My new mission is to find cool looking two-handed swords, maces, axes and polearms for Dags.
I have the glyph that will have him randomly equip two of them at a time if I have them in my bag. If I want him to roll around with different ones, I just have to re summon him. I didn't get screenshots of all of the ones I have. I will probably put them in "screenshot a day" blog when I decide to start adding new screenies to that.
My mission is to get Despair from Romulo and Julianne Opera Event Boss in Karazhan. I had it before and just kept it in my Void Bank but sold it when I was doing some bank cleaning. I noticed the glyph didn't work constantly, but it did state that just the Felguard can equip the random weapons. So I never really pushed to keep them in my bag for Dags who is my Wrathguard.
But then I noticed that he had them more after WoD so now I'm collecting awesome weapons for him :-)
So if anyone on Hyjal finds awesome looking two-handed BoE weapons that they would like to sell to me just CoD them to me.
Ooorrr just give them to me hehe. Kidding, I would gladly pay for them.