Friday, February 10, 2023

Love Rocket woes

I need to come to terms with the fact that I will not be getting this mount.
I am trying so hard to get it I really am. So many alts I haven't even touched for a long while is now getting some play time, or rather got some play time. But I think after hearing the news I got today; I think I'll be cutting back on the toons I'm taking in there. 
The name is fitting, "X-45 Heartbreaker". This thing indeed is breaking my heart right now. The pic here to the right, I'll tell a story about it at the end of this entry, cuz it's kinda funny. It's just in here because it's the only pic I have right now of someone on the rocket. 
Ok first off, The Love is in the Air event started on the 6th and will go until the 20th of this month (February). I currently have 49 toons that I'm running through these. I have 58 toons total, but the baby one's I'm not bothering with. Like the last post said, I know I will not run them all in there everyday... and of course, I haven't been. I got good news on Monday before the event. Apparently they upped the drop chance of this mount. Friggen sweet I thought! Im gonna run the shit out of this holiday dungeon and get my mount guarantee.
Then today rolls around and my world has been shattered to pieces. The upped drop chance will only effect your first toon you run in there per day, per account. After your first run of the day, the drop chance goes back to how it was prior to the increase if you choose to run it on alts. Oh for fuck sake!  Why am I even gonna bother running more than one toon. 
Super discouraged right now. On Tuesday, I ran 36 toons in there... 36!!!! what a fuckin psycho!
After hearing this news, my motivation is so shot. I mean there is no difference in the subsequent runs I'll be doing, but I think it's just knowing the fact that the rate is changed but I've farmed this so long I really don't see myself getting. I need to just stop crying about it. 

Dear Blizzard. I've been a loyal customer all these years. I don't ask for much, but I just want this rocket. To be honest I don't know why. If I do get it, I'ma just take a bunch of screenies and not ride it again. BUT just to have it will be very appreciated.

And finally that screenshot. I saw a Nelf DH on the pink rocket and I  "/cheer (d)" him. we exchanged emotes back and forth and then I left. Next day I saw him again and  "/wave"(d) at him. THEN I get a whisper from someone "Do I know you?". I said "I dont think so" then he proceeds to ask me why have I been waving at his alliance toon, and he told me it's name. Then I just told him , cuz I liked his rocket. We chatted for a bit and then he logged back onto his Ally toon. Nice dude. lucky MF'er.