(Started this 2 weeks ago and never finished it until now)
Ran and SoO LFR with Bevy and Jugga and ended up rage quitting. /sigh
With all the insta 90's around nowadays it is completely understandable that people don't know how to play their toons. As far as insta-90s go, I just have one. However I will be the first to tell you that I don't know how to play my other 90 classes to their full ability which is why I refrain from running them in anything.
It's LFR for fuck sake. You are not going have a raid full of awesome DPS, awesome Heals, and most times an awesome Tank either. Especially now with your hardcore raiders already completing end game content they have either left the game until the next expansion or they themselves are poking around on their alts. Either way, you're not going to get it easy when you decide to que for an LFR nowadays.
I consider myself a decent player when it comes to knowing what my Demo Lock can do. If not on Deadskully I'm very reserved with what I do in LFRs, or even dungeons for that matter. I know I won't be top DPS and I accept that, but I just go in there hoping others will pick up my slack, which in all honesty it's probably the feeling of half of everyone in there, haha. Aaand that results in fail runs and hours wasted in que.
Knowing the fights is a major key imo. I don't care if you out dps everyone by over 100k, if you're not doing what you're supposed to do in a boss fight, i.e. pickup ads, then you have failed and I get annoyed. It doesn't bother me that people want to run their toons that they are unfamiliar in playing. Everyone starts somewhere right? But you will always have assholes that will point out in front of everyone else how bad someone else is playing because they think they're hot shit. And when you think about it, that person could be awesome on their mains and would put the asshole to shame. now I'm just rambling in my thoughts.
So this brings me to what I actually wrote this for. I am biased when it comes to the people I run with. You shit talk my friend and it gets under my skin so much I end up fighting back and then rage quitting.... and the asshole won. For that one person who thinks they are better then everyone else, How about we all leave and see if you can solo that shit since you're soooo leet. Uuuummmm yeah, I didn't think so. You don't like how the raid is going, you can always just leave. I find myself doing that more times then none but I don't bash anyone for how bad we're doing. I'm thinking it, but I don't say it. LOLs kidding, maybe.
(This entry went all over the place. But you get the idea. I need to get better at not letting ingame jerks bother me.)