Thursday, July 14, 2016

Many Many toons (5/24/216)

It's been a while since I've written anything. That doesn't mean I haven't been playing. All I've been doing is playing WoW. No surprise there actually.
My plan was to get 2 other servers equal with Hyjal. This means Maxed 100s, maxed professions and all my toons is in my bank guild. Lothar was going to be my Alliance server but I'm having a difficult time either deleting or faction transferring my 3 Horde toons on Lothar.
But I haven't been spending any time on Lothar anyways. Alexstrasza on the other hand. Besides my 4 100's, I've actually been very good at leveling my other toons at the same pace. Non maxed toons are all now 68 and in Northred.
I've been told I'm crazy, nothing new. I'm fine with mundane repetitiveness. I've taken the same route and zones to level each toon. I could do it with my eyes closed. And majority of my toons are Locks. I'm comfortable playing Locks and I think no one will ever beat me at leveling a Lock. I'm not talking about playing a Warlock to it's fullest potential and having the best damage going. That was my focus in Cata and MoP. Topping Recount and Skada meters, doing raids and dungeons, caring about my item level, making sure I get into a group to down world bosses weekly. I have a terrible habit of taking pride in leveling my toons faster then others I see in zones. I'm very mindful of others waiting for spawns, invite to group because I have an exp boost ticking down and I know I'll tag a target before anyone on my locks. If they decline, well then sucks to be them.
WoD brought alot of things I still could do solo. With the introduction of Garrisons, all my time was spent in there doing my own shit, to the point I don't even notice my chat box. Playing or even talking with others took a major backseat to my focus on jumping on every single toon, doing all my daily profession CDs, all my garrison missions, etc.
I know this is terrible but I choose to not level with friends. I've tried, but I find no one I know plays like me. I sit down to play and nothing distracts me from my game time. I can't stand the "BRB"s and "sec"s... And I find myself waiting around for them to get back and thinking I could have done 10 fuckin quests in that time. It seriously annoys me to no end. I'll help with advice, but I try not to physically help unless it's to kill something with a maxed level toon. Goodness I sound like a fuckin bitch. Oh well.
"I know my constant toon switching can be annoying and I understand if you want to delete my Btag. I won't take it personally <3"
That was my Btag message apologizing for the toon hopping. No one deleted me, and I personally wouldn't get annoyed if anyone else plays the same as I, but I did leave the option open. I do delete people off my friends list but it's not because they are on constantly, It's because they're not. Nothing hurts anything by just leaving them on there, but I delete them anyways. If they decide to reconnect with Blizzard games, then I'll add again, but if not, no worries. Everyone on my Btag, I know through other means of communication anyways. 
(written 5/24/16)