If you know me, you would know I am very generous with my help. Monetary help as well as physical help. It is a very nice change when someone does this for me.
Ive wanted a Sky Golem for a while now and I've been watching AH prices to wait for them to drop because I'm rather cheap when I decide to buy something for myself.
Krypt knew I'm working on my 200 mount achievement and decided to help me get one more mount closer to reaching my goal. So he bought me this. I love it! Its really neat. just flying around with numlock you can watch it bob and weave while flying and running on the ground is neat to watch as well.
I now have 191 mounts as of this post and still need a couple of mounts from the Blizz Store and all the panthers. When I get closer to the number I need left I will buy the mounts I need to hit 200. Im still a couple away from it. TY KRYPT <3