Alright the next one to level is my Shaman. when I started to try and play her it didn't go so well. Things weren't dying as quick as I'd hoped and I was losing HP to fast I had to heal myself after each mob pull. This was not what I needed to happen.
So I sat and actually read all my buttons again and started to play around with a rotation that I was satisfied with. Things were actually dying in a time frame I was satisfied with. Got comfortable pulling more at a time. yay!
I really don't know why I trip all the time. This is ALWAYS the story... I say fuck this class and then playing it more I get reacquainted with all the spells and buttons and stuff and I have fun... That is until the rested XP goes bye bye for the
time being. Such a buzz killer! ugh!. I mean it isn't the end all if the rested xp is gone you know, you CAN still level as much as you want. I know I know, but I have other toons that I can just jump on and take advantage of the rested bar refilling while they wait in an Inn .
OK I got offtrack back to my Shammy...
She is has Alchemy and Inscription so I rely on the other toons with gathering proffs to collect for her. I just try to get her the recipes that will benefit Deadskully. Intellect pots and potions. I used to want to get Haste ones too but if I'm not mistaken Mastery and Crit is what I need for the talents I spec'd into for Demo. Oh what the heck ever I play like how I want!!!!
Anywhos , yes Hellgurl my awesome shammy. I love her and I especially love all the animations for her fights. I took a bunch of screenshots but I just added one below. Elemantal Shaman, and I have no idea what fire damage spell shes in the process of hurling there lol, but it looks bad ass... Oh yeah and I have no cool looking mail gear, one handed maces or shields so I just have her in shit that don't even match. Maybe I need to go take her to go Mog gear farming... ugh so much to do.