Monday, March 16, 2020

4 120's ... yay!

Ugh! finally...
Well I shouldn't say that because the leveling does goes by quicker with flying now, BUT! getting my mage to 120 was a pain. I completely understand that aside from locks I have no idea how to play my other class toons, but for petesake these mages are so squishy. I know I know its not something I didn't know, cuz Ive known this since the beginning. But I remember me killing shit faster before my trek to 120. I wrote in a previous entry that my mage killed shit 100x faster then my pally. Now that I think about it, that was waaay off base. I mean shit, I had hard time killing shit with 150k HP. So sad.
I don't for one sec blame my shit gear. I just don't know how to play it plain and simple. There's not much of a rotation with mages either but I don't know how to utilize the other spells, cooldowns and buffs.
I'm fricken telling you mashing buttons is what gets me to 120 and it will continue with the rest of my toons. Oh well, main thing is I enjoy this shit and I'm having fun.
Who's next? I tried my Shammy and Druid, both didn't start off very well.
Maybe I'll go level another lock. LOL