Thursday, May 29, 2014

Gamer Chick Rant

(This post was moved from my "Random Topics" page. It deals with WoW and I did add in the description that posts on there won't deal with WoW directly. Although this doesn't only specifically pertain to WoW, it is included so I made the decision to move it. Originally posted: 5/27/14)

Most likely this post will make me sound like a bitter old hag, but idgaf.
Nothing annoys me more then girls who play this game (or any game for that matter) that need to make it known to EVERYONE that they are the fairer gender. They know they will attract the male attention.
I correct people for the most part, but I never was one to be all like "hey Im a girl, show me attention"
True "Girl Gamers" don't care if people know they are female or not. They go about their business and kick as much ass as possible.
Trust me I'm no prude, I just enjoy my game for it being just that... a game. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I do jump in silly boarderline pervy conversations. But the difference here is I will do it with my guild or friends in my party chat and we know its for fun. Not in trade in front of people I've never spoken to before just to get the boys all riled up.
If I join a guild and people ask, I tell them. Or as I get used to people, I'll say something. But for the most part I tend to use the general "hun" when referring to people. Typing out their names takes longer and sometimes I myself don't know if they're a chick or a dude. But years of use, I got to know that that is a give away on if I'm a girl, a gay male, or an sweet old man. LOLz
The following Trade Chat screenshot was annoying the living shit out of me. Here is where cranky OLD Skully came out. There was more to the conversation, but I was taking screenshots of loot in my bag and looked at them and saw I got bits of the conversation captured.

Girls (probably dudes IRL) fishing for attention = Sad. The trolls that sit in trade and have conversations that frankly noone else cares to see. Fricken get out of Org and do something. Or whisper and have conversations that way, oh no I'm sorry, we were trolling for male attention.

I never understood what trolling people in game ever did for anyone. I hope they are ugly douchebags irl, because the smack they try to talk really shows it.  To troll someone, to try to get under people's skins because they think it fun and funny has no point what-so-ever. Just to make people laugh at the person they're trolling and they think the troll is sooo cool with his witless comments. I would looove to see that troll try to shit talk people in person. Um yeah, probably won't go over so well. All that person is good for is running his mouth in his mama's basement, hiding behind his monitor and keyboard. And yes when I say "his" im referring to both genders. Trolls are everywhere.

Oh well I didn't really stay on the topic.... again,  and I went back to fill in gaps so might not make sense, meh. And I did indeed make myself sound like a bitter... old... hag. lol

Almost 90!!! Yeah, yeah another Lock.

I will make another post after this lock hits 90. Hyjal is once again going to be maxed out with 90 toons. Depends on how lazy I am, it might happen within the next few days. This will be my 4th 90 lock. I made a post when I started her saying I was going to be taking it slow and reading quests and watching cut scenes, etc. But that quickly lost it's appeal.
I was desperate for another 90 and my patience wasn't as strong as I thought it was going to be. Since I have 3 other Undead Warlocks that I leveled I figured I'd be willing to enjoy the lore and read quests and help every NPC I could. Nope, didn't happen obviously.
It's alright, next maybe
Destro is an easy spec to pick up on quick imo. Although I'm not 90 yet, I know I don't have all the abilities, but at this point in leveling, it seemed that I have less useful spells then Demo.
I use Dominos UI for my action bars and on Deadskully It's pretty much filled. Well ok, I take that back. It's filled with alot of spells yes, but a lot of it is just crap. Macros, mounts, profs, etc. I'm so used to Demo that I tend to look on my bars for some Demo specific spells and realize it ain't there!!! how fail. :-p
For a bit I started to get used to Destro that I was seriously contemplating switching Deadskully to Destro just to try it out.
 BUT stat priority is different and I don't feel like wasting the gold to re-gem, reforge, and re-enchant all my gear only to realize that, Um yeah, this ain't so great. There's still a lot more in Destro I need to learn so I will definitely hold off on that.
I have a choice between 2 locks that I will be willing to level next, HOWEVER!!! one is an Alliance on Lothar, Pixxiskully and the other is Horde on Alexstrasza, Skullysdead . I Would prefer to level a Horde on Lothar Because my Horde toons on there have gold, But it's like Hyjal, full on toons, so I can't make another toon unless I delete one. :-( Alexstrasza has my other 90 Lock, Babyskully (II), but not as much gold on that server. I'm so torn I tell you. Also, with the success of me steering away from Demo for a whole leveling process, I think I will try to make my next lock Affliction. I did go through half of LK as Affliction and I liked it, but I know just like the other specs, everything has changed since then. So this will be another learning experience. I will be a very well rounded Warlock player soon enough. :-P
And just in case anyone is thinking "why more locks??" shut it! I knew someone with 9 Hunters and another person with 7 Pallys... yeah I ain't looking too bad now huh!... for now. muahahaha!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

