I will make another post after this lock hits 90. Hyjal is once again going to be maxed out with 90 toons. Depends on how lazy I am, it might happen within the next few days. This will be my 4th 90 lock. I made a post when I started her saying I was going to be taking it slow and reading quests and watching cut scenes, etc. But that quickly lost it's appeal.
I was desperate for another 90 and my patience wasn't as strong as I thought it was going to be. Since I have 3 other Undead Warlocks that I leveled I figured I'd be willing to enjoy the lore and read quests and help every NPC I could. Nope, didn't happen obviously.
It's alright, next time.lol... maybe
Destro is an easy spec to pick up on quick imo. Although I'm not 90 yet, I know I don't have all the abilities, but at this point in leveling, it seemed that I have less useful spells then Demo.
I use Dominos UI for my action bars and on Deadskully It's pretty much filled. Well ok, I take that back. It's filled with alot of spells yes, but a lot of it is just crap. Macros, mounts, profs, etc. I'm so used to Demo that I tend to look on my bars for some Demo specific spells and realize it ain't there!!! how fail. :-p
For a bit I started to get used to Destro that I was seriously contemplating switching Deadskully to Destro just to try it out.
BUT stat priority is different and I don't feel like wasting the gold to re-gem, reforge, and re-enchant all my gear only to realize that, Um yeah, this ain't so great. There's still a lot more in Destro I need to learn so I will definitely hold off on that.
I have a choice between 2 locks that I will be willing to level next, HOWEVER!!! one is an Alliance on Lothar, Pixxiskully and the other is Horde on Alexstrasza, Skullysdead . I Would prefer to level a Horde on Lothar Because my Horde toons on there have gold, But it's like Hyjal, full on toons, so I can't make another toon unless I delete one. :-( Alexstrasza has my other 90 Lock, Babyskully (II), but not as much gold on that server. I'm so torn I tell you. Also, with the success of me steering away from Demo for a whole leveling process, I think I will try to make my next lock Affliction. I did go through half of LK as Affliction and I liked it, but I know just like the other specs, everything has changed since then. So this will be another learning experience. I will be a very well rounded Warlock player soon enough. :-P
And just in case anyone is thinking "why more locks??" shut it! I knew someone with 9 Hunters and another person with 7 Pallys... yeah I ain't looking too bad now huh!... for now. muahahaha!