Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Hunter to level next

Well after my Demon hunter, I knew the next I would play would be my Hunter. However I had fun playing my hunter. Like the killing things are going so much faster then then the DH. I'm not savvy with the traps and such but just sending my pet to kill stuff is so fun. Just like my lock and their demons I love pets!!!
So both toons I've exhausted all the rested XP now either I grind with no rested or I wait them both out and play on another toon. Maybe I'll try my Shadow Priest. Ugh I have no idea. I can get them from 110 to 114 straight with full rested bar.
Oh and whats funny... when I was on my DH last night I get an auto spam guild recruit and the same guild auto spammed my hunter today. I joined on both. I don't converse or partake in guild stuff but they seem nice and chatty. I'll stay for the perks and then bail.
Thats it for now.