I'm sorry Alliance toons...
I needed spaces for more locks!
I decided to delete these Ally toons on Lothar. I needed to cut because my obsession with Locks on my main server. These toons specifically were cut because they are all Humans and my main on this server is a Human. All my other toons are different races. My other Pally is a Lightforged Draenei. Oh shits! I don't have another DK! If I ever get around to getting my Kul Tiran or Mechagnome I guess I'll make them a Deathknight. I fricken need more then 50 per account limit! I think Blizz should include that in the next xpac... moar toons!!!!
Or I could just make another lock into a DK... ugh but I'm such a twat I don't wanna play my ally toons. Well then, I guess no DK for me.