More digging

I actually enjoy Archeology. That and fishing are the 2 professions that relax me. Fishing more so actually because you just sit, wait, click. BUT I have no more achievements to get in fishing. Archey however, I do. It's killing me because they're all by chance now. Maybe I'll get a pristine item that I need, but most likely not and I will have to continue my trek to get them.
The first pic is the last 2 achievements I need and the following pic is the items I have left to obtain to complete the 2.

This is sooo hard. Mantid Archeology was not there when Mists launched so what Blizzard did was bring in an item that you can purchase that will only populate Mantid Archeology digsites. The duration is 1 day. I try to use the item when I know I will have free time and not waste it by using the item and only playing for a short amount of time. (I will not tell you what I consider to be a 'short' amount of time...hehe) That item is extremely helpful for the ones that want to complete all the Archeology achievements and don't want to have to dig on sites they've already collected all the artifacts for.

The next item that I buy along with the Mantid Artifact Sonic Locator is the Lorewalker's Map. This randomizes the digsites, BUT you have to pop the Mantid one before you use the Map because it will randomize the site to ONLY Mantid ones. If used before, you've just wasted it and it randomizes the sites to ALL of Pandaria Artifact sites.

"Dags!!! turn around, the artifact is over there!"

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

More Locks Please!!!

As I looked at my Hyjal character screen with that one slot at the bottom being empty, it didn't sit well with me. Since moving Babyskully to Lothar several days ago the empty slot has been eating away at me. I needed to fill it fast.

But what will I fill it with? was the question. I don't have a Rogue on this server. But I also don't have a Babyskully on this server anymore either . Knowing I won't take a rogue to lvl 90 anytime soon my need for a server maxed with 90's outweighed my need to have all different classes on one server. Soooo this is what happened.... Babyskully Undead Warlock.
Was not a huge surprise. Even when I made the toon and got whispers of  "Really Skully?!?!!? Another Lock?"  I expected it, and I giggled. But... but... this one will be different... I'll level it Destro!

I gave Bevy a heads up because I wanted her to inv to guild. Made Babyskully, then went to gather all my Heirlooms. I was missing my loom ring. That ring is from winning 1st place in the Northrend fishing tournament on Saturdays. Pretty much ended up checking every single alt I had to see if they had it. Finally found it on Deaddags my 61 DK Belf male in Alexstrasza.
With a Full set of looms, I was ready.
I dont like running around in loom gear because it's just sooo... common now. With everyone giving their alts looms, everyone looks the same.
And to keep tradition (majority of the time) I'd like to keep my Lock's mogs simple.
As I was questing I came across Gretchen Dedmar. Gretchen, I love your dress... what are you wearing? Unfortunately she didn't answer me and I couldn't find it myself on the internet. /sigh
I know I'll find something, but it was a nice dress.
Crap who knows, I probably came across it before and never gave it a second thought... until now :-/
 Oh yeah, and because you can't start off with pigtails, I had to go to the barber right when I reached Undercity. They gotta look the same.
I'm going to try to do something different with this toon. Normally when I quest, I do it quick. I grab it, complete it, turn it in. Noone has time to read!!!!... Buuuut I will try as much as possible to take my time and read all the quests, and not skip any. You learn most of the Lore from the quests you do, the cut scenes and dialogs that are scrolling... I always skip all that just because I'm always GO GO! when leveling. This will be difficult because I'm excited about learning to play Destro (again) and I wanna do it quick. We shall see if I can handle the slow pace I will have to level at.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Babyskully ---> Deadskully

It's done.
55 bucks later, I now have a permanent 90 Alliance toon.
My strong dislike for Alliance dimmed after I started to get into reading WoW books. When you have to read about a character and their back story you can't help but get attached. With Alliance stories, it made me see them in a different light. No longer were they the "enemy" in my eyes. I wanted to play races that I just read about, I wanted to go through faction specific quests, and explore Alliance cities I just read about. As I read the Shattering at the part where Magni gets turned into diamond and they explain where it takes place. I get on my Alliance toon and go straight to where the book said he was... and sure enough if it wasn't for the book, I wouldn't have known about it. Well until I decided to lvl a new toon down that way, or go back and do low lvl quests that possibly explain more of the lore.  I got goose bumps as I ran down the tunnel. It was a neato feeling.

