I was determined to get my legendary back on Alli Deadskully. Prior to this she was cruising around with a 290 back for pete sake... gross I know. So off I went. as I played more I really got to like doing new stuff.. Everything Alliance is new for me as this is my only max level Alliance toon and I have run through Horde quests many times over I can do them with my eyes closed pretty much.
_______________ Draft break___________
Since writing this it sat in a draft for a bit,,,,
Turns out that unlocking the Alliance Allied races is way harder then Horde. I've done all my horde ones and I've only unlocked Dark Iron Dwarves for Alli. I really don't remember Horde being this annoying. Maybe because I play Horde Skully alot easier then Alli Skully it felt different. I really don't know, but its making me super cranks. Got exalted with Proudmore Admiralty and so I just need to finish the quest chain to unlock Kul Tiran race. Which sucks balls because I have to do a couple dungeons and those ques have like half hour maybe more wait time for specific dungeons. So annoying, Especially since I'd rather be doing anything on my Hyjal horde toons better. Oh just suck it up!!! *pout* And I can just forget about Mechagnome race... It requires exalted with Rustbolt... shit Im. not even exalted with them on Horde Skully yet... almost there tho. I'll hit that tomorrow, hopefully, only a little more then 1k to go. So yeah I'm not super keen on doing that faction again... BUT if I want Blingy 7000 I need to do it with my DK. *cry* I don't think I'll get it to be honest... I still don't have Blingtron 6000. ugh!
Alright so pretty much that's all for my Alliance toon I to update on.... aaaaannndddd.... baack to Horde!