(This post was moved from my "Random Topics" page. It deals with WoW and I did add in the description that posts on there won't deal with WoW directly. Although this doesn't only specifically pertain to WoW, it is included so I made the decision to move it. Originally posted: 5/27/14)
Most likely this post will make me sound like a bitter old hag, but idgaf.
annoys me more then girls who play this game (or any game for that
matter) that need to make it known to EVERYONE that they are the fairer
gender. They know they will attract the male attention.
I correct people for the most part, but I never was one to be all like "hey Im a girl, show me attention"
True "Girl Gamers" don't care if people know they are female or not. They go about their business and kick as much ass as possible.
me I'm no prude, I just enjoy my game for it being just that... a game.
Don't get me wrong, sometimes I do jump in silly boarderline pervy
conversations. But the difference here is I will do it with my guild or
friends in my party chat and we know its for fun. Not in trade in front
of people I've never spoken to before just to get the boys all riled up.
I join a guild and people ask, I tell them. Or as I get used to people,
I'll say something. But for the most part I tend to use the general
"hun" when referring to people. Typing out their names takes longer and
sometimes I myself don't know if they're a chick or a dude. But years of
use, I got to know that that is a give away on if I'm a girl, a gay male, or an sweet old man. LOLz
following Trade Chat screenshot was annoying the living shit out of me.
Here is where cranky OLD Skully came out. There was more to the
conversation, but I was taking screenshots of loot in my bag and looked
at them and saw I got bits of the conversation captured.
(probably dudes IRL) fishing for attention = Sad. The trolls that sit
in trade and have conversations that frankly noone else cares to see.
Fricken get out of Org and do something. Or whisper and have
conversations that way, oh no I'm sorry, we were trolling for male
I never understood what trolling people in
game ever did for anyone. I hope they are ugly douchebags irl, because
the smack they try to talk really shows it. To troll someone, to try to
get under people's skins because they think it fun and funny has no
point what-so-ever. Just to make people laugh at the person they're
trolling and they think the troll is sooo cool with his witless
comments. I would looove to see that troll try to shit talk people in
person. Um yeah, probably won't go over so well. All that person is good
for is running his mouth in his mama's basement, hiding behind his
monitor and keyboard. And yes when I say "his" im referring to both genders. Trolls are everywhere.
Oh well I didn't really stay on
the topic.... again, and I went back to fill in gaps so might not make
sense, meh. And I did indeed make myself sound like a bitter... old...
hag. lol