Sunday, September 26, 2021

Long time again huh

 Well shiiiit...

It's been almost a year since my last post.

So much sadness in my heart. Ugh, and of course I stopped playing for a long time. I don't remember when I cut my reoccurring sub , but it felt like fricken forever ago. several weeks ago I started watching YouTube's Mythic Dungeon International. And cripes!, it made me miss WoW all over again. Not running dungeons, but just WoW in general. Made me miss all my toons.
At this point I can't see a reasonable balance between reactivating my account and playing enough again. Even if on weekends only, I work every other weekend so sometimes I could work 6 days a week. During the weekdays all I do is getup, work, come home, hang out with my pops, sleep, and do it all over again the next day. I don't see myself squeezing WoW in, even if only for a couple hours a day, that's not good enough. I actually do see it better if I reactivate in a month. I will drop down to part time at work when I start school again. And I'll only be working 2 days a week, sometimes 3 if I work on Saturdays. And it being Football season, I wont be hanging out with my pops a lot on Sundays because since breaking up with my ex, I've lost interest in football and my pops bets and watches football and yells a lot when his picked teams are losing, and I don't wanna hear it lol. 

Anywhos, I just opened my Bnet and It looks like the last time I logged in was April, 26, 21. But trust me, it felt like a hell of a lot longer then that. I believe it was around the time we got the sloth pet for the donation goal. I needed screenshots with it on my back.
I initially clicked because I knew there was gonna be an update waiting for me, and If I decide to activate sooner then next month, I'd be ready.  It pains me to see that "subscription expired" on there. When I do reactivate, I want that 6 month sub mount so I'll most likely do that. 

On a different note, when I opened this blog, I just saw I have a bunch of half finished entries. I might just decide to finish them, with the note in there of the date that they were started, but a lot of these "daily" blog entries are kind of in the moment and I write it at the time I think of them, or within a couple days while it's still fresh in my brain, so it might be hard to continue my thoughts on them, or maybe I should just note the date and continue it with my current feelings. Ugh but I must finish them cuz they do have screenshots already uploaded to them and it would feel like such a waste to delete them. Maybe within the next week I'll get them out.