Sunday, May 24, 2020

Friendly young lad

Started Sept. 26, 2020

Alright, the main reason why I decided to post about this conversation was of course because it's kind of a rarity. For a person to just want to help someone out because they want to be nice had me so curious. I had so many more questions that I did not ask. 

So these were the questions and speculations:
  • Why do you want to help out lowbees when you can focus on your own leveling?
  • Do you just hang around start areas finding people to play with?
  • Are you fishing for tips?
  • Is this some kind of scam?
  • Am I being punked?
Now, this was just the beginning of the conversation. After the screenshot convo, lets call this person a "he", asked what area I was in. I told him where and then I get a group invite. I just gave in and accepted. He comes over and I link the quest I'm working on, then he says he did it already... uuuumm yeah, being level 66 I assumed that already but figured he'd want to know what quest I was working on. Needless to say I pretty much was completing the quest myself just with a tail.  He made a comment on how fast I was killing things. Being 40+ levels higher then me I was not sure how I was going more damage then him. I don't level with others so I don't know how mobs scale if you group and kill stuff.
This was my observation: This person came off as someone slightly new to the game and rather young. Dealing with the gear he had, I understand people prefer to take secondary stats over armor (leather over mail) but this toon had no heirloom gear on. It's super rare to see no heirloom gear when leveling... unless, they just don't know.  What also threw me was that he jumps on mounts that require pretty good level 120s to attain. I asked "this is not your main toon right?" he said yes because the others belong to his brother.
More so I thought this was someone messing with me, he says he was trying to fly... oh no sweetheart you can't fly here. We're in the Ghostlands btw. This can't be a toon he levelled himself. I still had so much questions but as we still went along the "help" became a hinderance. Typing to someone slows me down, worrying about someone keeping up with me slows me down, worrying if this person is getting bored following me kills my playing vibe. I had to shut this down and I said I had to log. I was getting hungry anyways.
But I'm not a major dickhead, He sent me a Btag request and I accepted. Might regret it but I won't be a bitch... for now. 

This was on my only male toon on Hyjal. My Paladin Dagarad. YES I named him after Dags. I'm gonna assume that's why I got the "sir" I have other male toons on Alexstrasza all named after My beloved Wrathguard.