I started off playing this game from Jace who played Horde at the time and naturally I followed. Got to know all the Horde characters, races, etc. and vowed to be loyal to Horde as long as I played this game. I don't want to make excuses for myself... so I WON'T! haha. BUT seriously, I don't see it as turning my back on the Horde. I will always be loyal to them, and Hyjal will always be my home server. I see it as me just growing, and expanding in what I want to explore in the game. Horde and Alliance both have some of the same quests, but a lot of them are different, and of course, do not come from the same NPCs. So a lot of it was new for me. I found myself getting lost trying to find where the Alliance camps were, and even forgetting I was not Horde and flying into the wrong camps.
Alright, now lets get into what I did today. The first pic is the last screenie I took of Babyskully and Arix as Horde. I knew I wanted to make my new Alliance toon 's name to be Deadskully, and I knew I wanted to ONLY make her a Human. The name is precisely made for an Undead IMO. But I was determined to keep the Deadskully name.

I gathered all the gear that I could to just duplicate Deadskully's mog. This is my mog... I would officially trademark it if could. I need three things. to complete this out. 2 are easy, but that Scythe, I have to wait till the Mid Summer's Festival and hope Ahune drops it. If I don't have a staff then I will rock 2 wands once again, err if I can duo wield wands. I think I had a problem with that earlier.

Anywhos. so yeah, After I did the transfer, I was thinking of Arix, so I immediately summoned for him. Babyskully has had him since switching from Destro, and I got used to his name so I was thankful that I got to bring him along.
I didn't know where to start. I have my 87 Pally here as well but it was totally different leveling an Alli toon vs just popping a maxed level toon right in the mix of things. Weird to say, because it's not like I insta 90'd a different class or anything. But it being Alliance and and places are different.

My first Alliance friend I made was Dalani. Pirateskully needed a guild and got an invite and I liked it so much Deadskully is now in there. Dalani is the kind of person that will tell you Hi everytime you log on, and help you if you need it. Very sweet girl. I saw her in Stormwind and told her not to move cuz I was gonna ninja screenshots.

And of course, Jugga has a 90 Alliance on his original server. Omnirok is a name he's had forever. He healed some dungeons for me. Was the first time we played together since what felt like forever. It was fun.

Deadskully = Alliance Human!?!?!?!?

I am writing this while still debating the topic at hand.
'Will Deadskully become an Alliance Human?'

Let me clarify, I would NEVER! Make my main toon an Alliance. The current Deadskully will not be going anywhere, However! I am seriously contemplating the idea of Babyskully, my second Lock on Hyjal, becoming Alliance on Lothar.
But when I think of this, it brings up terrible memories of when I went to get the double agent achievement.
(Story in the following link)
  "Double Agent Achieve"
Not bad memories, but just the fact that I spent money for transfer for one achievement because I was so stubborn and didn't want to smut up my account with a permanent Alliance toon. hehe.
the link above explained what I did and spent to get it.


I wrote the above segment last night and ended up actually going through with it this morning.
I will make a new entry tonight with pics

Monday, May 5, 2014

Farming... I always win!

I must say I am pretty bad ass at farming on my druid. Bird form FTW!  I know, I know, everyone will tell you the same thing. But no seriously I fuckin rule that shit! I can't play my druid for beans, so I tend to avoid mining nodes that are surrounded by baddies just so I don't get caught up fighting while someone comes along and swipes at my shit. If it's an herb, you don't come out of bird form so those are muuuch easier.
I guess my only default is that if someone near a node is trying to kill something themselves, I refuse to go into bitch mode and steal it from them... unless they did it to me earlier while we were farming the same area.
I tend to be the nice one and let them have it. However!!! if I see they're about to die I do one of two things, either I help them kill it and let them get that node, OOOOooooorrrrr I wait till they die and then swoop in and take it for myself. So really I'm not "stealing" it.

