Saturday, February 22, 2020

Pink Rocket?!?!? Why do I even bother.

I don't even know why I bother trying to get this. All the years I've been playing and running this damn thing and I always come up sad and empty.
This year I've only ran it with one toon. I believe last year and the year prior I tried to run it with a non max level toon and I couldn't. Previously I've always had all of them (well at least the ones on Hyjal and Alexstrasza) maxed by the time this rolled around. But still, even that year I think I ran 9 of them everyday and nothing...
oops I just checked... I ran 11 of them!!! WTF!!! the link below is the post.
Love Rocket post
How can one not feel defeated everytime. I can't remember what the drop rate is but it must be something like 0.0000000000000001% chance. Should I even bother next year? Should I keep trying and make sure more toons are maxed out so I can run more then one of them? I have no idea but like I already said, It's so heartbreaking. I know I won't even use it, but just to have it would be awesome. And if I ever got it (just like Invincible) I would be the happiest EVER!!! Actually I would be using Invincible always. Fuck You love rocket!!! I hate you!! no I don't... a little.