Monday, December 15, 2014

WoW bug fading

I know this is temporary.
But the title pretty much says how I'm feeling right now. My WoW bug is fading a bit. How can this be!?!?!?!
WoW used to be my life... fo reals yo!!!
My drive to do anything besides Professions and Garrison stuff is gone. I'm not running dungeons or raids or even playing with friends. :-(
If I'm logged on most likely I'm just parked somewhere.
I got so bored I decided to get all my fishing achieves.
It's something that I enjoy doing. Maybe because it's something that I can do by myself... solo if you will. Leveling professions, Leveling Alts, Doing Achievements. I'm not saying that I don't LIKE doing anything with friends, just that there's so much to do on your own but I NEED to do it.
I was asked to elaborate on "why"...  Why am I feeling bored and in a WoW rut.
I had no specific answer. Cuz I still find things I enjoy doing,, but then I get bored quick.
And then after all the time I tell myself I'm getting bored... I find WoW is what's consuming most of my free time and keeping me up late. I will find some mundane thing to do in game to avoid going to sleep. Just to be logged in, flying around, sitting in one spot doing nothing, watching Hulu or Netflix at the same time is comfort for me. In a strange way it keeps me sane. Yes I have a crazy imagination with my WoW stories and just the dumb things I think about and the way my mind works.
$15 a month is what I will pay to be content for the time being. I don't know If I would ever stop my subscription even if I didn't log on every day. We shall see.