Friday, November 17, 2023

New Season...Yay?

Yes there is a question mark after that Yay...
But why Skully?
I don't really quite know. The motivation to play isn't really there. Yeah I'll log on everday I'll do my shit and then that's about it. I have no desire to really do anything. I find myself struggling to be entertained and my need to play solo has been creepin up again. I'm getting annoyed by little things that really should not be bothering me and as silly as it sounds, its bothers me that its bothering me. ugh vicious circle I tell you. I haven't been taking as much screenshots as I used to. I'm struggling to find good ones for my screenshot a day. Yeah I get them out every day (by pre posting them) but still I used to be able to pre-post them like 2 weeks ahead. and just swap out the dates as I get them on the daily. Feels bad. 
But no, I'm not saying I'll stop playing, just saying that I need to find my spark for this game again. Maybe raiding this weekend will get me back there, but then again, maybe distancing myself from guild stuff is what I need to do... I really don't know. I am an ear for some guildies and when they come to me with their issues, There's really not much I can do to help, or I try, but nothing gets done. Maybe this is what is making me not want to play. Yes I have alts and I play hidden, this is a really good option for me. But of course, I'm just talking outta my ass, I'd never abandon my main. She's my baby. I'll be fine, I just need to put my big girl panties on and get the fuck over it. Maybe I'm just so tired and RL is shitty right now It's just bleeding into everything.
Alright finding something to talk about...
Supposedly Demo is the better Lock spec to play. Don't make no difference to me. I'll still suck ass. I'm not the type of player to play a spec or class because it's supposed to be good. I hear so many times "ohhh I'm gonna play this now cuz they're getting buffed" and then a patch rolls around and then they're crying cuz they're getting nerfed. It's the same cycle, I don't know why people are so surprised and get all pissy. I've been playing Demo since the end of Cata. boring, I know... but I don't give a shit. I enjoy it so I stick with it. You figure tho for someone whos been playing this one spec this long I'd actually know what the fuck I'm doing... I mash buttons bruh.
But anyways... yay for Demo locks!
Random stuff:
- I need less then 1k achievements to get my 30k achievements... I'm gonna try too focus on that in the next week I think. 
- Blizzcon stream sucked, I would have rather paid a virtual ticket and get the option to watch all the halls, panels and competitions. 
- Expansion announcements was good tho. I'm excited for the next one, however its a damn year away, who knows if I'm gonna be playing this game in a year at the rate I'm feeling.
Alright I'm out of stuff in my brain. might be because it's 2am and im tired. I'll write more when I'm in a better mood. here's two cute screenshots just to lighten this drab mood I've created here.

Channeling my inner Shaman

playing with a baby Azure whelp

Thursday, November 16, 2023

More stuff I remembered...

I remembered some stuff I forgot in the last post.
So this cute ass lava slug here comes from the seething cache down in Zaralek caverns. Now the chest is not just a go there and loot thing. Up by the Zaqali dudes in the elite area there are orbs that spawn in certain places. you need to click on 3 of them and that gives you a buff that lets you see the chest. I've tried to do this so many times and I always could never find any! A guildie told me how she got it, doing it in the wee hours of the morning. I knew this was a smart idea, but during the week I can't and the weekends I've never really pushed to stay up cuz my body usually says "nope! go to sleep". But I just said fuck it and I stayed up late and got it. I mainly did it cuz it was the last treasure I needed from the cavern for the achievement.

Last month's trading post also finally gave us a permanent broom mount. I knew during the Hallows end event there is the broom you can keep in your bag and that does have an instant mount up. At the time, I was so glad the new actual mount does let you mount up the same way. I was using the broom in the old world over Invincible.... HOWEVER! When Hallows End was done, the damn thing went back to being a regular mount cast. UGH! I was so sad.

More on the trading post! What in the actual fuck. this one annoyed me more then Tyrael's Charger. This damn Zhevra mount! Originally came from refer-a-friend way back. I had no friends back then so I actually got it myself. Sent a request to another of my email and made an account. Poof I get a mount. And this was another mount I was proud to have gotten and use it on occasion for my alts when they can't fly. Very few people who still play had this. Not anymore. How lame is that. ugh!

Anywhos, on a brighter note, Every race can be a warlock now. so you can bet your sweet butts I made a Lock on every race. Here's my Tauren lock.  I really don't like moggin' Taurens so I just kept her in the heritage armor. Taurens don't scream Warlock to me so my eagerness to mog it was pretty meh.  But I still love her anyways and I love that they let everyone be locks... We all know why... CUZ I LOVE WARLOCKS!!!!
ok I'm done for now... ok bye.

I started to write this one a couple days after the last post, almost a month ago, so I had to go back and reword some stuff in the very past tense. sry if it sounds a bit weird.