Sunday, November 27, 2022

Toon Update!

 Alright so this past week, I was pushing all my Hyjal locks to 60. I have a level 14 lock but Im not pushing that one. I was mainly talking about the ones that were already 50. I quested half the way with some then realized, shit this is taking forevers! Que'd for dungeons and it was so quick. 
The Evoker only needed 2 levels so that was an easy 60. I couldn't get used to it. After hitting 60 on that toon I was done. They do crazy damage tho. Maybe I should just give it a chance. But as I do, I always gravitate back to my Demo locks. 
Hopefully I'll eventually get the rest of them to max, but most likely I'll do it prolly the end of Dragonflight expac like I did with Shadowlands. I'm sure it has alot to do with all my locks. like I enjoyed playing the other classes before when I didn't have so many locks. I levelled them to max during current content majority of the time and levelled their professions as well. I had everything I needed... pots, flasks, gems, gear, etc I got myself covered. But sadly that's not the case lately. I start to play other toons, but just knowing a lock is hangin out not maxed, I've been getting distracted. I'll take my Hunter to 60 next. She's only got 2 levels. And wanting to Pally tank I should be trying to play my pally. Ugh! I'm a lost cause cuz so much different things I wanna do but I can hear my locks calling me back to them.
Alright enough of Hyjal toons for now. 
And here is my 60 and 50 toons on my other 2 servers. Lothar with my Alliance toons, and Alexstrasza with my other Horde. All Deadskullys are 60 at least lol. There are toons that I wanna delete but with Lothar, besides Deadskully, the other toons are the allied races that I unlocked and with Alex, I have professions on them that I don't wanna waste it. Not that it matters really, I can learn DF professions and not have to work all the way from the beginning, I just thought about that now. We'll see tho, hopefully I'll get on the levelling. BUT!!! Dragonflight comes out next week! what the heck am I gonna doooooooo!!!!!! looks like I won't be levelling them ahaha!
And finally for this entry....
The picture below is 3 of my undead Locks with the dress I'm obsessed with. I'm sure I've mentioned this dress before. It drops from the Dogs in Antorus raid. 4 colors total, but I know I won't be able to get the one that drops from LFR, Its blue and I really want it. Unfortunalty I only got these 3.
I put Skully in gold from Mythic, Christine in dull brassy color from Normal and Babyskully in the red from Heroic. It was easy getting these as I go in there on all 3 settings for the Dog mount every week. 
Ugh! I love them so much!

Alright I'll end this here. I still gotta do another full update entry as a whole shit load of stuff happened recently. Maybe I'll get that out tonight, but I'm super procrastinating on my homework so I think I'll go do that now.
ok, ok bye!