Monday, February 4, 2013

What gets under Skully's skin? (rant)

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love WoW(duh). So along with enjoying an MMO game so much, there are the people that just annoy the shit out of me mostly because they complain, complain, complain.

If you are playing the game and you say it's "stupid", it's "dumb" then guess what just stop playing. Just because Blizzard makes the game a certain way that doesn't fit YOUR needs and what would make the game be easier for YOU doesn't mean it's dumb. Either get on board with it or STOP PLAYING! I know I shouldn't let people get to me when they put down the game that I love so much, but I do. I really don't feel like talking to the person anymore. Knowing that I too play it on a daily basis and yet you still sit there and call it a stupid game. Geez what does that say about how you feel about the people that play it and enjoy it. And really, what does that say about you that you still come back and play a "stupid game". Ultimately, Blizzard is doing something right to make your "stupid" ass keep paying 15 bucks a month. Good Job Blizz!

If you ask if I can make something, I take my time to log over to another toon to make it for you and then you tell me "nvmd, I just bought it off the AH" That will annoy the shit out of me. I have every single profession on my alts, for just that reason. If I need something, I make it myself. And if I can't make it then I see if I can get it on the Auction House. And if the Auction House doesn't have it then I look up how to either get the pattern for it, or the mats. And if I still can't get it, that's when I see if friends are online to help me with it. I do not ask them to make it for me NOW, if they are busy, I can wait. And tips are very generous coming from me. It's just courtesy for your fellow players, some people have it, and a lot of people don't.

If you ask me for advice or help on something but don't take it, that wont make me mad. I just wish was right in front of you to see you try and fail at what I just told you you cant do! I am more then willing to help people with in-game stuff. It does give me great satisfaction knowing that I can help people out when they are stuck trying to do something. But then there is the other side to that, where some people will constantly ask for help and ask the same questions over and over again. And they ask you to explain things to them like you don't have anything in the game to do yourself. They do not take the time to look things up themselves. It's called google, try it.
I will admit, Ive asked for help only a handful of times in this game and it's mostly to my friends. Majority of my time I'm looking up shit myself. WoWHead is my online bible, I refer to that for everything I get stuck on. I don't know why people don't just look things up themselves. You can take the time to read up on stuff at your own pace.

People who try to tell others how to play their class are pretty high on my Douche list as well. You can all suck it! Cuz unless you pay for that person's monthly fee, then you have no room to tell anyone how to play the game. When I think about this topic it does make me think about me, and what I do with others. Let me clear something up, and it might sound like I'm making an excuse for myself, but really, I'm not. If someone asks me for advice or my opinion on something, I will give it. I will not tell them how to play their toon, or they should play the game this way or that. People come to me for my 2 cents, I don't just go around dishing it out where it is unwanted.

When I think of the above topic, people in instances are the worse offenders. Because you can't convey sincerity or sarcasm through typing, people might have the best intentions in trying to help out a fellow player, but it will always sound arrogant if you can't hear the tone in their voice. But majority of what I've seen is always for the reason of people getting too frustrated with someone who is doing something wrong. It does show the kind of person they are when they do this, and sometimes I wanna say "geez, they're learning you dickhead, shuddup!". Some people act like everyone should know how to do everything in game right off the bat. But I usually keep the comments to myself unless they are playing extremely terrible and just all over the place.

(I wanna say this might be a part 1, because I'm sure I will find more thing to vent about)