Saturday, February 4, 2023

New mounts

I did get a couple more mounts since the last time I wrote in here but I'll just post 3 of the big ones.
FIRST! Son of Galleon!
Geez this one was such a relief! I mean I have done the Panda world bosses on majority of my toons even after they upped the drop chance and I finally got this one to go along with the one from Nalak I got recently. Fricken sweet!!! Super happy here!

Next is the Abyss worm from Tomb of Sargeras raid from Legion. I only go in there for this mount and like Antorus, I run them 3 times each. All 3 difficulties N/H/M. and finally got this to drop for me. I can't wait till I get the mount from the Dogs cuz that one too is far to travel for it. But the dog mount looks soooo cool I really want it!!!
And finally, this is not a drop but when you hit Renowned 30 with the Tuskarr people, you can buy this. I love this thing so much! Battle Ottuk!!!
I don't like all the crap on it. I want a naked otter I don't know why... maybe because I don't want this little guy to look like he's struggling while he's running.
So this is my latest progress to my 400 mounts! 394... 6 more baby! I'm still debating on either when I get in the 2 or 3 range if I should just go buy some off the Blizz store...We'll see :-) lol
but anyways... its super late and I'm super tired.
I'll do another actual update soon... 
ok... ok bye!