Monday, March 23, 2020

Pandaskully how did you get to 118 already?

Well let me tell you.... This fricken awesome buff -->
I opened the to log onto WoW for the day and what did I find??? 100% experience buff?!?!?! well shit GO GO!!!! Now I will have no excuse not to get all my toons to 120, this buff goes all the way till April 20. I wonder if Blizzard added it cuz this Covid lockdown. I work at a casino on the strip in Las Vegas I am currently unemployed . What else is there to do but play WoW.
Alright moving on!!!!
First on the site it says for Battle of Azeroth then it says for starters and Legion as well... Sooo I better jump at the chance to get my Priest who is lvl 100 currently and I wanted to play her next.
Back to my Panda... Pandaskully... so fluffy and cute. Like my mail gear I don't have good leather gear to put her in and don't get me started on fist weapons... I have only one page of mogs for those.. gross.. so pretty much I have next to crap to chose from. At least I have enchantment mogs to make them all glowey and shit. But I do like to put her in simple gear. stuff that looks like just your weak average undergeared newbie. Same idea with Deadskully, just in a regular dress.
First I had Panda's fist weapons moged as little brass knuckles. Harmless then she comes at you and beats the shit out of you with them. No one will see it coming.
But anyways, so yeah, I saw that ad on the homepage then I looked at my toon list and decided to jump on her... Good thing cuz It was fun. She crushed things at a pace I was fine with. I really didn't have any complaints to start, unlike my other toons. lol Normal full rested XP from level 110 gets you to 114 on a straight no break grind until the rested goes away. This buff did double (duh..) I got her to 118... fricken sweet!!! Yes I did that straight with just several pee breaks and a smoke break. Good job if I do say so myself.
After that I jumped onto my Hunter and DHunter and was able to get them both another level since they both were half way through the experience bar on their current levels.
Alright let me go and try to eek my way through Legion with my Shadow Priest Goblooey.
Laters bitches!!!