, I'm not used to. The content of convos were different than what I'm used to. The pace at which they do/run things was different. When I say supportive, I really mean that. They take the time to teach the ones that want to learn that would otherwise be too timid and shy to dive into content with a guild full of, dare I say, guys that would find them to be a hinderance to their own progression. I have a good guild that welcomes people that want to learn and will help in a heartbeat, but at the same time, my guild has no patience for people that do not ask questions and do not ask for help and have no willingness to actually learn. It's hard, but I see it happen. I also think that some people think I do not like to play with other girls.... That is the farthest from the truth. I would love to find a chick friend that plays this game like me. Even if she doesn't raid or do dungeons, I just want a chick friend, I guess. If she plays as much as I do I would LOOOOOOVE that! She would be my new best friend. Unfortunately, every chick in the guild has a life, family, kids and go MIA for months at a time... I'm that sad, loser asshole here with no life and always playing WoW.
BUT! I'm ok with that. I just get annoyed when my boys point out that I don't like playing with other girls, 100% FALSE! 
I'm sure that is not all I've been up to in game, till next month...
ok... ok bye!