Saturday, February 22, 2020

Pink Rocket?!?!? Why do I even bother.

I don't even know why I bother trying to get this. All the years I've been playing and running this damn thing and I always come up sad and empty.
This year I've only ran it with one toon. I believe last year and the year prior I tried to run it with a non max level toon and I couldn't. Previously I've always had all of them (well at least the ones on Hyjal and Alexstrasza) maxed by the time this rolled around. But still, even that year I think I ran 9 of them everyday and nothing...
oops I just checked... I ran 11 of them!!! WTF!!! the link below is the post.
Love Rocket post
How can one not feel defeated everytime. I can't remember what the drop rate is but it must be something like 0.0000000000000001% chance. Should I even bother next year? Should I keep trying and make sure more toons are maxed out so I can run more then one of them? I have no idea but like I already said, It's so heartbreaking. I know I won't even use it, but just to have it would be awesome. And if I ever got it (just like Invincible) I would be the happiest EVER!!! Actually I would be using Invincible always. Fuck You love rocket!!! I hate you!! no I don't... a little.

Friday, February 21, 2020

BoA Flying!!!!!

Oh geez!!!!
I'm so friggen happy I got this damn achieve done.
When I started playing again I thought his one was gonna be a pain in the ass. and it was, but not as bad I made it seem to be.
First off... Fuck Nazjatar!... That place blows so much balls. The rep grind seemed to be taking forever, and I hated it so much but I wanted to do that before I started grinding in Mechagon for my Rustbolt Rebellion rep. Because in my mind it was gonna be so much harder, once again, sooo not the case.
Look whos flying in Mechagon!!!!
Anywhos, I hit my Nazjatar revered and I was outta there! Went to Mechagon and I was super relieved that it seemed to be going by so much faster. I could even keep track of how much rep I got a day and calculated how much days I was gonna take to get this done in.
So I hit this last night and flew around a bit and then I logged.
I don't play as much as I used to but getting flying in expansions are so exciting. I think about all the herbs and ore I can pick and mine easily now lol.
Look whos flying in Zuldazar!!!!
Well getting them and sell them on the AH is annoying now that Auctionator addon hasn't released an updated version, BUUUUTTT that's a different topic for another time.
I will end this here, because I am tired.


I gots me a Corrupted Dreadwing... finally!!!

Alright so I finally got this biotch. I went back to WoD and decided to keep farming for my Order of the Awakened and Vol'jin Headhunters exalted rep. Then I noticed I never got the Corrupted Dreadwing mount.
Well shit I better get on it.
Farmed the shit out of those and I ended up actually getting enough apexis crystals to get this mount before I hit the exalted with Order of the Awakened which got me my 90 achieve.
its so cool looking, I love it!
I drafted this but never posted it, I got this on 1/31/20.

Friday, February 7, 2020

90 Exalted Reps!!!! FINALLY!

So this one I was so mad that it took me this long to get. I know I could have hit this sooner had I played more and concentrated on grinding rep like I used to. My need to level so much toons actually let this one slip from my mind. I loved grinding rep and getting the Exalted achieves. "The Beloved" title is what I always keep on. I believe I got that at 70 or 80 reps, I can't remember it was so long ago. 
YAY for 90!!!