Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Some random ranting and 30K achieves!!!

Frick yes!
I did put an update at the end on the last entry with this screenie, but I just wanted to officially put it here. I have a little more then this now, but I was too lazy to log in just to take another one.  I finally got my 30k account achievement points. I'll still keep trying to complete as much as I can, but I KNOW for a fact, I will never hit 40k. Thats just too much. I'm crazy, but not THAT crazy.

OK so, I play hidden a lot. Most times I play and I forget to put the thing online, and yeah, I won't lie sometimes I play to hide. Well... I was told recently what's the point to having people on my friends list if I just play hidden all the time? Why don't I just delete people off if I'm hiding from certain people. I have thought about it. And really I'm not trying to be a complete bitch I guess. But I'd prolly end up deleting everyone if it came down to it. kinda awkward if I delete guildies lol. They know when I'm on anyways who needs Bnet to see that I'm online right? Besides, it works both ways, no one messages me on Bnet. They won't even know I'm not there anymore. 
Moving on! I'm sure everyone notices those public crafting orders that come in with no mats and little to no tip. I'm not really sure what the senders are going for here. Or rather who would even craft these. I can see them being done by people needing their first craft, or maybe even people that are so nice that they want to help someone out. If they have no mats and tip hella well I'll get it. or if they have the mats and have little tip, I'll also get it. depending on how much crafting charges I have of course. I've whispered people telling them, id get it if they send me a personal order as it does not use my charges. Usually when I see people asking for stuff in trade, I'll tell them no need to tip, just send all the mats... more times then not, I do get people that still put a lot of tip, and those players imo are the ones that get it. respect other players' grind to level their professions so they can make things for others and make the profession profitable in the process. I know I've taken a screenshot for an example, but I can't find it in my screenshot folder and I'm really not gonna go find for it.
Next I wanna complain about fishing etiquette... HA! im kidding, not complaining, well kinda. anywhos... So if you go out fishing, especially in rare pools like Islefin Dorado or Prismatic Leaper pools, and you start fishing in a pool that someone else is fishing in... YOU are a douche. yeah yeah, its all fair fishing out there whatever, but I really respect and appreciate those that see you fishing in a pool and they just swim on by and find another. And the of course, on the other hand, when someone snipes from my pool the asshole in me does it right back to them.  So I guess I'm no better.
And Lastly... January's Darkmoon faire I did not do. When I say "do" I mean go and fish up my fish heads. I'll make sure I go do February's one next week... I NEED my fish heads!!!!! :-)

ok... ok bye!