Cuz then I think... by the time they run back to their body, someone else will have gotten it, Or when they rez, the baddie will kill them all over again. So torn I tell you. I used to be extremely aggressive if fighting with Alliance for nodes. Since making and playing my Alliance toons(Pally mainly), I've been more lenient on what I've been letting the opposing faction players get a way with while farming.
I remember in Cata, while on my Mage, Uldum was the zone that I had on lockdown. I could farm for hours (ok, maybe not hours) and have to Hearth/Port back to Org constantly and empty out my bags. I didn't miss one single node and I knew others were there farming, but it seemed like I was always getting to them first. Didn't matter what time of day. Hyjal is a populated server and there were always a bunch of people around. Seeing Alliance farming always made me focus more and want to snag shit away from them first... and then deviously giggle to myself "stupid, slow Alliance... hehe"

Gatherer addon helps but only for a bit until you get used to knowing where the nodes will spawn and you can just fly there without looking at your map. Sadly I am there. I don't need my map, it's all in my WoW brain. :-) It just occurred to me today to turn off Gatherer because I don't need it anymore for Pandaland or any other zones for that matter. As you can see from the maps above, it just clusterfucks my map up. Including my minimap up in the corner. And those are just 2 zones! I will refrained from taking screenies of the other zones as they are just as terrible I assure you.

Alright and now on to my next screenshot. This one is old and I'm pretty sure I mentioned my personal Japanese farmer before.
Before my sister Michelle moved back to Minnesota to continue schooling, she left her job several weeks before she had to leave. So she was home with nothing to do. I pounced at this opportunity to have my very own farmer. She technically wasn't labelled as a "gold farmer" but come on... everything she got for me ended up turning into just that!!!. I made a cheatsheet for her to explain the basic Mage buttons, portals to use, etc. I'd tell her to fill my bags and she did just that. I would go to work, come home, log on, and have a bag fuuuuull of wonderfulness. She learned how to empty my bags into the Guild bank and start all over again. I miss my farmer. making gold was so easy when she lived with me.
(And just in case you didn't get the "Japanese farmer" crack...
We're not Chinese, we're Japanese :-P )

Thursday, May 1, 2014

LFR assholes

 (Started this 2 weeks ago and never finished it until now)
Ran and SoO LFR with Bevy and Jugga and ended up rage quitting.   /sigh

With all the insta 90's around nowadays it is completely understandable that people don't know how to play their toons. As far as insta-90s go, I just have one. However I will be the first to tell you that I don't know how to play my other 90 classes to their full ability which is why I refrain from running them in anything.
It's LFR for fuck sake. You are not going have a raid full of awesome DPS, awesome Heals, and most times an awesome Tank either. Especially now with your hardcore raiders already completing end game content they have either left the game until the next expansion or they themselves are poking around on their alts. Either way, you're not going to get it easy when you decide to que for an LFR nowadays.
I consider myself a decent player when it comes to knowing what my Demo Lock can do. If not on Deadskully I'm very reserved with what I do in LFRs, or even dungeons for that matter. I know I won't be top DPS and I accept that, but I just go in there hoping others will pick up my slack, which in all honesty it's probably the feeling of half of everyone in there, haha. Aaand that results in fail runs and hours wasted in que.
Knowing the fights is a major key imo. I don't care if you out dps everyone by over 100k, if you're not doing what you're supposed to do in a boss fight, i.e. pickup ads, then you have failed and I get annoyed. It doesn't bother me that people want to run their toons that they are unfamiliar in playing. Everyone starts somewhere right? But you will always have assholes that will point out in front of everyone else how bad someone else is playing because they think they're hot shit. And when you think about it, that person could be awesome on their mains and would put the asshole to shame. now I'm just rambling in my thoughts.
So this brings me to what I actually wrote this for. I am biased when it comes to the people I run with. You shit talk my friend and it gets under my skin so much I end up fighting back and then rage quitting.... and the asshole won.  For that one person who thinks they are better then everyone else, How about we all leave and see if you can solo that shit since you're soooo leet. Uuuummmm yeah, I didn't think so. You don't like how the raid is going, you can always just leave. I find myself doing that more times then none but I don't bash anyone for how bad we're doing. I'm thinking it, but I don't say it. LOLs kidding, maybe.

(This entry went all over the place. But you get the idea. I need to get better at not letting ingame jerks bother me.)